Ursineoddity |

I was surprised this thread doesn't already exist. What I have found so far:
1. Fill it with water, then bull rush, teleport, etc. a creature into it. Fold it up to drown the creature. True, they would eventually suffocate inside anyway...
2. Have the fastest member of the party carry everyone around inside it, with an air supply of some sort. Air Bubble spell, bottle of air, etc. This would work for camping, too.
3. Set it up as a pitfall trap.
4. Fill it with weapons, then cast telekinesis to attack with 9-15 weapons at once.
Not comprehensive, but hopefully this gets y'all started.

Treantmonk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

5. Noisy party member in the hole, then sneaky halfling carries it into heavily guarded area, then noisy party member climbs out.
6. Set in wall, climb in, silent image wall over top of hole - perfect hiding place
7. Getting through a locked door. Place under door, crawl into hole on your side of door, crawl out on other side.
8. Place it on a flat and thin piece of wood. Turn the wood upside down (hole upwards) and place over yourself for even more perfect hiding place.

K177Y C47 |

9) Create a massize spear. Instead of utilizing a spear point though, create a system with a portable hole attatched to a rod at the tip and a miniature bag of holding in the center. Rig it in such a way that, upon impact, the spear "Tip" collapses in and pushes the portable hole into the bag of holding. You now have a "insta-kill" weapon that works as long as you hit within 10 ft of your target.

Owly |

10. Keep a trunk full of all of the things a party needs but doesn't carry in their backpacks:
-a full list of camping gear (pots & pans, tents, water, etc. and feed for the horses),
-a trunk containing spell books (seriously, count the number of pages in your spell book and think of how many spell books YOU have), and
-a trunk containing all of the things I don't want existing on the real world.
I keep the portable hole folded up and stored in my other spell book. NEVER stick it in your handy haversack by mistake!
11. It's been a great investment, especially for keeping those weight requirements down to low encumbrance.
12. It's also good for teleporting that fourth party member.

Justin Sane |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
9) Create a massive spear. Instead of utilizing a spear point though, create a system with a portable hole attached to a rod at the tip and a miniature bag of holding in the center. Rig it in such a way that, upon impact, the spear "Tip" collapses in and pushes the portable hole into the bag of holding. You now have a "insta-kill" weapon that works as long as you hit within 10 ft of your target.

K177Y C47 |

K177Y C47 wrote:9) Create a massive spear. Instead of utilizing a spear point though, create a system with a portable hole attached to a rod at the tip and a miniature bag of holding in the center. Rig it in such a way that, upon impact, the spear "Tip" collapses in and pushes the portable hole into the bag of holding. You now have a "insta-kill" weapon that works as long as you hit within 10 ft of your target.Engineers shouldn't play DnD.
Funny thing is... I saw this picture before... It just had Reactor Department instead of Engineers xD...
Wooyah Nuking EVERYTHING.

Zigniber |

13. Build a portable (if cramped) crafting area inside for your choice of skills for crafting on the go.
14. Carefully drain a dungeon's acid pit into it to possibly bypass a trap and have your own portable acid pit for some fun antics.
15. Place in bottom of wagon, fill with items to be smuggled into location, and cover with a board. There's no need to check under the board if there's no (apparent) space to smuggle anything, right?
16. Fill with cheap explosives (ideally powders or something similarly smoothable and packable, at least for the top layer), cover with whatever will conceal it in the locale you deploy it in, wait for your enemy to step on it, and launch your choice of fire AoEs at it/them (preferably from as far away as possible). Consider adding a sprig of brown mold for extra fun, at the cost of more difficult cleanup.