A Light In The Darkness

Off-Topic Discussions

Silver Crusade

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Wherefore has noble Mikaze fled? It has been so glumly lately without him to enlighten these boards.

Hopefully some place on a sandy beach with tropical breezes, endless cocktails, and hot humanoids lounging about in skimpy swimwear.

Silver Crusade

You Slaadi and your love of warm weather... Although the skimpy swimwear is nice.

Perhaps he's just having a busy month. I know the feeling.

Silver Crusade

You busy warm weather loving Slaadi... Although the skimpy swimwear is nice.

Echo? Though I imagine "lounging on the beach" could be an example of "busy"... I was more referring to "augh look at all this overtime I've had to do". July hasn't been kind to my sleep schedule. >_>

He's 'roundabouts somewhere.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Hopefully some place on a sandy beach with tropical breezes, endless cocktails, and hot humanoids lounging about in skimpy swimwear.

With Mikaze being Mikaze, I wouldn't bet on company being exclusively humanoid.

*Hides blood stained sheets* I haven't seen Mikaze at all. Where for art thou Mikaze?

HE'S ALIVE!!! (Or responding to PMs at least)

Silver Crusade

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Oh wow, youse guys. :)

Sorry for just dropping out of sight like that. It's been a hell of a month. That's done though...now it's just a ton of catching up to do. :)

<3 you folks

Shadow Lodge

I'm just wondering what kept you so busy now... *shifty eyes*

Silver Crusade

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Combination of work insanity, sick, and some deeply personal stuff.

Things got better though. :)

I'll have to cancel the memorial service. *Sigh* I was looking forward to the deviled but-not-strait-jacked-into-their-roles eggs made by that not always evil CG orc chef I hired.

But much gladness for things being better.

Silver Crusade

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*punches The NPC in the face during his joy flailing*

Grand Lodge

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*videotapes Rysky's flailing*

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Rysky wrote:


*punches The NPC in the face during his joy flailing*

Owe! My nose. Now i'll never be a teen model!

Silver Crusade

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
*videotapes Rysky's flailing*

That was EXACTLY my reaction when I saw the Little Red Dot of Hope that was a PM notification :3


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Mikaze wrote:

Combination of work insanity, sick, and some deeply personal stuff.

Things got better though. :)

Here's hoping you got through it all with a modicum of muss and fuss.

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Good to have you back, man.

Silver Crusade

And he's gone again...

ohnoz =(

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Dear Paizopuff Gobs,
I have kidnapped Professor Mikazium! I have taken him someplace against his will! If you look for him in the spots he likes to be, you will not find him! He's with me - but not by choice! I took him and he didn't like it!
This message is from, and was written by, Mojo Jojo.

I assume Mikaze is just swamped in non-Paizo work again. :(

I'll stop you, you ridiculous monkey with your amazing open brain! Then I'm gonna find out how you did that because that's kinda awesome.

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Then Leafar told them, "You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the Lights while you have the light, so that you may become Children of the Lights." When he had finished speaking, Leafar left and hid himself from them. ~Book of Leafar 12:35-36

Mikaze and I have been hanging out for the past few weeks. If you're looking for 'em, just ask me. It's really no trouble. I mean, I'm not exactly that hard to find these days, right? Keep in touch.

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{makes sure the beacon for Mikaze is lit in the messageboard lighthouse, heads downstairs for coffee}

Silver Crusade

Better make it Fog-Cutter strong.

Silver Crusade

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*relights the beacon*

*takes up a seat*

Silver Crusade

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I hope you hear about the variant cover for Pathfinder: Spiral of Bones #1 (Crystal is writing it!), I think you’d like it, my friend.

I hope you’re doing well.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I typed in his pen name from Orcs Of Belkzen into a literary search and it came back him authoring novels now.

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Found it!

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Huh. Might have to nab a sample of one of those, see if its a genre I like.

Silver Crusade

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Thankies Cap’n!

Hey, everyone. I did a little research on my own and found his Homepage, which has a contact tab. I'm sure he'd enjoy hearing from all of his friends.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but the photo of the Jason Garrett linked to that Goodreads account is not the same Jason Garrett that I met at Gen Con a few years ago. This looks like a case of conflated identities. All that said, I recently reached out to Mikaze and he responded that he's well, just no longer active on the boards.

Edit: I just emailed him to let him know that this thread has been rekindled. Whether he sees my email or returns is yet to be seen.

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D'oh! Sorry!

Sorry about that, as well.

Mark Moreland wrote:

Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but the photo of the Jason Garrett linked to that Goodreads account is not the same Jason Garrett that I met at Gen Con a few years ago. This looks like a case of conflated identities. All that said, I recently reached out to Mikaze and he responded that he's well, just no longer active on the boards.

Edit: I just emailed him to let him know that this thread has been rekindled. Whether he sees my email or returns is yet to be seen.

thank you.

Silver Crusade

Thank you Mark, I appreciate it.

I’m glad to know he’s doing well.

Thanks Mark.

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I'm a little bit late here, but am also glad to hear that he's doing well.

Thank you, Mark, for that update!

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I don't post here often, but I've read a lot for a very long time.

I'm revisiting some of the great threads of yore and I figured none of them deserved a necro as much as this one.

Shadow Lodge

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*raises lighter*

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*strolls onto the widow's walk around the cupola of an 1830s New England waterfront home and stares wistfully eastward, seeking Mikaze's sail on the horizon*

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