[Update] Kabal a Pathfinder Online Community [NG]

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Goblin Squad Member

We are now into the Final Vote for Name our Village. Will it be Greenbriar Hill or Stoneroot Glade? We will know on Saturday.

Alas, Fort Sassy Pants didn't make it out of the quarter finals. :-(

Goblin Squad Member

<kabal> Bunibuni wrote:
Alas, Fort Sassy Pants didn't make it out of the quarter finals. :-(

Ah-well. There's all those POIs to name later....

Goblin Squad Member

How many name-candidates were there? Multiple rounds of voting for something as seemingly simple as a name implies you have a good-sized populace, with several very strong opinions that need management and slow-but-steady convincing to change.

Probably a little over 200 suggestions that we narrowed down over a period of time.

Goblin Squad Member

And we shall NOT name the person that provided over a hundred of those names.

The rest of us combined came up with about 25-30 names.

Yes, that unnamed person had several creative names and is my hero.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
<kabal> Bunibuni wrote:
Alas, Fort Sassy Pants didn't make it out of the quarter finals. :-(
Ah-well. There's all those POIs to name later....

Yep, Fort Sassy Pants POI might be the most famous, but can't forget Fort Fancy Pants, Fort Magic Pants, and my personal favourite Fort Crusty Pants. Kind of like a ring of giant unassailable pillow forts protecting and supplying our settlement except, you know, pants.

So what you are saying is "salute your shorts"

Goblin Squad Member

Fort Men in Tights
Fort Women in Tights
Fort Skirt
Fort Kilt
Fort Mini-Skirt
Fort Micro Mini-Skirt
Fort Thong

Goblin Squad Member

There's gotta be a "skid-mark" coming up.

Goblin Squad Member

Fort Hot Pants
Fort Short Pants

Goblin Squad Member

Fort Skinny Jeans
Fort Hipster Glasses
Fort Irony

Goblin Squad Member

Fort Subligar

Goblin Squad Member

So, any readers of our wonderful posts want an Alpha Invite? PM me with your email address if you do.

Fort Alpha Invite tops them all, I think. :-)

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Fort Candy Mountain

War of the Towers pushed back a little bit. It's all good though I'd rather it be done right than sloppy.

Goblin Squad Member

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Very True. Can't wait to try a dwarven mage this Friday.

Still have Alpha Invites. And Yeah, I know I could get better response on the Alpha Invite forum but figure to reward those that read our "drivel" instead. :-)

Good call Buni

Goblin Squad Member

So ... you've heard of this game called Pathfinder Online. You hear it is about to go live. You hear you can try it out if you get an Alpha invite. So you go play the Alpha. You run around and kill stuff. You sneak out and harvest stuff. You train at anything and everything that catches your attention.

But ...

You are missing something. Do you know what that is?

I will tell you. It is being a part of an awesome company and village! That's what is missing. And the best company for anyone who has even the slightest bent of humor should be Kabal.

Just go on over to Goblinworks and click on the Land Rush link. Look for Kabal - currently in 7th place [though we may drop back down to 8th if Callambea ever approves their newest members] and click to join. Then come on over to the Kabal website and join in on the fun.

Go to Kabal..

We use Mumble while we game. Other voice chat options are looked at from time to time.

If you join now, there is still one day left on our "Name Our Village" final poll. Here's your chance to make a difference.

Join Kabal!

Goblin Squad Member

I'm seriously considering joining you guys. Your humor entertains me.

Shows are on Tues and Thurs make sure to leave a tip in the jar.

Goblin Squad Member

Apologies for the book I replied with when asked to tell a little about myself /blush

I'm looking forward to meeting people soon! (Tonight?)

Goblin Squad Member

I'll be on. Come over to the Kabal website and link into our Mumble server from there. We can handle about 40 people, I believe.

Always looking for fun folks to game and blow the breeze with.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll be on tonight too, likely after 2030 EST.

I'm on right now you bunch of slackers :P

Goblin Squad Member

Ack! How? When? Why was I not informed 8 was ready!?! Never mind, gotta reboot into Windows and get downloading!

Goblin Squad Member

He means mumble I think. I see his name on the webpage widget.

I'm still at work trying to concentrate on modifying 1099 reporting programs.

Poor Daeglin he got all excited :P

And yes Yelta was right I meant mumble :P

And Good Morning Community *drinks coffee* Still waiting on that patcher.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

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One or more fresh downloads have not yet been added to the site.

Goblin Squad Member

<Kabal> Pexx wrote:

Poor Daeglin he got all excited :P

And yes Yelta was right I meant mumble :P

And Good Morning Community *drinks coffee* Still waiting on that patcher.


Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Cool. I found our future home on the Alpha 8 warning map.

Goblin Squad Member

Yep, looks nice don't it? Pesky bandits squatting on it right now but we can take care of that little problem easily enough.

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Stab Stab Stabby Stab. All bandits must die!

Goblin Squad Member

And give us your bright colorful clothes that look so much better than our peasant garb.

No Stab Buni?

Goblin Squad Member

No. Bad Pexx!

Goblin Squad Member

*look around quickly*

Stab Stab Stabby Stabby Stab Stab



*runs away*

Yay Stab!

Goblin Squad Member

Well.. I'm back again now.

I am at least encouraged by all the stabbing.

I would also like to remind our new kabal members to set up their <Kabal> tags.

If you need a hand with that, check the Kabal boards, there are instructions on there somewhere.

Grouped with a lot of Kabal members last night we had about a 3hr adventure from the time I joined in on the fun which involved going to a star mettle hex and murderfying everything, but sadly our harvesting feats were too low cause apparently someone strip mined the place.

We had a killing all the way to Thornkeep from there. First visit to Thornkeep and it was pretty amazing to see. Here is to more grand adventures for Kabal!

Goblin Squad Member

<Kabal> Pexx wrote:
Grouped with a lot of Kabal members last night we had about a 3hr adventure from the time I joined in on the fun which involved going to a star mettle hex and murderfying everything, but sadly our harvesting feats were too low cause apparently someone strip mined the place.

I think the default harvest skill needed is set high in the star metal hexes, so there may not have been anyone ahead of you.

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Apparently whirlwind isn't the best choice when in a group. It slowly tanks your reputation if other melee fighters are around you. Sitting at an awesome -7500 atm.

Goblin Squad Member

<Kabal> Pexx wrote:
Apparently whirlwind isn't the best choice when in a group.

Is there a reason to expect it to perform any differently from all the AOEs Wizards use, about which we've been warned Lo! these many months? Rep returns at 12 in-game seconds per point, but be warned: until the next build, your actual Reputation may be far below -7500, even though the displayed value bottoms out there.

Goblin Squad Member

So does that mean I can kill you with minimal effect on my pristine +7500?
Hey wanna go harvesting in that dense wood with me over there? :P

.@ Jazz

To answer your question no, I have my complaints about friendly fire in a tab targeting world, but they are being worked on so I will hold my tongue on that one.


Sure since I am a hermit now :P

Having a debate in my head maybe you folks can help me out with. I have future plans of playing a Bard and I was wondering in the long run do you think it will be more Feat based on Fighter or Rogue. Weapons and Armor choices are Light Armor, Rapier+Shield, and short bow.

Any Feedback is appreciated.

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I had fun Friday night beginning with someone giving me robe and a staff and then me accidentally casting on a town guard.

We wandered far and wide, ok it was probably within the same 4 hexes but felt far and wide. We murdered pixels and practiced dwarf stacking.

I had to learn to stand still when I needed healing. I got to hear "I'm coming Yelta!" in mumble quite a bit as a dwarf punched me with glittery green stuff.

Dwarf stacking should have its own achievement.

Yoik! 400th post is mine all mine!

Good Morning Community!

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