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1 person marked this as a favorite.

And hence the OP of the thread.

Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
......You recognize the origin of this alias.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Egg Slaad wrote:
Or took part in a good egging ...

Egg Slaad

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You're all permabanned.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Mona wrote:
You're all permabanned.

What he said.

You participated in this thread.

You remember >this< game. And laughed at how upset Sebastian got. And remember that type of thread caused Gary to change the layout of the boards.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
houstonderek wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Great thread!
You remember when this guy was a mere Werecabbage and had a square job in the People's Republic. ;-)

!yadhtirB yppaH

Eric Mona wrote:
You're all permabanned.

Happy Erik Mona Day! (I've missed that if it has happened the last couple of years.... better put more ranks in perception...)

Chef's Slaad wrote:
Egg Slaad wrote:
Or took part in a good egging ...
Egg Slaad

you called?

<begins egging all the participants in the thread>

James Jacobs. wrote:
Eric Mona wrote:
You're all permabanned.
What he said.

This person is an impostor. I'm the real clone of James Jacobs.

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite. befriended Tiny Tina.

Too soon?

You remember the day Pathfinder RPG was announced, and Lisa and Vic, plus the whole gang logged into the chat-room to celebrate, and it promptly crashed under the strain.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You remember when there was no chatroom.

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I was going to make the "Penultimate" reference but it has already been done.

If your goal was to get on Sebastian's "List"

Celestial Healer wrote: befriended Tiny Tina.

Too soon?

Another person I wonder what happened to.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You convinced the designers to make Half-Elves immune to Ghoul Paralysis in the Beta because Elf Blooded does nothing good otherwise.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dragnmoon wrote:

I was going to make the "Penultimate" reference but it has already been done.

If your goal was to get on Sebastian's "List"

I am a proud member!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:

I was going to make the "Penultimate" reference but it has already been done.

If your goal was to get on Sebastian's "List"

I am a proud member!

As all true veterans should be.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote: befriended Tiny Tina.

Too soon?

Another person I wonder what happened to.

Like Tinkerbell in a poorly attended production of Peter Pan, she faded away because nobody believed in her.

Sharoth wrote:
You remember when there was no chatroom.

There is a chatroom? I definitely need to explore the site more...

Aranna wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
You remember when there was no chatroom.

There is a chatroom? I definitely need to explore the site more...

It's not on the site. It's hosted elsewhere. But you can find the link through the "Paizo Chatroom?" thread somewhere in OTD - the search engine should find it pretty quick.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:

I was going to make the "Penultimate" reference but it has already been done.

If your goal was to get on Sebastian's "List"

I am a proud member!
As all true veterans should be.

Think I was on there in two or three spots at one point.

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

If you remember Leafar the Lost(ved).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You have a Charter Tag.

You know there is a black hole in the submissions room.

You argued against Pathfinder as a name.

You heard about the cancellation of Dragon and Dungeon on the blog.

You know what a cagewright is.

You bought the Whispering Tyrant Compleat Adventures.

You defended, or attacked, Wil Save

You know what happened to this text:

Vh4t h4ppen?
SomeBody s3t uP us z3 bomb. I'll lik3ly k!ll y3 Yn th3 morn1n'.
V3 gEt sign4l, By CyrrollAlee's bl@nket!
Main skr3en turN on.
't|s Th3e! Naturlich!! Schiv3r m3 timBers! V4lk th' plank! Ve'll keel-h4ul y3! SMURF, by Tymor4's 3 ja! Fir3 th' cannons! SchivEr me tim8ers!!! SKheisse, @nd dinnA sp@re th' vhip! SMURF, by Amaunator's egg-sukkinkt gold! Naturlich!!!!!
How 4 rt tHou gentlemen?
@LL THy B@SE Art BELONG T' UZ, 8 y Is4ir Und MAdae's pikkl'd phluffy vhitE c4t! VAlk th' pl4nk! SMURF! Ve'll keel-hAul ye! Scheisse!! V4lk tH' plAnk! V3'll keel-hAul ye!!!
Thee 4 rt oN y3 vay unto |)estruktion! V3'll keel-h4ul y3! Fir3 th3 c4nnons! Naturlich!!
Vh4t tHou lumpiskh earth-vexink de4th-token sAyeth?
Thou sponGy smurfed bum-b4iley h4ve n4y ch4nce t' surviv3 m4ke tHy timE
H4 HA H@ H4, By Bl4kkbeard's rikhes, by Solonor Thel@ndira's nieke, @rrrr!!
T@ke ophf 3 very ziG Th3e know vhat th3e 4 rt doink, 4 nd 4 Bottle oph rum!
MovE ziG
F3r gre@t justik3

Scale Mail.

Maure Castle.

You remember when Paizo only won five Ennies.

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:

You have a Charter Tag.

You know there is a black hole in the submissions room.

You argued against Pathfinder as a name.

You heard about the cancellation of Dragon and Dungeon on the blog.

You know what a cagewright is.

You bought the Whispering Tyrant Compleat Adventures.

You defended, or attacked, Wil Save

You know what happened to this text: ** spoiler omitted **

Scale Mail.

Maure Castle.

You remember when Paizo only won five Ennies.

Apart from the text and arguing against the name, I think I qualify.

But I doubt if I ever made it on Sebastians list, but that is way too long ago and I´m too lazy to look it up right now.

But I´ve got another one: If you updated your age in your profile at least once, and it is several years behind your real age now (five, in my case).

Or: If your first post has something to do with Kullen and Filge.

Tensor wrote:
You remember >this< game. And laughed at how upset Sebastian got. And remember that type of thread caused Gary to change the layout of the boards.

I was the second post in that thread...

Sovereign Court

Scale Mail!

You know where the Slor belongs.

You remember asking about Aroden before they swore never to reveal what happened.

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:

You know there is a black hole in the submissions room.

You bought the Whispering Tyrant Compleat Adventures.

You defended, or attacked, Wil Save

Scale Mail.

Maure Castle.

You remember when Paizo only won five Ennies.

The black hole is what brought me to Paizo :)

3 people marked this as a favorite. remember when the post monster was a constant and loving companion; and Ctrl-A was a requirement before any post longer than two sentences.

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Zombieneighbours wrote: remember when the post monster was a constant and loving companion; and Ctrl-A was a requirement before any post longer than two sentences.

...and you still copy-paste your responses before hitting "submit."

Lilith wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote: remember when the post monster was a constant and loving companion; and Ctrl-A was a requirement before any post longer than two sentences.
...and you still copy-paste your responses before hitting "submit."


Shadow Lodge

Orthos wrote:


Cabbage Guy wrote:
I never stopped selling cabbage! Here, buy some~

*Cleaves through cabbage heads*

Celestial Healer wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:

I was going to make the "Penultimate" reference but it has already been done.

If your goal was to get on Sebastian's "List"

I am a proud member!
As all true veterans should be.

I, uh...don't wanna talk about this anymore.

Wow, I went to the "Black Hole" thread.
I remember Mike McCartor...

Orthos wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote: remember when the post monster was a constant and loving companion; and Ctrl-A was a requirement before any post longer than two sentences.
...and you still copy-paste your responses before hitting "submit."

I've gotten out of the habit, but that's only because I have Lazarus for Firefox.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Wow, I went to the "Black Hole" thread.

I remember Mike McCartor...

Speaking of Super Unicorn Studios, has anyone seen Kyle S. Hunter around here lately?

David M Mallon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote: remember when the post monster was a constant and loving companion; and Ctrl-A was a requirement before any post longer than two sentences.
...and you still copy-paste your responses before hitting "submit."
I've gotten out of the habit, but that's only because I have Lazarus for Firefox.

So do I but I still catch myself doing it >_>

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote: remember when the post monster was a constant and loving companion; and Ctrl-A was a requirement before any post longer than two sentences.
...and you still copy-paste your responses before hitting "submit."
I've gotten out of the habit, but that's only because I have Lazarus for Firefox.
So do I but I still catch myself doing it >_>

It's OK. I frequently attempt to *ctrl+shift+Z* on my drafting table.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
LazarX wrote:
I still have my PRINTED and Bound copy of Alpha!

Seconded or maybe thirded by now. Not sure.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sharoth wrote:
You remember when Heathy had less than 1000 posts.

And here I thought he just spontaneously started with 1000 posts.

Lilith wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote: remember when the post monster was a constant and loving companion; and Ctrl-A was a requirement before any post longer than two sentences.
...and you still copy-paste your responses before hitting "submit."

I haven't been around much the last two years, so I am out of the habit ;)

Shadow Lodge

Good to know you're alive, ZN.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kobold! There you are! You escaped from your cage again. Ward was worried about you. At least, he was worried until the autoerotic asphyxiation set in.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh sweet mother of madness, she's here. *plane shifts*

June Cleaver wrote:
Kobold! There you are! You escaped from your cage again. Ward was worried about you. At least, he was worried until the autoerotic asphyxiation set in.

How you doing? *winks*

June Cleaver wrote:
Kobold! There you are! You escaped from your cage again. Ward was worried about you. At least, he was worried until the autoerotic asphyxiation set in.

Hey, Mom. I've been meaning to ask, how's Cousin Bieber?

*Starts laying 2-gp-apiece bear traps around area*

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
June Cleaver wrote:
Kobold! There you are! You escaped from your cage again. Ward was worried about you. At least, he was worried until the autoerotic asphyxiation set in.

Hey, Mom. I've been meaning to ask, how's Cousin Bieber?

*Starts laying 2-gp-a piece bear traps around area*

{wonders aloud} How did I get chosen for this part again?! Oh right, my agent is an overpaid moron and I was tired of asking people if the wanted to upsize their food combo.

And I'm a moron for agreeing to the plastic surgery.

{wanders into kitchen, climbs into toaster oven for a nap}

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
June Cleaver wrote:
Kobold! There you are! You escaped from your cage again. Ward was worried about you. At least, he was worried until the autoerotic asphyxiation set in.

Hey, Mom. I've been meaning to ask, how's Cousin Bieber?

*Starts laying 2-gp-apiece bear traps around area*

I keep telling people he should be locked up, but all anyone has to say in reply is, "June, you're drunk. Put some pants on."

One day, they will know I am speaking the truth.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You might be a Paizo veteran if you're seeing references to inside jokes on this thread, and remember that they were very funny 7 or 8 years ago, but it's been so long since you've heard them that you can't remember what the joke was.

Silver Crusade

Gee mom what's with the tentacles on the Beav, also can Eddie come over for dinner tonight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wally Cleaver wrote:
Gee mom what's with the tentacles on the Beav, also can Eddie come over for dinner tonight.

You see, Wally, when a housewife and an aberration love each other very much...

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