AceNegatov |

Hello all.
I want to make a Monk/Cleric build that uses Dervish Dance and Crusader's Flurry. He would be a cleric of Sarenrae.
I also want this class to prestige into the Duelist prestige class.
So far, I'm thinking Human Cleric 1/Monk8. Focusing on Dex and Wis, with Int and Cha being secondary abilities. It's a bit MAD, but that's what I could do.
Human 1- Dodge
Level 1(Cleric)-Weapon Finesse
Level 2 (Monk Bonus)- Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist
Level 3 (Monk)Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
Level 3 (Monk Bonus)- Combat Reflexes
Level 4 (Monk) - None
Level 5 (Monk) - Crusader's Flurry
Level 6 (Monk) - None
Level 7 (Monk) - Dervish Dance
Level 7 (Monk Bonus) - Improved Disarm
Level 8 (Monk) - None
Level 9 (Monk) - Mobility
And the rest of the levels would be Duelist. Any feat recommendation for that? I'm thinking style feats, but maybe it would be too late.
The idea of the Build was using Flurry of Blows with a scimitar, and if needed use a disarm with the Flurry. He has very weak spells and channel energy that can come in handy at early levels, especially with healing.

AceNegatov |

Hmm, I didn't think of that. Thanks. That way the feats would be:
Human 1- Weapon Finesse
Level 1(Crusader Bonus)-Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
Level 1 (Crusader) -Combat Expertise
Level 2 (Monk Bonus)- Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist
Level 3 (Monk)Crusader's Flurry
Level 3 (Monk Bonus)- Combat Reflexes
Level 4 (Monk) - None
Level 5 (Monk) - Dervish Dance
Level 6 (Monk) - None
Level 7 (Monk) - Dodge
Level 7 (Monk Bonus) - Improved Disarm
Level 8 (Monk) - None
Level 9 (Monk) - Mobility
This also opens up to Greater Disarm, which is cool.

AceNegatov |

Dervish dance is 1 handed only .... It's a lot less damage than str focus
Perhaps, but you can find a lot more things Dex is useful for than Str, like AC or many skills. With Dervish Dance, you can also add Dex to damage and attack rolls.
Also, because the character is a Monk, you can flurry of blows to add unarmed damage as well, which can also be used for disarming an opponent.

haruhiko88 |

666bender wrote:Dervish dance is 1 handed only .... It's a lot less damage than str focusPerhaps, but you can find a lot more things Dex is useful for than Str, like AC or many skills. With Dervish Dance, you can also add Dex to damage and attack rolls.
Also, because the character is a Monk, you can flurry of blows to add unarmed damage as well, which can also be used for disarming an opponent.
What monk archetype are you using to add unarmed strike damage to flurry of blows with a weapon? As written you deal your weapon damage if wielding a weapon. The only archetype I can think of off the top of my head that allows you to spend ki points to deal unarmed damage is the zen archer but that is with a bow.

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You only get unarmed damage with unarmed strikes. You only use your weapon damage with weapons. However, I would suggest a couple of changes.
First, consider hungry ghost for you monk levels. Scimitar crit range means that you will have ample opportunity to regain ki or gain healing on crits.
Second, add quinggong for barkskin.
Third, as you worship sarenrae, take the lightbringer trait in inner sea gods. This gives you a SLA with a caster level that is your character level! qualifying you for arcane strike.

AceNegatov |

AceNegatov wrote:What monk archetype are you using to add unarmed strike damage to flurry of blows with a weapon? As written you deal your weapon damage if wielding a weapon. The only archetype I can think of off the top of my head that allows you to spend ki points to deal unarmed damage is the zen archer but that is with a bow.666bender wrote:Dervish dance is 1 handed only .... It's a lot less damage than str focusPerhaps, but you can find a lot more things Dex is useful for than Str, like AC or many skills. With Dervish Dance, you can also add Dex to damage and attack rolls.
Also, because the character is a Monk, you can flurry of blows to add unarmed damage as well, which can also be used for disarming an opponent.
Sorry, should have been more clear.
What I meant was you can flurry with a weapon and unarmed instead of only flurrying with your weapon. Which means you can use Stunning Fist, so the opponent not only has lower AC but also drops everything. So if the opponent wants to pick up a weapon, he provokes an AoO as well.

AceNegatov |

You only get unarmed damage with unarmed strikes. You only use your weapon damage with weapons. However, I would suggest a couple of changes.
First, consider hungry ghost for you monk levels. Scimitar crit range means that you will have ample opportunity to regain ki or gain healing on crits.
Second, add quinggong for barkskin.
Third, as you worship sarenrae, take the lightbringer trait in inner sea gods. This gives you a SLA with a caster level that is your character level! qualifying you for arcane strike.
Hungry Ghost monk seems a little evil; Sarenrae is NG, and Monks have to be Lawful, so I thought my character would be LG.
Quinggong can be done, no problem.
Sadly for traits in general, my DM does not allow them for some strange reason.

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Hungry Ghost monk seems a little evil; Sarenrae is NG, and Monks have to be Lawful, so I thought my character would be LG.
Ki Leeching isn't evil, it's just seen as taboo by most monks. You aren't actually doing anything to the person beyond getting a crit or knocking them out, you are just recharging yourself when that happens.
I made a hungry ghost/crusader of sarenrae before. It really matches her redemption angle if you are using the abilities in service of good.

666bender |
Shiziru is a lot better ....
Repose is amazing and katana > scimitar .
True, no dex build - but str > dex for a monk any how ....
Unless you go sohei... And that you can :
Flurry with scimitar with dex to damage and power att and piraña strike - a lot of feats but .... Decent almost same as 2 gander AND learn weapon of sohei 6 for bows - to flurry with bows as well.... Take deadly aim at some point and you are one switch hitter ...
Wp focus ( free), crusader flurry, power attack, piraña strike
Dervish dance , deadly aim, quick draw .
It's lvl 11ready .
Monk free feats will go too prove unarmed, dodge, imp trip, spring attack .

Cazin |
1: Separatist of Sarenrae to take the travel domain, granting +10 movement.
2. Racial Herritage: Halfling and the monk archetype Underfoot Adept. The FAQ's on tripping indicate that all weapons can be used to trip and when doing so you use weapon stats on the attack. This makes your trips finessed (depends on dex, not Str) so you are an uber-tripper. Follow this up with an heirloom weapon with trip +2. Now trip attempts are actually +4 better than attacks made with the scimitar as part of the flurry.

haruhiko88 |

buy two weapons, or put a lot of money into one weapon. The two weapon enhancements you really want are ki intensifying and agile (get this first). This is just what I would do.
Lvl 1 (Cleric)- Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Crusader Bonus Feat), Dodge (Human Bonus Feat)
Lvl 2 - Monk - Combat Reflexes (Monk Bonus)
Lvl 3 - Monk - Crusader's Flurry, Deflect Arrows (Monk Bonus Feat)
Lvl 5 - Monk - Piranha Strike or Mantis Style (Agile enhancement will cover dex to damage)
Lvl 7 - Monk - Combat Expertise, Improved Trip (Monk Bonus Feat)
Lvl 9 - Monk - Mobility
For archetypes the cleric should be a crusader and I personally favor the martial artist as a monk archetype. You don't get the ki powers but you get some really good ways to overcome DR and get a nice bonus to Stunning fist DC and since that's based off of character level it's pretty nice. If you want a style feat I recommend Mantis Style. Combined with a ki intensifying weapon it can get pretty nice.