Female Thor!! *Identity as yet unknown*


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I trust Jason Aaron to continue telling good Thor stories. The previous Odinson will still be around. I'm curious as to who this new Thor is.

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You mean who the new Goddess of Thunder is.

I don't mind a female with Thor's power; it's the name thing that bothers me and a lot of other people. Thor is Thor. It's a name, not a title.

It'd be like if when Steve Rogers died and Buck became Captain America, he also changed his name to Steve Rogers.

"Now that Steve's dead, Bucky, we'd like you to take on his mantle. Here's his costume and his shield."

"Of course, Director Hill. I'd be honored. I only hope I'm worthy of his name."

"Oh good, someone already briefed you."

"About what?"

"Now that you're Captain America, you're also Steve Rogers. Don't worry we already got your name legally changed."


"Also you're gonna have to dye your hair."

"Wait, if I'm Steve...then who the hell is Bucky?"

So, when "Thor" was a frog, did that bother you?

Totally not Thor.

Daft move.

Terquem wrote:
So, when "Thor" was a frog, did that bother you?

So then the new Thor is just the bloke with a girdle of sex-change? That's very appropriate for the mythology/D&D I suppose.

The Exchange

Dumb as hell. if they wanted to have more female characters make more not screw up existing and beloved character.

Larkos wrote:

You mean who the new Goddess of Thunder is.

I don't mind a female with Thor's power; it's the name thing that bothers me and a lot of other people. Thor is Thor. It's a name, not a title. . . .

Agreed. But apparently people at Marvel have confused naming with branding.

“This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it’s unlike any Thor we’ve ever seen before," Aaron said.

I'm... already not a fan.

I can't even say I'm attached to Thor. I believe Marvel should have more female heroes as opposed to eye candy. This, however, confuses me mightily. They should allow her an individual identity, and starting by giving her someone else's name doesn't work.

“It’s a huge day in the Marvel Universe. Thor, the God of Thunder, he messed up, and he’s no longer worthy to hold that damn hammer of his. For the first time in history, that hammer is being held by a woman. That’s right. Thor is a woman!”

By the way, someone needs to educate me. If Mjolnir has been wielded by a select number of other individuals: Korbinite Beta Ray Bill; Avenger Captain America; Storm of the X-men; Eric Masterson; Odin (Thor's father); Bor (Thor's grandfather); Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor's great-grandfather). . . then how can Thor ever be not worthy? Odin is very cold and pragmatic, or at least comes across to me as so in the few myths I've read. That he ever held the hammer erases the concept of worthy to me.

Edit: Then again, maybe Marvel wants Thor completely out of the picture before trying something new, as if forcing you to like the new Thor by giving you no alternatives?

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Te'Shen wrote:
Larkos wrote:

You mean who the new Goddess of Thunder is.

I don't mind a female with Thor's power; it's the name thing that bothers me and a lot of other people. Thor is Thor. It's a name, not a title. . . .

Agreed. But apparently people at Marvel have confused naming with branding.

“This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it’s unlike any Thor we’ve ever seen before," Aaron said.

I'm... already not a fan.

I can't even say I'm attached to Thor. I believe Marvel should have more female heroes as opposed to eye candy. This, however, confuses me mightily. They should allow her an individual identity, and starting by giving her someone else's name doesn't work.

“It’s a huge day in the Marvel Universe. Thor, the God of Thunder, he messed up, and he’s no longer worthy to hold that damn hammer of his. For the first time in history, that hammer is being held by a woman. That’s right. Thor is a woman!”

By the way, someone needs to educate me. If Mjolnir has been wielded by a select number of other individuals: Korbinite Beta Ray Bill; Avenger Captain America; Storm of the X-men; Eric Masterson; Odin (Thor's father); Bor (Thor's grandfather); Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor's great-grandfather). . . then how can Thor ever be not worthy? Odin is very cold and pragmatic, or at least comes across to me as so in the few myths I've read. That he ever held the hammer erases the concept of worthy to me.

Odin may have been cheating. It's his enchantment after all. :)

Similarly with Bor and Buri. They may be able to just override it.

But yeah, I'm not to fond of the concept. I like Thor. I like the character. This other person, I don't know who it is, I have no emotional connection.

Why not just make new cool female characters instead of replacing old ones? I know, it's because it's hard to get people to follow new female characters, but it's not easy to get people to follow these kinds of changes either.

OTOH, it's probably, despite everything they say, intended as a storyline, not a permanent change. I hope they follow the new Thor trying to become worthy again as much as they follow the new Thor.

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Larkos wrote:

You mean who the new Goddess of Thunder is.

I don't mind a female with Thor's power; it's the name thing that bothers me and a lot of other people. Thor is Thor. It's a name, not a title.

It'd be like if when Steve Rogers died and Buck became Captain America, he also changed his name to Steve Rogers.

"Now that Steve's dead, Bucky, we'd like you to take on his mantle. Here's his costume and his shield."

"Of course, Director Hill. I'd be honored. I only hope I'm worthy of his name."

"Oh good, someone already briefed you."

"About what?"

"Now that you're Captain America, you're also Steve Rogers. Don't worry we already got your name legally changed."


"Also you're gonna have to dye your hair."

"Wait, if I'm Steve...then who the hell is Bucky?"

Isn't that basically what they did (retconned) with the Cap of the 50s? Except with a bit more brainwashing?

Te'Shen wrote:
Larkos wrote:

You mean who the new Goddess of Thunder is.

I don't mind a female with Thor's power; it's the name thing that bothers me and a lot of other people. Thor is Thor. It's a name, not a title. . . .

Agreed. But apparently people at Marvel have confused naming with branding.

“This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it’s unlike any Thor we’ve ever seen before," Aaron said.

I'm... already not a fan.

I can't even say I'm attached to Thor. I believe Marvel should have more female heroes as opposed to eye candy. This, however, confuses me mightily. They should allow her an individual identity, and starting by giving her someone else's name doesn't work.

“It’s a huge day in the Marvel Universe. Thor, the God of Thunder, he messed up, and he’s no longer worthy to hold that damn hammer of his. For the first time in history, that hammer is being held by a woman. That’s right. Thor is a woman!”

By the way, someone needs to educate me. If Mjolnir has been wielded by a select number of other individuals: Korbinite Beta Ray Bill; Avenger Captain America; Storm of the X-men; Eric Masterson; Odin (Thor's father); Bor (Thor's grandfather); Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor's great-grandfather). . . then how can Thor ever be not worthy? Odin is very cold and pragmatic, or at least comes across to me as so in the few myths I've read. That he ever held the hammer erases the concept of worthy to me.

Edit: Then again, maybe Marvel wants Thor completely out of the picture before trying something new, as if forcing you to like the new Thor by giving you no alternatives?

Odin might be exempt from the criteria of worthy since he's the one who put the enchantment on the hammer to begin with.

thejeff wrote:
Why not just make new cool female characters instead of replacing old ones? I know, it's because it's hard to get people to follow new female characters, but it's not easy to get people to follow these kinds of changes either.


I'm just curious, out of everyone who has commented here how many of you are actually reading Jason Aaron's run of THOR?

*raises hand*

ShinHakkaider wrote:

I'm just curious, out of everyone who has commented here how many of you are actually reading Jason Aaron's run of THOR?

*raises hand*

I haven't been. I haven't read Thor regularly in a decade or more. I do see him in Avengers occasionally. :)

I'm not likely to buy the female Thor either. So, as far as that goes, my opinion doesn't really count.

I do have most of the first few hundred issues though and very fond memories.

Oh Yay.

Mavel Cheezy Marketing Gimmick # 5,812.

I wonder if anybody's going to whinge because she has boobplate, or let it slide because this is definitely going to pull feminism into the 21st century.

So are they going to make Movie Thor Katie Sackhoff now?

No. No they are not.

Because this is just Marvel Cheezy Marketing Gimmick # 5,812, and like when DC "Kills" Batman or Superman, it will all be back to normal in 6 months.

Dark Archive

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So, we've had Bucky as Captain America for a while. Doc Ock became the superior Spider-man. (And Miles Morales became Ultimate Spider-man. Then there was Ben Reilly in the nineties.) Now we've got a replacement Thor. (Again, as we had Masterson before.)

Anyone else see a pattern?

Then again. Everything has been done before.

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Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

So are they going to make Movie Thor Katie Sackhoff now?

No. No they are not.

Well... just yesterday, Sackoff did tweet a pic of herself in a full-body plaster mold from three weeks ago. :) But if it's for a Marvel movie, I'd bet on it being Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel and definitely not Thor, especially with Hemsworth still under contract for Avengers 3 and Thor 3.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Because this is just Marvel Cheezy Marketing Gimmick # 5,812, and like when DC "Kills" Batman or Superman, it will all be back to normal in 6 months.

They let SpOck run over three years as Superior Spider-Man, but in the end, Parker's back in the Spideysuit. Odinson will be back as the 616 Thor before too long, likewise the recent changes in 616's Captain America and Iron Man.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

So are they going to make Movie Thor Katie Sackhoff now?

No. No they are not.

Well... just yesterday, Sackoff did tweet a pic of herself in a full-body plaster mold from three weeks ago. :) But if it's for a Marvel movie, I'd bet on it being Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel and definitely not Thor, especially with Hemsworth still under contract for Avengers 3 and Thor 3.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Because this is just Marvel Cheezy Marketing Gimmick # 5,812, and like when DC "Kills" Batman or Superman, it will all be back to normal in 6 months.
They let SpOck run over three years as Superior Spider-Man, but in the end, Parker's back in the Spideysuit. Odinson will be back as the 616 Thor before too long, likewise the recent changes in 616's Captain America and Iron Man.

Which is generally a good thing. It's always going to be reversed whether they plan it that way or not. I'd rather have the character replacement and return be a coherent story arc than have it last until a later writer/editor decides to bring back the original years later.

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Also: Dorkly.com: "Thor Finds Out He's Losing His Hammer"

Give this new person a new name rather than trying to convince people that this new hero is Thor, and and most people wouldn't care. But that precisely is probably why Marvel is doing it this way. My bet is that they are trying to use the controversy surrounding this plus the recognition of a familiar name to try to establish a new base character before giving the real Thor his power and hammer back and finding some other use for the new base character without having to try to create a brand new hero from scratch and market it as such. It's silly and over the top, but that's probably the point. The only way to get new people to pay attention to new comics is to be controversial, so that's what Marvel is doing. I doubt they even really care about the exact identity of the new character as long as it sells comic books.

I may be a bit of a newbie to comics having only recently read Ms Marvel... BUT I like that they made Thor a woman. It is as much a title as it is a name, the original Thor will probably still be called Thor, and the new Thor will also have her own real name; just her super hero name will be "Thor". This also makes a lot more sense than creating a new super hero with a hammer and lightning powers because this ties her into a long and glorious history and gives her back story instant depth. Hopefully bringing in old Thor readers as well as the batch of new ones who like the idea.

Shadow Lodge

I have a feeling this will be like when DC announced that they were going to make one of the big 7 homosexual. Then turned out it was a Green Lantern from Earth 2. So this could just be Thor from one of Marvel's alternate timeline futures. And I have been reading the current Thor series, in that series they tell tales of Thor's past, present, and future. And in the future "he" is still a "he" and the all father. Oh and Ambrosia Slaad, Dock was Superior Spideman for one year. Marvel just did 30+ issues in that time by publishing an issue every other week or so.

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the Queen's Raven wrote:
I have a feeling this will be like when DC announced that they were going to make one of the big 7 homosexual. Then turned out it was a Green Lantern from Earth 2. So this could just be Thor from one of Marvel's alternate timeline futures. And I have been reading the current Thor series, in that series they tell tales of Thor's past, present, and future. And in the future "he" is still a "he" and the all father. Oh and Ambrosia Slaad, Dock was Superior Spideman for one year. Marvel just did 30+ issues in that time by publishing an issue every other week or so.

Thor from the Earth X storyline was female. As I recall, Thor was made female in that continuity as a punishment from Odin, who was somehow still foolish enough to believe anything Loki said.

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Te'Shen wrote:
Larkos wrote:

You mean who the new Goddess of Thunder is.

I don't mind a female with Thor's power; it's the name thing that bothers me and a lot of other people. Thor is Thor. It's a name, not a title. . . .

Agreed. But apparently people at Marvel have confused naming with branding.

“This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it’s unlike any Thor we’ve ever seen before," Aaron said.

I'm... already not a fan.

I can't even say I'm attached to Thor. I believe Marvel should have more female heroes as opposed to eye candy. This, however, confuses me mightily. They should allow her an individual identity, and starting by giving her someone else's name doesn't work.

This isn't even new, they just did the same thing recently by promoting Ms. Marvel to Captain Marvel. Which I might add wasn't just a title, the alien being who was originally Captain Marvel was so named because his name was Mar-vell. Meanwhile, the name Ms. Marvel was then handed off to a new character.

On the other hand, I don't mind either one bit.

Merely pointing out that this sort of thing has happened before doesn't necessarily mean all that much. There are several good legacy characters- and a whole lot of them who have been forgotten.

Aranna wrote:
I may be a bit of a newbie to comics having only recently read Ms Marvel... BUT I like that they made Thor a woman. It is as much a title as it is a name, the original Thor will probably still be called Thor, and the new Thor will also have her own real name; just her super hero name will be "Thor". This also makes a lot more sense than creating a new super hero with a hammer and lightning powers because this ties her into a long and glorious history and gives her back story instant depth. Hopefully bringing in old Thor readers as well as the batch of new ones who like the idea.

Except that Thor isn't an alter ego or name for the masked part of the hero, it's actually his name. It's not like Captain America or Superman where their normal personas have a different name. Thor is Thor; it's his one and only name, and not a title, alias, or alternate way of addressing him. That's the problem with this particular scenario. If they really wanted to a female hero, there are plenty from the same source material that they got Thor from that would not require this kind of over the top silliness.

But again, I suspect it's mostly a way to try to establish a new base character or upgrade an existing side character while feeding off the controversy and name recognition that comes with using an already established name. If people like the new character, they will find a way to bring the old Thor back, and give her a new name. If they don't, they will find a way to bring the old Thor back, and ten years from now, only hardcore fans will remember this experiment. Either way, Thor as we know him today isn't going anywhere in the long term; it's mostly a publicity stunt to try to sell comic books.

sunshadow21 wrote:
Aranna wrote:
I may be a bit of a newbie to comics having only recently read Ms Marvel... BUT I like that they made Thor a woman. It is as much a title as it is a name, the original Thor will probably still be called Thor, and the new Thor will also have her own real name; just her super hero name will be "Thor". This also makes a lot more sense than creating a new super hero with a hammer and lightning powers because this ties her into a long and glorious history and gives her back story instant depth. Hopefully bringing in old Thor readers as well as the batch of new ones who like the idea.

Except that Thor isn't an alter ego or name for the masked part of the hero, it's actually his name. It's not like Captain America or Superman where their normal personas have a different name. Thor is Thor; it's his one and only name, and not a title, alias, or alternate way of addressing him. That's the problem with this particular scenario. If they really wanted to a female hero, there are plenty from the same source material that they got Thor from that would not require this kind of over the top silliness.

But again, I suspect it's mostly a way to try to establish a new base character or upgrade an existing side character while feeding off the controversy and name recognition that comes with using an already established name. If people like the new character, they will find a way to bring the old Thor back, and give her a new name. If they don't, they will find a way to bring the old Thor back, and ten years from now, only hardcore fans will remember this experiment. Either way, Thor as we know him today isn't going anywhere in the long term; it's mostly a publicity stunt to try to sell comic books.

With luck, they already have a plan to bring Thor back and it's already cooked into the storyline. That's how the best of these replacements go.

Occasionally you'll get one where the intent was for the character to stay dead/gone and the replacement to be permanent (Flash?), but those are pretty rare.

I would be surprised if they don't already have a plan to bring back the original Thor, given that they seem to have put at least some effort into making both this transition and the Captain America one seem natural.

Add me to the people that has no problem with somebody else taking over Thor's powers because he messed up, but thinks taking on the actual name and not title of somebody else dumb.

Hasn't this been done before? It's been a long time since I was hardcore into comics, but from my vague recollection I seem to recall other points where Thor was found unworthy or was being taught humbleness and had his powers taken away. At some point you think he would learn, and the writers wouldn't keep coming back to it.

From what I remember comics have always had gimmicky things to draw attention to themselves, but am I the only one that seems to think they rely more and more on gimmicks as the years roll on and not on good old fashion quality story telling? Is it actually getting worse or is my memory working through a nostalgia filter and it has always this bad?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

8 people marked this as a favorite.

THOR is/was Prince of Asgard.
The new THOR will be a woman.
That would make her Princess of Asgard

Disney Owns Marvel
Hmmm ...

Does this make THOR a Disney Princess?

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Drock11 wrote:
From what I remember comics have always had gimmicky things to draw attention to themselves, but am I the only one that seems to think they rely more and more on gimmicks as the years roll on and not on good old fashion quality story telling? Is it actually getting worse or is my memory working through a nostalgia filter and it has always this bad?

It's probably amplified as the amount of competition for people's attention has amplified, but it was always there. It's just that most gimmicks are not remembered for very long and they tend to reuse the same gimmicks over and over again, so it can easily feel like the latest round of gimmicks is much worse than the last 10 combined.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drock11 wrote:

Add me to the people that has no problem with somebody else taking over Thor's powers because he messed up, but thinks taking on the actual name and not title of somebody else dumb.

Hasn't this been done before? It's been a long time since I was hardcore into comics, but from my vague recollection I seem to recall other points where Thor was found unworthy or was being taught humbleness and had his powers taken away. At some point you think he would learn, and the writers wouldn't keep coming back to it.

From what I remember comics have always had gimmicky things to draw attention to themselves, but am I the only one that seems to think they rely more and more on gimmicks as the years roll on and not on good old fashion quality story telling? Is it actually getting worse or is my memory working through a nostalgia filter and it has always this bad?

It won't be as bad as the Spider-Man Clone Saga. And that was 20 years ago.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drock11 wrote:
From what I remember comics have always had gimmicky things to draw attention to themselves, but am I the only one that seems to think they rely more and more on gimmicks as the years roll on and not on good old fashion quality story telling? Is it actually getting worse or is my memory working through a nostalgia filter and it has always this bad?

The difference between gimmick and storytelling is almost entirely dependent on whether you like the result. :D

Dark Archive

sunshadow21 wrote:
I would be surprised if they don't already have a plan to bring back the original Thor, given that they seem to have put at least some effort into making both this transition and the Captain America one seem natural.

I recon it will last till either the 3rd Thor film or Third Avengers.

Kevin Mack wrote:
sunshadow21 wrote:
I would be surprised if they don't already have a plan to bring back the original Thor, given that they seem to have put at least some effort into making both this transition and the Captain America one seem natural.
I recon it will last till either the 3rd Thor film or Third Avengers.

Maybe. It might not be reflected in the movies at all.

That may depend on how it's received.

thejeff wrote:
It won't be as bad as the Spider-Man Clone Saga. And that was 20 years ago.

I got out of being a major comics collector sometime in the mid 90s so I luckily avoided that. Most of what I remember from the "good ol days" is stuff I read in the 80s. What I hear now comes mostly second hand, although with the internet it's a lot easier to get info on them than before. Still most of what I hear about what goes on I'm not a big fan of.

Ironically even though I'm complaining I'm also kind of interested in the new character with Thor's powers, I just don't like the way they are going about it.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

To all you people complaining. You are the worst.

This is a great springboard for stories, and Classic Thor will still exist in the title: "The Unworthy Thor".

Captain America is going to be replaced by Sam Wilson, and the next year or two of Marvel will be about legacies and eventually the precious status-quo will be restored. Can people not just enjoy the stories as they are told without moaning?

I don't mind the Captain America switch, and wouldn't mind the Thor switch if they didn't insist that a proper name is a title that can easily be transferred to another character. There are certainly good stories that can come from giving Thor's hammer to someone else for a while, but the way they are going about it this time around is more than what would be necessary to tell a good story. Most of the annoyance I've seen comes from how they are doing this, not what they are doing.

Huge spoiler, possible equal amounts of stupidity

if my source is to be believed, the female Thor is Angela from Spawn. While anyone who is worthy can make use of the hammer- Beta Ray Bill(one of my favorite heroes!), Steve Rogers(though he more carried it than used it), and perhaps someone else I'm forgetting here, that Marvel is getting a Spawn character and shoving them into the Asgardian storyline is...stupid. Giving her the hammer of Thor isn't as stupid- anyone who is worthy can make use of it- but turning her into the NEW Thor is..BEYOND stupid. Bad day for Marvel, again, *if* my source is to be believed.

The writer for Captain America started the aging process of Steve Rogers (through a fight with the Nail) several issues ago, thus making the change to a new Cap (not a new Steve) flow nicely. I have been following Jason Aaron's run on Thor:God of Thunder and have yet to see anything within the comics that makes Thor unworthy of his powers (let alone his name). The new Iron Man will lead out of Axis which I believe is a 7 issue event, so hopefully that story will be told and his transition will be smooth. The only thing that bothers me about new Thor is the lack of transition and the taking of his name. That being said there are still a few issues of Thor: God of Thunder left so maybe Aaron will flesh out some sort of transition. I think this would have gone more smoothly if Lady Sif or Valkyrie would gave gained the powers or if there was some sort of build up. I personally will skip new Thor and continue reading Unworthy Thor if he does in fact get a title.

Freehold DM wrote:

Huge spoiler, possible equal amounts of stupidity

** spoiler omitted **

That oddly makes some sense. Or at least they've been leading up to it. Angela's already been in Marvel for awhile with the Guardians of the Galaxy and they've apparently retconned some Asgardian origin for her as part of Original Sin.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
. . . Can people not just enjoy the stories as they are told without moaning?

Then dead/fallen characters would actually stay dead.

thejeff wrote:
It won't be as bad as the Spider-Man Clone Saga. And that was 20 years ago.

Ok. ...you'll probably think I'm an idiot (...and I might be), but I actually liked Ben Reilly and Kane and some of the Clone Saga.

You got to see, or at least hear about Ben Reilly doing the Bruce Banner/Kwai Chang Caine thing. Kane was fun as an evil-ish Peter Parker, the broken mirror bit. I like the fact that Reilly did more invention/innovating with his gear (even just a little) with the impact webbing and paralyzing spikes...

I love Spider-Man. And that in itself is like being in an abusive relationship. He always makes the same stupid mistakes and never really changes. I suppose that's just a problem with comics in general, but it just felt even worse on Peter for some reason. He's very intelligent. He invented a biodegradable compound with a tensile strength greater than steel in high school, but its like he stopped there. He pulls out his genius only every now and then, as if using his brain first is f*@#ing cheating.

It's why I eventually quit reading Spider-Man comics, but I'd still go back every now and then to see what's going on. It's why my favorite What If comic is What if Peter Parker had to Defeat Spider-Man. I like Spider-Man. However, there are much more egregious examples of writing within the lines than the Clone Saga. Twenty+ years down the road, it just feels like a story of wasted potential.

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Lord Fyre wrote:

. . .

Does this make THOR a Disney Princess?

Anybody else envision a cartoon version of Princess Thor hurling Mjolnir into a villain and Let It Go begins to play?...

Shadow Lodge

Your source is wrong Freehold DM, the new female Thor is not Angela. She will however be a character from Thor's supporting cast.

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Te'Shen wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:

. . .

Does this make THOR a Disney Princess?
Anybody else envision a cartoon version of Princess Thor hurling Mjolnir into a villain and Let It Go begins to play?...

Ah man if Thor is a disney princess things don't look good for his parents

the Queen's Raven wrote:
Your source is wrong Freehold DM, the new female Thor is not Angela. She will however be a character from Thor's supporting cast.

Spoilers, Raven.

I will check with my source again. There's been some strong backpedaling from a secondary source I checked out.

Shadow Lodge

Spoilers? For information that can be easily found on several other web sites? Um, no.

the Queen's Raven wrote:
Spoilers? For information that can be easily found on several other web sites? Um, no.

I spoilered it, all I ask for is similar consideration.

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Te'Shen wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
. . . Can people not just enjoy the stories as they are told without moaning?

Then dead/fallen characters would actually stay dead.

thejeff wrote:
It won't be as bad as the Spider-Man Clone Saga. And that was 20 years ago.

Ok. ...you'll probably think I'm an idiot (...and I might be), but I actually liked Ben Reilly and Kane and some of the Clone Saga.

You got to see, or at least hear about Ben Reilly doing the Bruce Banner/Kwai Chang Caine thing. Kane was fun as an evil-ish Peter Parker, the broken mirror bit. I like the fact that Reilly did more invention/innovating with his gear (even just a little) with the impact webbing and paralyzing spikes...

I love Spider-Man. And that in itself is like being in an abusive relationship. He always makes the same stupid mistakes and never really changes. I suppose that's just a problem with comics in general, but it just felt even worse on Peter for some reason. He's very intelligent. He invented a biodegradable compound with a tensile strength greater than steel in high school, but its like he stopped there. He pulls out his genius only every now and then, as if using his brain first is f*@#ing cheating.

It's why I eventually quit reading Spider-Man comics, but I'd still go back every now and then to see what's going on. It's why my favorite What If comic is What if Peter Parker had to Defeat Spider-Man. I like Spider-Man. However, there are much more egregious examples of writing within the lines than the Clone Saga. Twenty+ years down the road, it just feels like a story of wasted potential.

The problem with the Clone Saga, which certainly had good bits, was largely editorial. They kept changing where they were going with it. Apparently threw away the intended ending at least twice.

Along with the base presumption that the Spider-Man people had been reading about for some 20 years wasn't the real Spider-Man and no one should care about just writing him out of the story. Which was at various points a red herring and the actual intended ending.

It's just Thor who cares... HULK is the Dude!! Dissed him in the comics, dissed him in Avengers.

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