Loreseeker - Which spells are good?


Core + APG
Admixture Blaster Wizard
Preferred Spell and Spell Perfection Fireball
Greater Spell Focus Evocation

First pick for Loreseeker is Fireball. Which other 2 spells would be good?
+1 DC and +1 CL has the biggest impact on blasts but an admixtured fireball covers blasting pretty good already.

Bump? Anyone?

What level are you starting at and what level do you expect to reach?

Runelords Anniversary. Should go to level 16 or 17. Currently 3rd. This is for a spare character in case my Witch dies, which might happen tonight as we ended last session in the middle of a battle and my Witch stood directly in front of a small boss with only 3 HP left and the melee guys of the party cut off from her.

Edit: Opposed Schools are Necromancy and Divination.

Glitterdust is a spell you'll use for a good long time (but which you could cast starting now) and given the repeat saves a +1 DC should be handy there. Not evocation, but you'll probably still want it.

Elemental Aura could do strange things with Versatile Evocation - making fire-immune creatures catch on fire with cold flames or staggering electricity-immune enemies. If your enemies are close enough to be making saves against this you probably really really want them to be staggered by this too.

If you invest in Toppling Spell then Magic Missile might enjoy an extra missile at even-numbered levels and +1 on the CMB check.

If you ever get Dazing Spell then a low level spell with continuing damage, e.g Burning Gaze or Spontaneous Immolation, can lock down enemies as long as they keep failing saves.

+1 DC to Glittedust is nice but the +1 CL is wasted as it doesn't go against SR and usually won't blind anyone for the complete duration anyway.

Elemental Aura is too close range for my liking.

Toppling Spell is outside the allowed sources (core + APG).

I try to avoid Dazing Spell. It's probably too much because the overall power level of the group is not very high.

Basically, I'm looking for spells that benefit from the +1 DC AND the +1 CL. Might pick Disintegrate as a single target blast in the higher levels. Still leaves me with one open pick. Maybe I'll Go for Versatility and Pick Shadow Conjuration or something.

A mouldable blasting area might be handy, like Fire Snake.

If you're looking for destruction, I'd put my vote in for Flaming Sphere and maybe lightning bolt. Sphere you can manuever around the field to control positioning a bit, and bolt does fireball damage only on one target, which may be needed sometimes if the party is near the enemy.

Non-blasty spells, I'd say haste and fly personally. There are quite a few other excellent ones though.

Thanks, guys!

Turned out I didn't need the new character. Because the whole party got killed. We made a completely new one and I'm the Cleric this time.

I'll still keep your suggestions in mind for future Wizards. Thanks again :)

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