Ramblin' Man

Off-Topic Discussions

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Aberzombie wrote:
Now that Jobs is dead, I give the company maybe 10 years before people are saying "Apple who?".

Cold. But likely.

I may be an android fanatic, but I can't deny Jobs was a genius. It's going to be a long, long time before we see his like again.

Aberzombie wrote:
And, of course, when I actually try to do the latest iphone software update, it keeps freezing up. Thanks Apple. F#!+ing douchbags.

Join us.

Android is magic!!!!

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
And, of course, when I actually try to do the latest iphone software update, it keeps freezing up. Thanks Apple. F#!+ing douchbags.

Join us.

Android is magic!!!!

I'll probably go that route in a couple of years. Just got this new one a few months back, so it's still newish enough.

Scarab Sages

Unless, of course, these crap ass software updates continue.....

Scarab Sages

Huzzah! Got my new blurays today!! House of Dark Shadows and Night of Dark Shadows!!!

Scarab Sages

Also got my Paizo AP subscription! Huzzah, again!!

Feeling old this morning. Old and cranky.

Scarab Sages

A co worker left a bit of newspaper on my desk yesterday containing a story about the Southern Star Brewing Company here in Texas. They're planning a new $5 million brewery. Sweet. They make a nice little beer I found called Buried Hatchet Stout. Very tasty.

This follows on the heels of Saint Arnold and Karbach expanding as well. It's good to be a beer lover in Texas.

Scarab Sages

Or....it's good to be in Texas. Period. Don't know why anyone would be stupid enough to ever leave. Unless they were going to make a shitload more money.

Or a sex goddess wanted them to move.

Scarab Sages

Speaking of sex goddesses......many moons ago, in the halcyon days of my youth, several of my fraternity brothers and I had our lists. Mine was called the Popeyes List. It was a list of extraordinarily hot chicks for whom I would work at Popeyes for the rest of my life, just to be able to come home to wild sex with them every night.

Thinking back, I can barely remember anyone who was on the list.

Scarab Sages

I think Jennifer Connelly was one.

Scarab Sages

Memories light the corners of my mind.
Misty, water-color memories of the way we were....

Scarab Sages

I miss my old friend. Last time I saw him was my wedding. Last time I spoke to him was shortly after my son was born.

Scarab Sages

I miss my friend.

Scarab Sages

Good morning to all the awesome people on the Paizo boards! Happy Thursday! It has the potential to be an awesome day!

Scarab Sages

I actually feel sorry for the city of Dallas. That Ebola shit has got to be scaring that crap out of folks. My brother and his wife moved their recently, so it's got me just a bit perturbed.

From what I hear, the hospital really screwed up their initial treatment of the patient and sent him home with some antibiotics. So he's potentially exposed more people. Don't you just love the smell of incompetence. Smells like......well, like shit.

Scarab Sages

But, I cannot honestly say I'm surprised by this event. With all the other shit going on in my beloved homeland, this kind of f%*! up has become par for the course.

Scarab Sages

Watched House of Dark Shadows last night. So awesome!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And what the f%@~ was up with all the stupid a#%@*&!s on the road today. Either go fast or go slow. Don't keep pulling this "go slow until someone tries to pass, then speed up" crap.

Stoopid f%@@ heads.

Cranky McOldGuy wrote:
Feeling old this morning. Old and cranky.

how is tonight different from other nights...?

Scarab Sages

Well, what can I say? More and more, everywhere I go I find annoying jacknuts. Some places have more than one.

Scarab Sages

And today is going to be another cranky day. At least somewhat cranky. But only because I've been feeling nauseous since yesterday. Methinks its a bad reaction to the anti-inflammatory medicine the orthopedic doctor prescribed for my shoulder.

But it could have been the Popeyes for lunch. Though not likely, since it didn't hit me until last night after dinner.

Could have been the pizza and wings from dinner. One of those wings did seem a little funky......

Scarab Sages

There are good things, however. It's a short work day. And I get to have lunch with the wife - without the kids!!! And I get to put my Halloween decorations up this weekend.

Scarab Sages

I'm also going to transfer my mead again. One more time before I bottle it sometime next week.

Scarab Sages

Then I think I'll prepare another batch.

Scarab Sages

I was channel surfing last night and came across an episode of this Showtime series called The L Word. It's all about lesbians. Many of whom are portrayed by hot actresses. There was boobage right off the bat, but that didn't last long and I quickly lost interest.

Scarab Sages

Then I found a showing of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Not the greatest movie in the world, but also not too bad.

Scarab Sages

It had what I consider one of Schwarzenegger's finest acting moments: when he, shortly after being infected by the she-terminator's programming override, tries to kill John Connor, but struggles between his conflicting programming. An excellent bit of acting.

Aberzombie wrote:
I was channel surfing last night and came across an episode of this Showtime series called The L Word. It's all about lesbians. Many of whom are portrayed by hot actresses. There was boobage right off the bat, but that didn't last long and I quickly lost interest.

It is an award winning show, but cheesecake is at a premium. It's not for titillation, but it's a great story.

Scarab Sages

Desire is irrelevant. I am a machine.

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I was channel surfing last night and came across an episode of this Showtime series called The L Word. It's all about lesbians. Many of whom are portrayed by hot actresses. There was boobage right off the bat, but that didn't last long and I quickly lost interest.
It is an award winning show, but cheesecake is at a premium. It's not for titillation, but it's a great story.

Story, shmory. Gimme boobies and hot chicks getting it on. I'll just have to stick with the far superior soft core that comes on late nights.

If I can stay awake long enough.

Scarab Sages

Plus, I've noticed that Showtime's soft core is nowhere near as good or plentiful as what you find on Cinemax.

Or as we call it Skinemax

LOL! 420 missed.

Sorry no time to read them.

Scarab Sages

It's all good, brother. Not much worth reading.

Scarab Sages

On a sad note, my sister-in-law (wife's younger sis) had to have her horse put down today. Sucks, but better that than let the animal suffer.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A good day: short time a work, then the wife and I hit the Wacky Mongolian for lunch (without kidlets), followed by Walmart, Lowe's and my physical therapy appointment. Then home to set up Halloween decorations, followed by a bit of relaxation before picking the kidlets up from daycare.

Scarab Sages

Wacky Mongolian was awesome. It was build your own stir fry.

Aberzombie wrote:
On a sad note, my sister-in-law (wife's younger sis) had to have her horse put down today. Sucks, but better that than let the animal suffer.


Scarab Sages

A quiet night. During the day I had put up most of my Halloween decorations, but finished up after the kids were in bed. Added some lights to the tree, and an inflatable, light-up pumpkin stack.

Scarab Sages

This morning it was Adam West Batman and bacon.

Aberzombie wrote:
On a sad note, my sister-in-law (wife's younger sis) had to have her horse put down today. Sucks, but better that than let the animal suffer.

Unfortunate. Poor little guy.

Aberzombie wrote:
A good day: short time a work, then the wife and I hit the Wacky Mongolian for lunch (without kidlets), followed by Walmart, Lowe's and my physical therapy appointment. Then home to set up Halloween decorations, followed by a bit of relaxation before picking the kidlets up from daycare.

What did the wacky mongolian ever do to you?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
This morning it was Adam West Batman and bacon.

I can only take Adam West Batman in small doses.

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
A good day: short time a work, then the wife and I hit the Wacky Mongolian for lunch (without kidlets), followed by Walmart, Lowe's and my physical therapy appointment. Then home to set up Halloween decorations, followed by a bit of relaxation before picking the kidlets up from daycare.
What did the wacky mongolian ever do to you?

Be delicious!

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
This morning it was Adam West Batman and bacon.
I can only take Adam West Batman in small doses.

I used to be the same way. But I caught an episode on late at night a few weeks ago and it reminded me that I used to love it's goofiness. And that, for all said silliness, the Batman character had a heavy emphasis on detective skills and smarts, which I consider to be part of the essence of the character.

And it's something I can share with the boy without worrying if it will give him nightmares.

Scarab Sages

Last night I was going to rack my mead over to a fresh carboy. Then I was looking at my brew book and noticed I originally started this mead a year ago this weekend. Therefore, I sanitized bottles instead, and shall bottle the brew later tonight.

Scarab Sages

Also - holy crapcakes on fire! I never had an AC unit with such a large filter before. The damn thing is 4 inches deep!!

Scarab Sages

Another thing I did last night - watched Pacific Rim again!

Scarab Sages

Now it's time to go do some stuff.

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