Raised eyebrows for unusual pairing of race / class / faith?

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge

I have an elven druid from Mwangi. He is a saurian shaman archetype so he has a triceratops companion. His backstory is he was the son of two elven archeologists who ran away to live with the dinosaurs when he was youngish while his parents were in mwangi. He believes dinosaurs to be beings of immense power. He is savage, acts a bit like tarzan, and has some orc blood in him (I plan to eventually mutliclass as an orc blooded sorcerer.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

Loxx is my well-meaning but brutish barbarian/druid. While he would much rather be tending to his garden, The Sczarni, took notice of him. Loxx, unfortunately is too simple-minded to realize that they are taking advantage of him.

3/5 *

Chomm Skee, M.D. wrote:

"You're a cavalier riding a turtle?"

Typically followed by "Your turtle has a 50 foot move speed?"

And soon after "The turtle has the 'sprint' ability?"

Racing Snail. I want to do this now.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

I haven't posted this yet? Huh.
One of my new favorite characters is an Inquisitor of Cayden Cailean who heads up a small order of worshippers who are basically chaotic good frat boys(I'll post about them eventually).
He's an Archon-Blooded Aasimar. His ancestors don't approve of what he does.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

I was shocked tonight when I sat down at the table with my tiefling inquisitor of Szuriel and nobody gave me a funny look at all.

Silver Crusade 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I was shocked tonight when I sat down at the table with my tiefling inquisitor of Szuriel and nobody gave me a funny look at all.

And this is why tieflings are being removed.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Fromper wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I was shocked tonight when I sat down at the table with my tiefling inquisitor of Szuriel and nobody gave me a funny look at all.

And this is why tieflings are being removed.

I'm pretty sure the Szuriel bit is supposed to be the shocking bit, not the tiefling part.

Personally, I've seen enough Inquisitors/Clerics/etc. of Evil deities that they're not shocking at all.

5/5 *****

My Aasimar Bloatmage often breaks out his folding chair mid combat to have a bit of a sit down and fan himself. All this exertion is really quite exhausting.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

Jeff Merola wrote:
Fromper wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I was shocked tonight when I sat down at the table with my tiefling inquisitor of Szuriel and nobody gave me a funny look at all.

And this is why tieflings are being removed.

I'm pretty sure the Szuriel bit is supposed to be the shocking bit, not the tiefling part.

Personally, I've seen enough Inquisitors/Clerics/etc. of Evil deities that they're not shocking at all.

I'm only aware of 1 other in my area. Lots of clerics on neutral gods who channel negative energy though.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Jeff Merola wrote:
Fromper wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I was shocked tonight when I sat down at the table with my tiefling inquisitor of Szuriel and nobody gave me a funny look at all.

And this is why tieflings are being removed.

I'm pretty sure the Szuriel bit is supposed to be the shocking bit, not the tiefling part.

Personally, I've seen enough Inquisitors/Clerics/etc. of Evil deities that they're not shocking at all.

I'm only aware of 1 other in my area. Lots of clerics on neutral gods who channel negative energy though.

Most of the players at the table were too new to PFS/Pathfinder to really know who Szuriel is, and my Bard was too busy drinking to notice. You'd have gotten strange looks from any of my LG characters.


Yeah, the Szuriel thing is far more worrying than being a tiefling. Any race telling you they think Szuriel is awesome, is worrisome. She is not at all a nice diety.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

Ferious Thune wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Jeff Merola wrote:
Fromper wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I was shocked tonight when I sat down at the table with my tiefling inquisitor of Szuriel and nobody gave me a funny look at all.

And this is why tieflings are being removed.

I'm pretty sure the Szuriel bit is supposed to be the shocking bit, not the tiefling part.

Personally, I've seen enough Inquisitors/Clerics/etc. of Evil deities that they're not shocking at all.

I'm only aware of 1 other in my area. Lots of clerics on neutral gods who channel negative energy though.
Most of the players at the table were too new to PFS/Pathfinder to really know who Szuriel is, and my Bard was too busy drinking to notice. You'd have gotten strange looks from any of my LG characters.

Damn drunk bard didn't even share his whiskey. *grumble grumble*

Should have turned him into a bard-kabob on my greatsword. *grumble grumble*

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

David Neilson wrote:
Yeah, the Szuriel thing is far more worrying than being a tiefling. Any race telling you they think Szuriel is awesome, is worrisome. She is not at all a nice diety.

Wait, Szuriel is a she? That makes her even more awesome! I read up on her some, but never once did I even notice they were referring to her as a, well, her. Now my character is not only a worshipper of Szuriel, he's madly in love with her and his every action is an attempt to get her lustful attention.

I've never not been asked why my Lawful Good Paladin of Milani's first name is Asmodia.


Wait, the more important question is how are you a Lawful Good Paladin of a Chaotic Good diety?

Silver Crusade 4/5

David Neilson wrote:
Wait, the more important question is how are you a Lawful Good Paladin of a Chaotic Good diety?

Good catch - I missed that. He's right, though. That's not legal in PFS.

Fromper wrote:
David Neilson wrote:
Wait, the more important question is how are you a Lawful Good Paladin of a Chaotic Good diety?
Good catch - I missed that. He's right, though. That's not legal in PFS.

Dunno, I generated her using Hero Labs, which usually catches things like that.

It needs to be an actual LG deity, then?

Scarab Sages

Neongelion wrote:
Fromper wrote:
David Neilson wrote:
Wait, the more important question is how are you a Lawful Good Paladin of a Chaotic Good diety?
Good catch - I missed that. He's right, though. That's not legal in PFS.

Dunno, I generated her using Hero Labs, which usually catches things like that.

It needs to be an actual LG deity, then?

It needs to be within one step of LG. so LG, NG, or LN.


Well no, it can be a Lawful Neutral diety, a Lawful Good diety, or a Neutral Good diety. Milani however is Chaotic Good and hence too far away to be legal for a Paladin.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Neongelion wrote:
Fromper wrote:
David Neilson wrote:
Wait, the more important question is how are you a Lawful Good Paladin of a Chaotic Good diety?
Good catch - I missed that. He's right, though. That's not legal in PFS.

Dunno, I generated her using Hero Labs, which usually catches things like that.

It needs to be an actual LG deity, then?

The Guide to Organized Play, Additional Resources page, and/or the sourcebooks you're using will tell you whether or not something's legal. If you're relying on HeroLab to tell you whether or not something's legal, you're misusing HeroLab.

Silver Crusade 4/5

You have to be within one alignment step of your deity. So for a LG paladin, any LG, LN, or NG deity will work. And since paladins are required to have a patron deity in PFS, you'll need to choose a different god/dess.

Wow - the ninjas are out in force. Luckily, they're less powerful when there's more of them.

Jiggy wrote:
Neongelion wrote:
Fromper wrote:
David Neilson wrote:
Wait, the more important question is how are you a Lawful Good Paladin of a Chaotic Good diety?
Good catch - I missed that. He's right, though. That's not legal in PFS.

Dunno, I generated her using Hero Labs, which usually catches things like that.

It needs to be an actual LG deity, then?

The Guide to Organized Play, Additional Resources page, and/or the sourcebooks you're using will tell you whether or not something's legal. If you're relying on HeroLab to tell you whether or not something's legal, you're misusing HeroLab.

I completely disagree, since it integrates what's legal and not legal in PFS pretty darn well so far. Well I suppose it hasn't now since they just updated Additional Resources, but that'll soon change.

Fromper wrote:
You have to be within one alignment step of your deity. So for a LG paladin, any LG, LN, or NG deity will work. And since paladins are required to have a patron deity in PFS, you'll need to choose a different god/dess.


Well that's upsetting. I suppose there's always the Warpriest to change to now, though!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Neongelion wrote:

I completely disagree, since it integrates what's legal and not legal in PFS pretty darn well so far. Well I suppose it hasn't now since they just updated Additional Resources, but that'll soon change.

HeroLab is not a rules source. I am a HeroLab user, and there are several instances where HeroLab is wrong. It makes building character much easier, but you always need to go to the Guide to Organized Play and Additional Resources page for the final word on what is/is not legal.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Neongelion wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
The Guide to Organized Play, Additional Resources page, and/or the sourcebooks you're using will tell you whether or not something's legal. If you're relying on HeroLab to tell you whether or not something's legal, you're misusing HeroLab.
I completely disagree, since it integrates what's legal and not legal in PFS pretty darn well so far.

Doesn't matter how well it integrates things, it's still a 3rd-party product designed to be a supplemental game aid. As far as legality, it's about the same as if I wrote a messageboard post titled "Jiggy's Totally Reliable List of What's Legal in PFS". Sure, it might be well-intentioned and regularly updated, but it's still just some dude on the internet claiming that X is legal. Never trust some schmuck named Jiggy on the internet. ;)

Silver Crusade 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
Never trust some schmuck named Jiggy on the internet. ;)



Imbicatus wrote:
Neongelion wrote:

I completely disagree, since it integrates what's legal and not legal in PFS pretty darn well so far. Well I suppose it hasn't now since they just updated Additional Resources, but that'll soon change.

HeroLab is not a rules source. I am a HeroLab user, and there are several instances where HeroLab is wrong. It makes building character much easier, but you always need to go to the Guide to Organized Play and Additional Resources page for the final word on what is/is not legal.

Well I don't completely rely on Hero Labs for that kinda stuff, as I've looked at the Guide and AR page on a semi-regular basis for clarifications even after getting the program. But I still feel confident enough to use it without fear of playing an illegal character.

...Well okay, except for that whole worshiping a CG goddess deal.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I was going to post something RE: third party software, but realised that topics are topics:

My half-elf inquisitor is an Ekujae tribesmember from a gathering south of Kibwe, but chose to convert into the colonial faith rather than risk excommunication.

She had been aiding a Chelaxian chartered exploration group for months as a ruin guide. Knew location and first floor of an Azlanti outpost, shared them with the group and received protection and a share of the loot in return. Most of the ruin was buried by the jungle or torn down by erosion and what little remained above ground had been thoroughly destroyed in some cataclysm weeks before the group arrived. Bone and colored stone sigils marked the place haunted, utterly verboten.

Ayrol didn't much care: youth is for breaking the fold. She led the colonials underground several times and each was a revelation: from charau-ka hoards brimming with tribal loot to forgotten safe rooms still humming with ancient magics and from magical health fountains to clockwork marvels, the group catalogued, looted and studied.

It was on one of these raids when the ruins suddenly became flushed with blue light. The explorers saw their instruments, especially the ioun stones, go haywire. The base camp had to evacuate to a nearby hill while the ruin visibly shifted, buildings toppling, streets opening and primordial chambers roaring, reconfiguring itself into a daedalic maze. That was the last anyone saw of the outpost as those lining the slope bolted when the reconfiguration started to resemble a vast rune. And that was before they heard the screams rising from below.

Two years later, the Grand Lodge had a visitor: a young half-elf whose eyes bespoke years of hardship and who carried herself like an elder matron. She spoke very little of her experiences before the Society, but kept a wide berth from the rare other Ekujae walking the grounds. "They wouldn't understand what I did, what had to be done. I took their taboos and spit on them, but only to protect. The chapterhouse took me in and offered a way to field my talents without sowing chaos. Abadar is my tribe now."

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

The problem may be that in your character set-up you did not click the option for "PFS Organized Play character". If you did not click that, then your character is perfectly legal. However, since PFS requires a paladin to worship a god, and since all deity-requiring characters in PFS must be within 1 step of their deity, your character is illegal.

When I created my paladin in HeroLab, only the LG, NG, and LN deities were available to choose from. Check those settings and see if HeroLab throws up an error code.

Bigdaddyjug wrote:

The problem may be that in your character set-up you did not click the option for "PFS Organized Play character". If you did not click that, then your character is perfectly legal. However, since PFS requires a paladin to worship a god, and since all deity-requiring characters in PFS must be within 1 step of their deity, your character is illegal.

When I created my paladin in HeroLab, only the LG, NG, and LN deities were available to choose from. Check those settings and see if HeroLab throws up an error code.

It's all good, changing her to warpriest I suppose. I have a feeling playing as paladins in PFS will just end poorly anyway.

(I did check PFS Organized Play Character option though)

In the interests of staying on-topic:

A character of a friend of mine is an eccentric Chelaxian human magus/summoner who wears leaf armor. Normal, until you realize that his profession is "Barrister at Law". I should add that his eidelon, which is a bear/devil/stag combination, definitely raises eyebrows through the roof.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

You don't get to rebuild the character unless you are still level 1. If you are level 2 or above you just pick a new god and roll with it.

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
You don't get to rebuild the character unless you are still level 1. If you are level 2 or above you just pick a new god and roll with it.

I know this, she's still level 1. In fact I haven't even played her yet; I've only told her concept to people and played her a few times in other non-PFS games. Was planning on playing her for the first time this Wednesday.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

Oh ok cool. Good luck to ya then!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Neongelion wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:

The problem may be that in your character set-up you did not click the option for "PFS Organized Play character". If you did not click that, then your character is perfectly legal. However, since PFS requires a paladin to worship a god, and since all deity-requiring characters in PFS must be within 1 step of their deity, your character is illegal.

When I created my paladin in HeroLab, only the LG, NG, and LN deities were available to choose from. Check those settings and see if HeroLab throws up an error code.

It's all good, changing her to warpriest I suppose. I have a feeling playing as paladins in PFS will just end poorly anyway.

(I did check PFS Organized Play Character option though)

In the interests of staying on-topic:

A character of a friend of mine is an eccentric Chelaxian human magus/summoner who wears leaf armor. Normal, until you realize that his profession is "Barrister at Law". I should add that his eidelon, which is a bear/devil/stag combination, definitely raises eyebrows through the roof.

If we are discussing PCs for friends, one of the locals has a summoner whose eidolon is a big teddy bear with fangs, and his summoner, a little girl....

Silver Crusade 1/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Paladin of Arshea here.

Tiefling, Raksasha-spawn. Nobody bats an eyelash.
Looks like a snake person. Nobody bats an eyelash.
Is called Gwenfrewi. Nobody really bats an eyelash, but has trouble pronouncing it.


your PALADIN has HOW many ranks in Profession Courtesan?

So she's a Prostitute.


She's more like a Companion from Firefly.

But she's a PALADIN!

Of Arshea.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Well, my LN aasimar black-blooded oracle/undead sorcerer/mystic theurge is a devout worshipper of Irori, and has been treated with deep suspicion after his very pleasant explantion of how, due to the nature of his oracular curse, he doesn't respond well to positive energy, but in case of emergency party members are welcome to pour the black potion vial in his bandolier down his throat.

Scarab Sages

Ah yes, the crazy guy..."Don't heal me!"

Scarab Sages 4/5

keerawa wrote:
Well, my LN aasimar black-blooded oracle/undead sorcerer/mystic theurge is a devout worshipper of Irori, and has been treated with deep suspicion after his very pleasant explantion of how, due to the nature of his oracular curse, he doesn't respond well to positive energy, but in case of emergency party members are welcome to pour the black potion vial in his bandolier down his throat.

My True Neutral Elven Black-blooded Ancient Lorekeeper Oracle of Bones/Warpriest of Pharasma has had similar conversations. He also gets funny looks when he bleeds on his enemies to hurt them, when I tell a GM I'm an elf with Darkvision (not a Drow!), when he casts Shield (not of Faith), or when he frequently quotes Ivan Drago after downing an enemy and not stabilizing them. "If he dies, he dies." Or sometimes the more setting friendly, "if it is his time to journey to the Boneyard, then so be it."

Scarab Sages 3/5 *

I have a Paladin who uses a Horsechopper, and that is getting more attention than my Half Orc who thought he was Lamashtu's chosen ever did.

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