Quelle Différance

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

While I appreciate all the general insights and first impressions, I'm most interested in how PFO is meaningfully distinct from prior MMOs. A lot of us have run around in EQ2/WOW/RIFT/Warhammer, etc.

What stands out to you as a genuinely distinct about PFO's approach?

Goblin Squad Member

Probably the community building and transactions between communities. Hopefully.

Goblin Squad Member

*Différence* mon ami, c'est différent.
Ne prenez pas ma prompte remarque pour un différend entre nous, mais c'est juste qu'en la différant, vous n'auriez pu la corriger.
Yes French can be a real b@$%~...

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Un peu de déférence pour ma langue, merci ! :p

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Level 1 goblin killing is not going to be hugely different in any game. The real differences are not going to show up until we start into the settlement game.

Goblin Squad Member

Mbando wrote:
What stands out to you as a genuinely distinct about PFO's approach?

Focusing only on things that were immediately apparent:

1. Multi-Classing: It's obvious that you can pursue any Feat you want, and be able to use it along with any others. The Feature slot doesn't seem to limit what Feats you can slot.

2. Constrained Non-Consensual PvP: Morbis made the point very well that his character was significantly handicapped after losing Reputation three times. This is probably the biggest discriminator right now, and is pretty easy to see.

3. Crafting Depth & Variety: I didn't actually try any crafting, but I found tons of recipes. It was also very apparent that there were lots of different resource types because you could harvest "a few interesting plants" and get extremely varied named resources.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon: thanks so much--that's exactly the kind of insight I was seeking :)

Goblin Squad Member

Nolondil, Audoucet, other Francophone friends: Sorry, I was making a small post-structuralist joke:

La différance, c'est le jeu systématique des différences, des traces de différences, de l'espacement par lequel les éléments se rapportent les uns aux autres. Cet espacement est la production, à la fois active et passive (le a de la différence indique cette indécision par rapport à l'activité et à la passivité, ce qui ne se laisse pas encore commander et distribuer par cette opposition), des intervalles sans lesquels les termes « pleins » ne signifieraient pas, ne fonctionneraient pas. C'est aussi le devenir-espace de la chaîne parlée – qu'on a dite temporelle et linéaire ; devenir-espace qui seul rend possibles l'écriture et toute correspondance entre la parole et l'écriture, tout passage de l'une à l'autre.

L'activité ou la productivité connotées par le a de la différance renvoient au mouvement génératif dans le jeu des différences. Celles-ci ne sont pas tombées du ciel et elles ne sont pas inscrites une fois pour toutes dans un système clos, dans une structure statique qu'une opération synchronique et taxinomique pourrait épuiser. Les différences sont les effets des transformations et de ce point de vue le thème de la différance est incompatible avec le motif statique, synchronique, taxinomique, anhistorique, etc., du concept de structure. Mais il va de soi que ce motif n'est pas le seul à définir la structure et que la production des différences, la différance, n'est pas a-structurale : elle produit des transformations systématiques et réglées pouvant, jusqu'à un certain point, donner lieu à une science structurale. Le concept de différance développe même les exigences principielles les plus légitimes du « structuralisme ». [...]

Rien – aucun étant présent et in-différent – ne précède donc la différance et l'espacement. Il n'y a pas de sujet qui soit agent, auteur et maître de la différance et auquel celle-ci surviendrait éventuellement et empiriquement. La subjectivité – comme l'objectivité – est un effet de différance, un effet inscrit dans un système de différance. C'est pourquoi le a de la différance rappelle aussi que l'espacement est temporisation, détour, délai par lequel l'intuition, la perception, la consommation, en un mot le rapport au présent, la référence à une réalité présente, à un étant, sont toujours différés. Différés en raison même du principe de différence qui veut qu'un élément ne fonctionne et ne signifie, ne prenne ou ne donne « sens » qu'en renvoyant à un autre élément passé ou à venir, dans une économie des traces.

-Jacques Derrida, « Sémiologie et grammatologie », in Positions, Éditions de Minuit (1967). Extrait de Les pages les plus célèbres de la philosophie occidentale, Denis Huisman et Marie-Agnès Malfray, Perrin © 2000, pages 632 et 633.

Goblin Squad Member

Mbando wrote:
Nolondil, Audoucet, other Francophone friends: Sorry, I was making a small post-structuralist joke

If the joke was to have me read three times a text by Derrida without understand half of it you surely succeeded :D

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Nolondil Leafrunner wrote:
Mbando wrote:
Nolondil, Audoucet, other Francophone friends: Sorry, I was making a small post-structuralist joke
If the joke was to have me read three times a text by Derrida without understand half of it you surely succeeded :D

Well, that's Derrida for you.

Goblin Squad Member

Having had time to actually watch the Lee's livestream, I think the power mechanic stands out from other games as well. It basically is the representation of a pool of resources for you to use tabletop daily abilities in PFO. When those resources are gone you will need to camp somewhere or go to a tavern to replenish. Right now you have to log off and back in again to replenish.

I've seen other games work with a few abilities in a similar fashion, but usually it has a long cool down to compensate. Having a separate resource bar and how it replenishes I personally think is full of win. Very happy to see this type of thing in the game and I feel it translates well from the table top. It also gives camping and going to taverns a significant mechanical importance while building on the thematic notions of the world. So big yay from me! :D

Goblin Squad Member

Cool--great insight Q :)

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Mbando wrote:
Nolondil, Audoucet, other Francophone friends: Sorry, I was making a small post-structuralist joke:

et pourtant cette lecture des élucubrations de Derrida n'a pas réussi à me dérider :/

Goblin Squad Member

FMS Quietus wrote:

Having had time to actually watch the Lee's livestream, I think the power mechanic stands out from other games as well. It basically is the representation of a pool of resources for you to use tabletop daily abilities in PFO. When those resources are gone you will need to camp somewhere or go to a tavern to replenish. Right now you have to log off and back in again to replenish.

I've seen other games work with a few abilities in a similar fashion, but usually it has a long cool down to compensate. Having a separate resource bar and how it replenishes I personally think is full of win. Very happy to see this type of thing in the game and I feel it translates well from the table top. It also gives camping and going to taverns a significant mechanical importance while building on the thematic notions of the world. So big yay from me! :D

Should be very interesting to see how the Power mechanics affect the large-scale combats and extended sieges. It seems to me like an attacker in a siege would have to set up a nearby camp for recovering Power, which would give the defenders a goal to attack so that they can actively repel the enemy forces (as opposed to sitting around waiting for the fight to end).

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