Wrath of the Righteous

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Shadow Lodge

Were starting this campign in to months and i have no idea what it is about or what i should play the other party members decided on

Tengu Wizard
Thelfling Magus
Human Monk

Also they something about Mythic levels what are those?
and do i have to take them?

didn't you haver another thread about this very same subject not too long ago?

however i recommend Alchemist, they are fun times, also rogues are super fun'

i'll let mythic tiers be a surprise for you:)
you will need to either buy or borrow Mythic Adventures from someone or somewhere:)

good luck:)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Your party has the arcane and martial aspect covered, I'd recommend a divine caster with some heavy healing and blasting potential, so maybe a cleric or oracle.

Mythic levels are obligatory for the campaign and give you crazy powers on top of the crazy powers you already get during a normal campaign. In effect they are a multiplier effect to what you can already do or they give you completely new special maneuvers.

In terms of power this campaign is far beyond what a normal campaign would entail, which goes both for your party and the monsters. In effect Paizo heavily underestimated how powerful a party would get with mythic powers, so your GM has a heavy work load ahead of him/her to make the campaign keep being challenging, especially at the later levels.

Nonetheless, even with the advantage you will have in terms of destroying enemies, they still will be able to heavily damage your party members as well, which is why I recommend playing a healing class. If a party member gets blasted down to -100 hitpoints, with a mythic divine caster it becomes possible to heal him up from that before he is "really dead".

Shadow Lodge

Oh ummm i tend to play the worthless characters in the party...ones that are just meant to handle role playing situations i honestly horrible when it comes to combat.

If the combat going to be that intense i might as well expect to roll a new character each week..

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's going to be pretty crazy as soon as module three comes around, I can tell you that.

Shadow Lodge

Well in Rise of the Runelords i went through 96 characters in that one.. if that any initiation of my characters in combat...

i don't think i've had 96 characters in all the campaigns i've ever been in:)
wow, thats a bummer!!!

on the sunny side, with Mythic Adventures in WotR, you will be able to turn the tables on him!

my advice, don't redeem ANYONE leave the world wound a gory mess of demon entrails and cultist heads on pikes:)

or ya know, play it straight, turn the other cheek, take the high road* whatever works for you:)

* "I always tell people, take the High Road, that way there's less traffic when i take the Low Road"

Shadow Lodge

Well i tended to make character that focused focus poorly on conversations so i tried to go up and talk to characters including demons and never bought any Armour. Since i believe i can talk my way out of any situation even demons or nercomancers. So i focus everything no matter what my character is on CHA. i think the character we beat Rise of the rune lords with was a 30 cha Gnome fighter. He did 1d6+2 with his +2 long sword My Diplomacy was so high i tohught i never need to use my sword

sounds like my wife:) she likes the klutzy but vengeful witch type, her current character is a magus with a dex of 10, didn't want to have any armor, i finally was able to talk her into a chain shirt, but it was difficult:) my daughter also doesn't want her character to wear armor but she makes primarily elven/catfolk/kitsune/lashunta rogues, ninjas, bards and rangers so her highest ability is usually dexterity.

well lets see,
your group has the fire and brimstone covered with a magi and wizard, you like charisma so what about a Bard or Rogue, maybe with the Spy or Charlatan Archetype.

i myself have always liked the Anti-Hero and lovable rogue that ties it all together at the end, Mythic Adventures also has some fun stuff for the trickster path (every mythic character chooses from 6 different paths-Archmage, Champion, Guardian, Hierophant, Marshal, Trickster- loosely tied to the 6 different ability scores, you can choose any path no matter your class, tho some are better for different classes:)

otherwise if you're into healing classes i have loads of fun with my dwarven oracle of heavens with the stargazer archetype in RoW.

hope this helps:)

An oracle is great because it has high CHA generally, so you can diplomance while pumping your primary casting stat. The Moon domain mystery is pretty neat. You will probably be mildly starved for skillpoints. If you take leadership you will have a killer score and can probably afford to have a nice magic item-crafter wizard who will give you huge mileage on your WBL.

Shadow Lodge

Well people were saying to play a healer type like a druid cleric or orcle that was one advanced class i was thinking about but i doubt it matches the Campign a gnomish gunsmith who keeps trying to upgrade her gun until it will explode in her face.

Order of the paw looked kinda fun or inquistior though that one looks hard to play

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If you're going to be the Face, I'd recommend either playing a Bard or an Oracle. You'll have the Charisma for diplomatic aspects and also for spellcasting. Also, you have some healing capabilities.

Alternatively, you could go Paladin - again, have Charisma as a high stat as at 2nd level and on up you'll be using Lay On Hands to do the healing for the group. There are actual builds that are healing-specific. And Paladins are given a sloppy kiss in the module.

A sloppy kiss?
they go all the way with Paladins;) "right thru third base, slidding into home" as Frank Drebbin once said
*sigh* i miss leslie neilson:(

Shadow Lodge

Oh i'm not the face the thelfing said they being the face.

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captain yesterday wrote:

A sloppy kiss?

they go all the way with Paladins;) "right thru third base, slidding into home" as Frank Drebbin once said
*sigh* i miss leslie neilson:(

Yes, he was great. But he lived a decent life and put out a great body of work. And we can always rewatch many of those greats and raise a glass in toast to a superb man who will live on so long as we remember him and watch his works.


A Tiefling is the Face. With the Charisma penalty. oO Well, that should make for some fascinating roleplaying! ^^

Your group is deficient with Healing. There are several classes with access to healing magic:

I'm not familiar with the Alchemist, but it makes sense for that class to have healing magic as well, seeing they make lots of potions and the like.

Now here's the question: what role do you see yourself playing in the group? You said you're not great in combat, so you might do well in a support role - thus the Oracle, Druid, Cleric, or Bard. Bards are quite handy as Bardic Song buffs all of your group which can be quite useful though given the... weakness of enemies at higher levels of Mythic, probably adding over to the overkill.

I'd suggest a Cleric might be the best support role. You have a bunch of good buff spells with the cleric, can with a couple of Feats use Channel Positive Energy to fix your group up without helping the enemy (Selective Channeling - you'll want a decent Charisma in this case), and Mythic (the rules of which are available on the website under the PRD for Mythic Adventures - links to the left of the screen).

Alternatively, you could also go with Paladin, but go with ranged combat. Being a Paladin of Abadar or Erastil makes sense in this case as Abadar's weapon of choice is the light crossbow, while Erastil's weapon of choice is the longbow. This would explain why your character remains in the back using arrows. (Smite Evil works with ranged weapons.) And seeing that Paladins are given sweet sweet lovings, you'll find other benefits of being a Paladin eventually. ;)

if they have Blood of Fiends, that opens up ten different tie fling bloodlines.
Demon Spawn and Kyton spawned Tieflings both get +2 to Charisma (also mythic adventures cancels out most detriments to un-optimal race/class combinations:)

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I am a firm believer in playing what you want. Just because you are not optimized for an AP or a perfect fit for the party, you will have more fun playing what you like.

As many on these boards have commented, this AP is particularly forgiving for non-optimized party composition and/or character builds.

As a further note, if you churn through 96 characters over the course of the AP, you should have the opportunity to play one of everything. I love making be able to play someone new every time I sat down might be very exciting - so, play what you want and roll the dice.

also get plant books and baby name books, if you're cranking out that many characters its good to have some decent names and both of those are great for ideas:)

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True story: I was playing in a 2nd edition AD&D game once (with a GM who basically convinced me never to play in a roleplaying game ever again because the only person I can trust not to be a sadistic bastard of a GM is myself or close friends who don't have time to run games as the GM) when the GM decided to merge two separate groups for one game. The problem: the second group was quite a bit higher level than our group. We were given a bunch of XPs to level up, but the mechanism was to make two stat-checks and if you failed them, you have to train.

His campaign was the first time I'd played not as the GM in a bit so I'd already switched between several characters before finally finding one that I liked - a Paladin who considered the priest character of another player as his superior officer and of all my characters was probably the most constructive and decent of the lot. He was only 3rd level.

First random encounter at night, while on watch I heard something. As I tried to investigate, 20 archers opened up and turned my character into a pincushion. As I prepared to roll up a new character, I turned to the GM and said "Half XPs to start, right?"

He said "No. 1st level." This was a direct change in his existing policy.

I just eyed him and instead of doing what I should have done (said "[censor] this, [censor] your game, and [censor] you most of all" and walk away (difficult as we were on a college campus quite a distance from home and I'd been driven there), I proceeded to pull out dice and started rolling up multiple character sheets. A dozen in fact.

I went through six. The first was killed by GM fiat when my skeptical character questioned the holy magical sword that was insisting we do something. Brought to -10 hit points immediately. I was quite put out that the GM, who had in the past ruled if someone sinned while wielding the sword, it would fly away into the distance and need to be recovered with a quest. But seems murder isn't a sin when a holy sword tells you to murder.

Needless to say, I'm not going to be a player in a game again. Lili, I hope you never go through b~+@$*&% as severe as that.

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My older brother, whom would only DM and had most of the rulebooks had a very adversarial relationship with us, his players. his philosophy to this day is that he is out to get the PCs, its not a good game for him unless every single player is dead, preferably at the end boss, which was always outrageously powerful.

so me and my brother caught on to his end game in his Westgate campaign, we both had Halfling Rogues that were able to parley their wealth into separate thieves guilds (with a sort of friendly rivalry going on).

so he had this end game set up with a rival guild of what turned out to be vampires and his favorite NPC, an elven wizard that had come to control the city.

any way, just as the hammer was about to drop, we let it become known that our two guilds that appeared to be separate and rivals to boot, were actually one guild and we robbed the city stupid got the vampires to kill the Elf thru misdirection (drugged him up put a hat of disguise to look like me and threw him in the street) and retired to a Dale that to this day we refuse to reveal (amulets of misdirection or whatever it was).

to this day (20+ years later) he's still the same GM, and i haven't played with him since:)

on the sunny side that was the motivation we needed to get our own books:)

oh yes the Dale we retired to


story time is fun!

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Well, on the plus side, I'm the Kinder and Gentler GM, as is likely evident whenever I rant against Total Party Kills as being something to be ashamed of, not proud of. And I stepped away from one TPK that I could easily have pulled off using a Rakshasha. *sigh* Pity, that. Probably would have done me some good to do that, say "Okay, someone else can GM now," and recover from burnout. ^^;; That and I had a bet with my primary player that I'd quit the campaign and start a new one before he revealed himself to be a traitor to the group, and I did. (Then again, a TPK would probably be considered "quitting the game" even if it was a legitimate end-point.)

@ Tangent101 - I've heard you share about your bad experiences with that jerk GM before, and it makes me sad every time I hear it. It also makes me angry at the same time, to be reminded that there are such jerks (which I could psychoanalyze if I really wanted to) who take out their lives' frustrations on Players. I really hope (because Burnout really, really sucks) that you're able to find someone in your trusted circle of friends who can GM for you, and give you a chance to be on the other side of the screen for a change of pace.
Good Peace,

yeah, i'm also a kinder GM, partially that is due to my average party consisting of my 3 year old son, 10 year old daughter and my wife (age withheld).

it is a lot of fun, you would not believe what they are capable of:)
in this group dynamic, everyone is the wild card:)

@Changing Man: I'm over the burnout actually. It seems not running a game for over half a decade not only can heal burnout (I would suffer migraines when I thought of running a game again initially - fortunately that's not the case now), but the need to run a game became an itch in my skull that was only sated after my best friend and his then-girlfriend (now wife) agreed to let me run a game for them when the superhero game they were in ended.

I very much doubt I'll ever be a player in a game again, unless I find some woman who tolerates or enjoys my eccentricities who is also a gamer and enjoys running games and forces me to become an honest if eccentric individual. ;)

But I doubt that's a bad thing. I enjoy running games.

Grand Lodge

Your group really does look like it needs a healer and a damage sponge. I'd go with Paladin, if playing one is in your wheel house. Running one of the healing focus archetypes will really make them shine, and should add some survivability to the character.

Failing that, look into a cleric or oracle of life. Your group is down on healing pretty hard. Alchemist, with the right archetype and discoveries can make for a fun character and effective healer as well, but it's not as natural of a course for them.

Good luck!

And, ah, don't try and bargain/negotiate with the twisted fallen souls that have been reshaped into personifications of sin. It (almost) never goes well...

Shadow Lodge

So make a 20 wisdom paladin to cast many healing spells?

i usually just get told play this (and get handed a character)

Grand Lodge

I'd focus more on lay on hand and channel energy. Those are much more versatile for the paladin's healing abilities, as well as bolstering your saves. Lay on hands can remove a wide variety of status conditions, and you can use it on yourself with a swift action, and channel energy can heal many of your friends at the same time. A decent wisdom isn't a bad thing, but a high charisma will serve you much better in that regard.

For a paladin, I'd focus on charisma for your support needs, and strength for your combat needs in equal measure. Unless you want to do a dexterity focused combat scheme.

Shadow Lodge

Well paladins spells are based off wisdom.

Paladins use Charisma for spells, not Wisdom. In addition, the higher the Charisma, the more Lay on Hands abilities they have. The highest your Wisdom needs to be is 14 to get up to level 4 spells.

Lili wrote:
Well paladins spells are based off wisdom.

it used to be wisdom in 3.5 for spells and lay on hands was charisma, its little known actually that for pathfinder they put it all under charisma:) at least it was for us, but we never use paladins:)

Do you have fun playing it?

if yes play what you want, you will have that much more fun that way then going with what the AP or your GM say you should play:)

you obviously like druids, this is also a great AP thematically for Druids, if you know anyone that has it, Lost Kingdoms has an Outstanding piece on Sarkoris (aka the world wound.
that has tons of motivation for vengeful nature types.

Hey, where'd the Halfling go? Dang it, I hate it when those lil' guys sneak off like that...

Yeah, Paladins need Charisma to get all their good stuff. Wisdom certainly won't hurt for some extra skills (like Perception), but the things that will help the most are Charisma (for abilities), Strength (for hitting things hard), and Constitution (Hit points. Need I say more?)
Of course if you're going for a ranged Paladin, then focus on Dexterity in lieu of Strength.

captain yesterday wrote:

you obviously like druids, this is also a great AP thematically for Druids, if you know anyone that has it, Lost Kingdoms has an Outstanding piece on Sarkoris (aka the world wound.

that has tons of motivation for vengeful nature types.

To add on to what he said, if your GM would allow you to read it, there's a cool write-up on The Green Faith included as an article in this AP. Also, the Player's Companion Faiths and Philosophies has some nifty things there as well, and maybe theInner Sea World Guide or Inner Sea Magic (or maybe both- can't recall).

In my (relatively) short-lived time as a Player in this AP I had tons of fun with my Half-Elf Multiclass Shaman (Kobold Press's New Paths Compendium variety) / Summoner. I fancied myself a sort of God-Caller, and was a devotee of the Green. (and with the Starlight Summons Feat, my small private army was... not insignificant.) But alas, the GM's girlfriend gave him the 'Me or the game' ultimatum, and we lost another good man. But hey, now I get the GM the adventure (for a different group), so it's not all bad. :)

Changing Man wrote:

Hey, where'd the Halfling go? Dang it, I hate it when those lil' guys sneak off like that...

Yeah, Paladins need Charisma to get all their good stuff. Wisdom certainly won't hurt for some extra skills (like Perception), but the things that will help the most are Charisma (for abilities), Strength (for hitting things hard), and Constitution (Hit points. Need I say more?)
Of course if you're going for a ranged Paladin, then focus on Dexterity in lieu of Strength.

yeah you would not believe the s#~! that goes down with Baleful Polymorph:) also i get bored with my avatar]:)

Changing Man wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

you obviously like druids, this is also a great AP thematically for Druids, if you know anyone that has it, Lost Kingdoms has an Outstanding piece on Sarkoris (aka the world wound.

that has tons of motivation for vengeful nature types.

To add on to what he said, if your GM would allow you to read it, there's a cool write-up on The Green Faith included as an article in this AP. Also, the Player's Companion Faiths and Philosophies has some nifty things there as well, and maybe theInner Sea World Guide or Inner Sea Magic (or maybe both- can't recall).

In my (relatively) short-lived time as a Player in this AP I had tons of fun with my Half-Elf Multiclass Shaman (Kobold Press's New Paths Compendium variety) / Summoner. I fancied myself a sort of God-Caller, and was a devotee of the Green. (and with the Starlight Summons Feat, my small private army was... not insignificant.) But alas, the GM's girlfriend gave him the 'Me or the game' ultimatum, and we lost another good man. But hey, now I get the GM the adventure (for a different group), so it's not all bad. :)

in my experience if a girlfriend starts giving ultimatums, its only a matter of time before it all crashes down:(

Shadow Lodge

Well i love to know what the campign is i was told rread up but i don't know much on pathfinder lore and world

Well, for starters, the Wrath of the Righteous Player's Guide will tell you everything that you- as a player- need to know. And it's free. Just click the link and download away :D

Shadow Lodge

Well i was thinking gnome whatever it is i dunno the idea of gnme seems more flushed out in pathfinder

Halfling on the other hand seem very dull like human gypsies, quite dull from what i read up on them

Shadow Lodge

quite honestly i never played a druid before, just usually fighters or bards and i tend to be more aggressive with my bards then my fighters.

You could go for a gnome Paladin. ;)

Shadow Lodge

Oath against fiends look nice

I really wanna play up the "Gnome tinkerer" stero type personally


trust me you and the rest of your party will be much much better off if you don't:)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Seconded. It's absolutely toxic for this campaign.

Shadow Lodge

Why it a campign of us vs far as i understand it..

Ok so "Gnome tinkerer" what would that be?

Lili wrote:

Why it a campign of us vs far as i understand it..

Ok so "Gnome tinkerer" what would that be?

trust us we know what we're talking about:) we wouldn't say it unless we meant it, i can't say anymore without spoilers:)

as far as tinkers go, i don't know, made my first gnome today:)

Scarab Sages

Lili wrote:

Why it a campign of us vs far as i understand it..

Ok so "Gnome tinkerer" what would that be?

This campaign takes you to 20th level and 10th Tier. You don't want to take an Oath, that under certain readings, will have you trying to empty the Abyss personally, do you?

Shadow Lodge

OK what class would work with Gnome tinkerer

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I don't know. However, I do have a tale to regale you with. :)

In my game we have a character named Sentry. He is a six-foot-six-inch suit of full plate armor. The armor never comes off.

The player had talked to me and we came up with a story that the suit was actually "piloted" by a goblin who was raised by gnomes and thought he was a gnome. (In fact, he might be a reincarnated gnome or at least have a gnomish soul.)

Like all gnomes he hates geebas (goblins) and starts to rant whenever someone says he looks like one by saying he has a skin condition. ^^ He also hates dwarves because he owes them a lot of money for the armor (which is made of Mithral). (Basically the player pays a percentage of his treasure back to the dwarves.)

The rules for the armor is basically using rules for a human in full plate armor, with the extra feat being Endurance. He does not get his dark vision while inside the armor.

And yes, much hilarity has ensued with Sentry, to the point that when he and another player were unable to make the last game, they voted to postpone the game by a couple of weeks so that he could be there. Because they need their blue gnome. ;) (He's playing a fighter/transmuter heading toward Eldritch Knight.)


The closest I could think of for a Gnome Tinkerer might be along the lines of an Alchemist. You could even have the "potions" be small machines that enhance or benefit... and fall apart quickly (thus the amount of time it lasts).

Gunslingers also work for tinkerers I suppose.

Advanced Race Guide has a gunslinger-tinker archetype:) otherwise go with alchemist or wizard with craft construct or other type stuff, also the Asylum Stone (shattered star AP book 3) has clockwork familiar (with the improved familiar feat at 7th level).

as someone with an affinity for eccentric characters i wish you luck:)

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