Making Adventure Paths into "Dragon Magazine" like books...

Paizo General Discussion

I was discussing with friends Pathfinder and the great magazine that was Dragon Magazine. Which lead to this idea; any chance that Paizo might considered putting the material from old adventure paths out in their own books? Even if it doesn't include the monsters (because Bestiaries), or just the expanded details of monsters... I'd buy it.
I do buy some of the adventure paths but some don't really have a place in my game. I would be more than happy to buy the material from the back sections reprinted however.

Am I the only Paizo fan who would buy these?

Paizo does not own the content of the Dragon/Dungeon magazines—that's Wizards of the Coast. Such a compilation is unlikely to happen, if ever.

Lilith wrote:
Paizo does not own the content of the Dragon/Dungeon magazines—that's Wizards of the Coast. Such a compilation is unlikely to happen, if ever.

I don't believe he's talking about articles from Dragon. I think he means the articles on Regions, Cities and the like from old Paizo Adventure Paths in books of their own.

Panguinslayer7 wrote:

I was discussing with friends Pathfinder and the great magazine that was Dragon Magazine. Which lead to this idea; any chance that Paizo might considered putting the material from old adventure paths out in their own books? Even if it doesn't include the monsters (because Bestiaries), or just the expanded details of monsters... I'd buy it.

I do buy some of the adventure paths but some don't really have a place in my game. I would be more than happy to buy the material from the back sections reprinted however.

Am I the only Paizo fan who would buy these?

You're probably not the only one, but consider it from paizo's perspective. If all the back section stuff is likely to be compiled later, there would be some AP subscribers who didn't like the upcoming adventure who would drop their sub with a view to getting all the flavour/background material later. If that is not systemically republished, they may still get enough value out of the AP to stick with it through some or all of the AP they're not so keen on.

Volumes of the APs sold (mostly via subscription, as i understand it, although thats a memory from several years ago) mean a lot to the profitability of the product line and are a core part of paizo's business. Doing anything which might incentivise dropping an AP subscription would pretty much always be a bad idea.

What they do reasonably often is to reprint an expanded version in another product line (they don't really publicise those reprintings explicitly, but they do happen). That means much of the material makes it into the hands if those who don't have the AP, but those of us who subscribed get a little bit extra.

The short version - you should subscribe to the campaign setting line. It's awesome. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Salazar wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Paizo does not own the content of the Dragon/Dungeon magazines—that's Wizards of the Coast. Such a compilation is unlikely to happen, if ever.
I don't believe he's talking about articles from Dragon. I think he means the articles on Regions, Cities and the like from old Paizo Adventure Paths in books of their own.

And all the pre-Pathfinder Adventure Paths were published in Dungeon, with the support articles in Dragon. Therefore, all the materials you are talking about are owned by WotC/Hasbro.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Salazar wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Paizo does not own the content of the Dragon/Dungeon magazines—that's Wizards of the Coast. Such a compilation is unlikely to happen, if ever.
I don't believe he's talking about articles from Dragon. I think he means the articles on Regions, Cities and the like from old Paizo Adventure Paths in books of their own.
And all the pre-Pathfinder Adventure Paths were published in Dungeon, with the support articles in Dragon. Therefore, all the materials you are talking about are owned by WotC/Hasbro.

No, he's talking about the "last half" of the Adventure Path books. The AP volumes first ~40 pages are adventure, the rest are new crunch, setting info, and other stuff. Like the Gods, gazeteers, bestiaries, pathfinder journals, and so on.

For the OP, some of the AP stuff is available elsewhere already. Many of the bestiary entries have been folded into Bestiaries already, and I believe they offer the Pathfinder Journal entries as complete stories in PDF/ePub form. A lot of the deity fluff was updated and included in the Inner Sea Gods hardcover. It's mostly the Gazeteers that are missing elsewhere.

Salazar wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Paizo does not own the content of the Dragon/Dungeon magazines—that's Wizards of the Coast. Such a compilation is unlikely to happen, if ever.
I don't believe he's talking about articles from Dragon. I think he means the articles on Regions, Cities and the like from old Paizo Adventure Paths in books of their own.

I am in fact talking about the material in the Adventure Paths, not old Dragon Magazine stuff. I mention Dragon because that's what brought the idea up. One of my friends asked why they don't get made anymore. The answer to me being that it's pretty much what the back of the APs is.

You're probably not the only one, but consider it from paizo's perspective. If all the back section stuff is likely to be compiled later, there would be some AP subscribers who didn't like the upcoming adventure who would drop their sub with a view to getting all the flavour/background material later. If that is not systemically republished, they may still get enough value out of the AP to stick with it through some or all of the AP they're not so keen on.

I do understand that this is part of the consideration for such an idea. If Paizo saw enough interest however, the have enough material to do one or two of these a year. Well after the initial release of the AP. For example all the back up material for Rise of the Rune Lords is something I would buy. That's been out for how many years now?

Also I do know monsters from the Bestiary sections, keep the stats for Bestiary 5 or whatever. Just give me that roughly 2 pages of ecology, habits and side bars about the origin of the creature. (I'm a sucker for that stuff.)

While this may lower AP sales a bit. Not sure if everyone would wait how ever long (year? two?) and some of us who won't get a particular Path will still spend money on material which has already produced and is simply being reprinted.
Absolutely everything from the stacks of Pathfinder books I own is awesome. But it's hard to justify to my wallet buying an AP about demons and the World Wound (one I didn't get) is hard to justify buying. But the back up info! Ooooooooohhhh...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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If we're making it easy for you to skip a book (or an entire AP), we're not doing our job well enough!

Harn (techically, HarnMaster) consistently put out their rules and setting supplements in looseleaf three-hole punched format, so you could build your own books.

Looseleaf three-ring isn't a format I'd recommend for most of the Paizo sub lines, but if the APs were available in that format, there might be less call from subscribers for Paizo to collect the "back half" material into reprint volumes.

It would still be necessary to buy all the AP volumes to get the material, but once you got it, it would be easier for players and GMs to reorganize the material to keep all the gods together, all the bestiary material together, etc. Far easier to reach for the "Gods" binder than to try and keep track of which AP issue featured Erastil.

Vic Wertz wrote:
If we're making it easy for you to skip a book (or an entire AP), we're not doing our job well enough!

Oh, don't get me wrong. It's not easy. Everything you guys put out is awesome. There are just some Adventure Paths that don't really fit in my campaign world. But, most of your products have made it into my collection. (Some multiple copies.) Keep up the great work guys.

Liberty's Edge

A lot of the back matter is being collected and updated, though.

Inner Sea Gods takes care of a lot of the deity writeups.

Ultimate Campaign takes care of a lot of the mechanical subsystems.

Bestiaries have included material from the early Adventure Paths.

How much *isn't* being collected is the question, really.

The fiction is probably the single biggest thing that isn't being collected in any way.

Samy wrote:
The fiction is probably the single biggest thing that isn't being collected in any way.

The AP fiction is available digitally here. It's not a print product, however, if that's what you're looking for.

Damon Griffin wrote:

Harn (techically, HarnMaster) consistently put out their rules and setting supplements in looseleaf three-hole punched format, so you could build your own books.

Looseleaf three-ring isn't a format I'd recommend for most of the Paizo sub lines, but if the APs were available in that format, there might be less call from subscribers for Paizo to collect the "back half" material into reprint volumes.

It would still be necessary to buy all the AP volumes to get the material, but once you got it, it would be easier for players and GMs to reorganize the material to keep all the gods together, all the bestiary material together, etc. Far easier to reach for the "Gods" binder than to try and keep track of which AP issue featured Erastil.

You can fairly easily do that by getting the pdfs and printing out/having printed the relevant sections.

Liberty's Edge

Joana wrote:
Samy wrote:
The fiction is probably the single biggest thing that isn't being collected in any way.
The AP fiction is available digitally here. It's not a print product, however, if that's what you're looking for.

All the ones I clicked on say,

"This story originally appeared as part of Paizo's free weekly webfiction series"

Not Adventure Path.

Didn't go through all of them though.

Still, I had no idea that existed, so thank you. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The ones who have B&W images on the covers are from the Adventure Paths (like this one). That or the web fiction collections are $.99 and the AP collections are $4.99 (i think) those are the two fastest ways that I've been able to tell them apart at a glance.

RotRL, CotCT, SD: The Compass Stone
Legacy of Fire: Dark Tapestry
Council of Thieves: Hell's Pawns
Kingmaker: Prodigal Sons
Serpent's Skull: Plague of Light
Carrion Crown: Guilty Blood
Jade Regent: Husks
Skull & Shackles: The Treasure of Far Thallai
Shattered Star: Light of a Distant Star

Looks like Reign of Winter and Wrath of the Righteous aren't available in ePub yet.

Liberty's Edge


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