Ravingdork |
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Does healing hit points via fast healing, regeneration, or similar abilities negate bleed effects?
The Core Rulebook glossary indicates that an application of the heal skill or healing SPELLS are needed to end the effect, but it doesn't appear to say anything about other forms of hit point accumulation.
I've also heard rumors that there are contradictory rules on this matter from various sources, if true, please just hit the FAQ button.

Queen Moragan |

There are several different bleeds that look similar.
RAW - The best thing to do is to use whatever description is listed for whatever bleed you are using, THEN apply the "generic" bleed condition. Specific overrules Generic.
RAI - Appears to be ANY hit point healing from any source stops bleed.
Previous attempts at FAQ have all fizzeled.
Also, Bleed normally occurs at the start of a creature's turn, BEFORE any healing can occur to stop it.

ShoulderPatch |

Previous attempts at FAQ have all fizzeled.
I'll FAQ this one more time. (Note: Don't mumble that aloud around non-gamers, it sounds like something much dirty than it is).
RAW seems like it might not work, at least with Fast Healing.
RAI I'm pretty sure it is intended to work. Certainly with Regeneration.
Probably not the biggest issue out there, I'm sure most tables handle it fine on their own (I've never played under a GM that didn't let them work), but still a nice one to be cleaned up.

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Long thread about this last week:
#1 applying first aid is natural healing that stops bleed. So stop trying to make the "its not magic healing" argument.
#2 regeneration REATTACHES LIMBS... which presumably would be hemorrhaging blood having had at least one major artery disconnected from the heart... so yeh, it only makes sense that it would stop bleed or it would never reattach a limb.
#3 Even though RAW only says "spells" - the reality is that if the bleed is HP DAMAGE, it gets healed per the special ability Regeneration and Fast Healing. Since it heals the damage, it makes sense that it is, indeed, fixed also... since the requirement for stopping bleed is to heal one HP DAMAGE.
Some people may continue to disagree and argue, but it doesn't make any sense that it wouldn't stop bleed... yeh, your wound is completely healed, but you still are bleeding like a stuck pig through the closed wound. (as it could be that you have regen 5/fast heal 5, and only taking 3 bleed a round if it doesn't stop it... for the rest of your life you could bleed every round and never get it healed, but never have fewer than max hp... stupid.).

Quantum Steve |

I've commented on this topic before.
Bleed is a condition that is very inconsistent in how it is healed.
The Bleed condition in the CRB says any spell that cures hit point damage, the Rogue Bleeding Attack talent and Oracle Bleeding Wounds revelation say any effect that heals damage, Bleeding Critical and the Universal Monster Rules say any magical healing.
So rather than just one Bleed condition that follows a particular rule, there are no less than three Bleed conditions that each follow different rules, depending an the particular source.
Unfortunately, this means there's no single, easy rule for what stops bleed. It varies case by case.
RAW, as it stands, the only things that stop bleed are things that specifically say they stop bleed (such as the heal skill) or things specifically listed in the description for the particular source of bleed (be that the glossary definition, the universal monster rules, or a specific ability entry)

PD |
I think I disagree with the majority here. I'd have bleeding and natural regeneration going on concurrently. Obviously, if Bleed damage < Regeneration rate, then the effect is zero and I wouldn't track the two separately. But it's relevant if later bleeds increase the amount of bleeding that takes place so that it becomes > regen rate.

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The regeneration ability description states the following:
Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid, cause a creature's regeneration to stop functioning on the round following the attack. During this round, the creature does not heal any damage and can die normally.
I can see the regeneration ability closing the bleeding wound, thus stopping the bleed. The way I would run it is that the bleed damage would trigger the round after the hit and then the regeneration would close the wound. Not only does that sound logical, but it allows some effectiveness for both the bleed damage and the regeneration.