Portable teleportation circle?

Rules Questions

My question is simple
Could I place a teleportation circle on a stone slab or some other large object and take it with me?
What about a piece of cloth that can be folded up?

Lantern Lodge

Ask your GM. Spell says "floor or other horizontal surface". I don't see anything in the teleportation rules that would preclude moving the teleportation circle from place to place. It might be a matter of degree for your GM. A stone slab or other rigid horizontal surface might be acceptable to your GM, but a piece of cloth might not.

On the other hand, the destination is fixed. I infer this from the rules about teleporting onto ships (Skull & Shackles Guide).

It's too late at night for me to be seriously google-fooing but if you could post a link to the rules about them, that'd be exceedingly helpful
My idea was either a to circle from my groups home base to their airship
Or the other way around
Or both
I was worried about what would happen if people used it to infiltrate my home, but I would probably just have it set up as a password only circle
Like a teleport trap

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Not sure there'd be any 'rulings' on this, but lore wise I'd say no. I feel the teleportation circle isn't a device that sends you somewhere, it's a representation of a magical connection between the two places. Move it, and that connection needs to be 'recreated' to the new location.

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