(mythic) Pack Wild Shape - animal only?

Rules Questions

8 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Quite simply:
Is the mythic path ability "Pack Wild Shape" intended to work only when the character takes the form of an animal?

Pack Wild Shape (Su)

Whenever you use the wild shape class feature, you can also transform allies when you change shape. When you use wild shape, you can expend one use of mythic power to select a number of willing allies equal to your tier. These allies take the same animal form as you do, with the same abilities as yours. Divide the duration of that use of wild shape evenly (rounded down) among yourself and the affected allies.

The transformation ends for everyone when you return to your normal form or use wild shape again. An ally can end its own transformation early as a standard action without affecting the duration for you or other allies. You must have the wild shape class feature to select this ability.

See, the text mentions animal form, but it seems like that may be as an example or, honestly, like someone forgot that non-animal forms are possible with wild shape. I just can't shake the feeling that if it were only intended for animal forms, the text would make a stronger point of saying so.

Some druid archetypes, like the Treesinger, have the wild shape ability but cannot take animal forms. Could they and their friends turn into a little wandering grove, or no? The Plantbringer path ability could be giving them all fast healing, which is kind of powerful, but too powerful for two path abilities, a use of wild shape, and a use of mythic power?

It's hard to say what balance issues there may be. I mean we're talking mythic characters here already. A whole party taking elemental forms - too powerful? Considering some of the possibilities within Beast Shape, it doesn't strike me as unbalancing. I think it just opens up some other tactical options. I'm curious what other people's opinions are on the matter.

No one? I was really hoping to get someone else's point of view. Preferably someone who has played in a mythic campaign or two, but any opinions appreciated. Mostly interested to hear what people would think of any possible balance issues, because determining RAI is kind of difficult without the author chiming in.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That's a GM's call. Givne that the Treesinger is an obscure archetype, it's obvious that the creator of the feat may not have had it in mind. But given that there are vermin form archetypes as well, I'm going to say that the feat ONLY works for standard wildshape.

Well obviously the GM is the final arbiter, but I'd like to give potential GMs out there a better idea of what implications there might be in ruling one way or the other. My initial impression is that it's a little on the weak side, but I'm trying to get a better sense of the balance issues that might come into play.

The vermin forms allowed by the Desert Druid archetype seem perfectly reasonable to me, since they're using the same rules as Beast Shape. Is there another way to gain vermin forms with wild shape?

Prepping a druid for wild shape is one thing - prepping an entire party for it is another. Weapons, armor, magic items that require activation, spell-casting - in a typical party most characters won't want to be wild shaped. But if a party takes the time and effort to be properly prepared for it, I think it can be interesting and effective. Has anyone ever actually taken this path ability?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Part of the problem is it is unclear if the animal is meant to be flavor or crunch. It could be a specific limitation or an author misunderstanding of the wild shape ability based on previous incarnations. At this point without clarification or faq you should consult your DM and expect table variation in organized play.

Between traveling and other stuff, it's taken me some time but this question's still been kicking around in my head a little. I've read up more on some of the other mythic abilities and tried to consider any balance issues (which mythic mostly breaks anyway). While I was hoping at least someone would weigh in with their thoughts on the matter, I've settled on my own decision of how I'd run it.

Considering what other mythic abilities can do, if I were GMing a mythic game I'm comfortable ruling that Pack Wild Shape works with all forms available through the Wild Shape ability. It seems reasonable enough. So if it ever actually comes up in someone's game, there's my opinion on the subject. :b

I really doubt this is what'll get answered in FAQ, but I hit the button since I came here to see if anyone was asking the same thing.

I will note that my druid is of the mountain archetype, which means she'll eventually be turning into giants. Certainly the other Viking (he's even got the fighter archetype) will take me up on it, but we're a rather melee-heavy party overall and I could see the whole party taking me up on it if we get that many tiers. It would definitely affect overall party power much more than if it were limited to animal or even elemental forms.

I'd be interested in hearing about how your group runs it and (if you use it) how it works out in actual play.

Bump~ In the next campaign my group is running, we'll be doing Mythic post appoc. this would be a a handy Faq to have answered.

Any answer to this? Is it supposed to be animal only vs whatever the druid has changed into.

Liberty's Edge


I need the answer to this as well and came here looking for it.

there isn't going to be an official ruling, but given the power of other Mythic abilities, I think it's safe to assume that any wild shape the druid can take, they can share with the rest of the party.

Liberty's Edge

yukongil wrote:
there isn't going to be an official ruling, but given the power of other Mythic abilities, I think it's safe to assume that any wild shape the druid can take, they can share with the rest of the party.

I fail to see why we cannot ask, and eventually receive, an official ruling on this.

Winterwalker wrote:
yukongil wrote:
there isn't going to be an official ruling, but given the power of other Mythic abilities, I think it's safe to assume that any wild shape the druid can take, they can share with the rest of the party.
I fail to see why we cannot ask, and eventually receive, an official ruling on this.

you can certainly ask, and I hope you do get an official answer, but it doesn't seem like any official Paizo person is active on any of the 1st Edition boards anymore and certainly not anything pertaining to the Mythic book.

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