crossbow damage + bolt damage?

Rules Questions

looking at light crossbow it deals 1d8 damage the bolts say they deal 1d4 damage does that mean when I shoot the bolt it deals 1d8+1d4 damage?

I believe, though I'm not sure, that the 1d4 damage is if you decide your Bolt is a knife.

I do know that you use the Crossbows Damage for attacks.

The "Bolt" is not the Crossbow ammunition. It's a bolt you can throw at your enemies with your hand (a thrown weapon)

Mr. Dodo wrote:
The "Bolt" is not the Crossbow ammunition. It's a bolt you can throw at your enemies with your hand (a thrown weapon)

I think you are thinking of the Dart?

What book did you find a listen damage for a bolt? Everywhere I have checked that do not have listed damage.

Springing off this.. arent there bolts that do other stuff? Like element bilta that say 1d6. Does thay just add on?

Also I dont remember seeing a thrown bolt, you sure your not confusing dart s? I only remember bolts under ammo. Opin the books and on the paizo site. Then various magic bolts

Zwordsman wrote:

Springing off this.. arent there bolts that do other stuff? Like element bilta that say 1d6. Does thay just add on?

Also I dont remember seeing a thrown bolt, you sure your not confusing dart s? I only remember bolts under ammo. Opin the books and on the paizo site. Then various magic bolts

Yes, but even the special bolts don't have a listed damage, they have an additional damage in their description.

For Example: The fire bolt says it does normal damage and an additional 1d4 fire.

Ah prob confused some morrowind there.

As a sidenote I think the paragraph description might liat a damage, on the paizo site. Like probably ultimate combat maybe.
I know I have also seen it, but I think iy was saying -4 to hit and 1d4 damage in melee?

Zwordsman wrote:

Springing off this.. arent there bolts that do other stuff? Like element bilta that say 1d6. Does thay just add on?

Also I dont remember seeing a thrown bolt, you sure your not confusing dart s? I only remember bolts under ammo. Opin the books and on the paizo site. Then various magic bolts

Oh, sorry, they happen to be translated with the same word in my language :P

I'm quite embarassed >____<

They should be "Quadrello" for the crossbow and "dardo" (as dart), but many books just call them the same >_>

Ah the joys of translation! I love weird lingustical quarks.
I wonder if that was just a mistake, or a pragmatic choice.

its in hero lab when i tryped in bolt it shows crossbow bolts 1d4 damage x2 crit

its in hero lab when i tryped in bolt it shows crossbow bolts 1d4 damage x2 crit sorry when i clicked it to look at the text it says it can be used as a light improvised weapon doing 1d4 damage.

Cool beans.
yeah i've never used it but sometimes that happens with Hero lab.

I like that it's included in the bolts, never know when your going to want to stab a giant in the eye with it.

I've always wondered.. do the bolts break when used in melee? It's never coverred..

when shot it's lost/broken chance but you can't lose it when melee, it can break however so I'm never sure how to handle that.
Otherwise could have a lot of fun with some enchanted bolts I say.

Liberty's Edge

Weapon table, Simple Ranged Weapons wrote:

Crossbow, light 35 gp 1d6 (small) 1d8(medium) 19–20/×2 80 ft. 4 lbs. P —
Bolts, crossbow (10) 1 gp — — — — 1 lb. — —
Bolt description wrote:

Bolts: A crossbow bolt used as a melee weapon is treated as a light improvised weapon (–4 penalty on attack rolls) and deals damage as a dagger of its size (crit ×2). Bolts come in a case or quiver that holds 10 bolts (or 5, for a repeating crossbow).

When you type "bolt" in the weapon section of Hero Lab it give you the damage you do when equipping the bolt as a weapon, so the damage dealt when it is used as a improvised melee weapon.

To see the crossbow+bolt damage (in Hero lab) with the weapon used as a ranged weapon you need to equip the crossbow.

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