Amora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Sentinels of the Echo Wood - Warriors of Freedom and Nature
Role - Slave Liberation and Defenders of Nature
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Focus - PvP
Settlement - Aragon (CN)
This is a group whose focus is on the more militant and chaotic aspects of defending freedom and nature. Rangers, druids, and barbarians are all common among its ranks, but all classes are accepted.
Unlike their Aragonian brethren, The UnNamed Company, members of The Sentinels do not seek profit or rob for their own gain. They align themselves with moral causes and fight tirelessly to advance them. Their two primary causes are the liberation of slaves and the destruction of those who abuse nature.
Who Should Join The Sentinels?
The Sentinels are a great group for someone looking to participate in feuds, faction warfare, and willing to travel far and wide throughout the River Kingdoms. Our primary content will be:
• Feuds/Small-Group PvP
• Anti-Slave Factional Warfare
• Pro-Nature Factional Warfare
• Outpost Destruction
There are also many opportunities to engage in other activities such as exploration, escalation PvE, crafting, smuggling, and roleplay.
To join, please apply to the UnNamed Company and specify that you would like to become a member of The Sentinels.
Also, please be sure to vote for our home settlement of Aragon in the land rush.
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
Initiate - All members of the Sentinels begin and remain at this rank for a minimum of two weeks. This is a trial membership period in which the Sentinels are determining if you have the right mentality and attitude for the group.
Sentinel - After passing your two week trial and conducting a voice interview, one may reach the rank of Sentinel. Sentinel is considered our primary rank. It offers full membership and a voice in any non-strategic issues that are brought to a vote.
Captain - This our officer rank. It is offered to actively participating Sentinel members who have been with us for no less than two months and displayed competency, dedication, and leadership. Captains are given some measure of authority, especially in specific areas they prove to be strong in such as recruitment, military leadership, or diplomacy. Captains may often be consulted on decisions related to their areas of expertise. For instance, a captain with a strong PvP related background may be consulted on PvP related issues, where a captain strong in diplomacy but not PvP would have no say in such issues unless they also pertained to diplomacy.
High Captain - High captains are the group who hold the largest authority. All major non-time-sensitive issues are brought before them to be put to a vote. At such a time, they may also decide, by a majority vote, which captains are to be brought in on the issue and whether or not the issue is eligible to be voted upon by sentinels. After this decision is made, those members may also cast votes. The vote of a captain counts for three members and the vote of a high captain for five.
There are two specific issues that cannot be passed by less than a two thirds majority vote. The promotion/demotion of a High Captain, and the promotion/demotion of a Captain Commander.
Captain Commander - The Captain Commander may make immediate decisions on any issue if they feel they are time sensitive. The one exception to this rule is the promotion/demotion of a High Captain. Thus the Captain Commander is always kept in check by the will of the High Captains. They may also delegate their authority to any High Captain so that they may act as Captain Commander in their absence.
The Sentinels of the Echo Wood are a group who has tasked themselves with keeping the Echo Wood and surrounding areas free of slavery and defending its natural habitat from abuse. Though it has a somewhat organized structure in theory, the implementation tends to be fairly relaxed and not overbearing. The Sentinels put great emphasis on not placing undue restrictions on their members' abilities to act so long as they do not go against the general interests of the group.
((On a non-RP note, the Echo Woods are a major enough feature of the Open Enrollment Map that we consider all of it to be within our domain. The freedom means that your own time is yours to do what you will, but the fate of communal resources will be decided in a more official manner.))
Aragon is our home settlement and is also populated by chaotic-neutral and chaotic-evil players. We will be working alongside the rest of Aragon in two major capacities:
1. The defense of Aragon's territory
2. Whenever our interests align
As members of Sentinels of the Echo Wood, you will not be called upon to help the UnNamed Company rob, or to help The Exalted Bastards seek their vengeance unless their targets also happen to be targets of the Sentinels. However, you may be called upon to stand alongside them when others abuse our territory or if Aragon is marched upon. However much you decide to work with them outside that obligation is your decision to make.
Aragon closely borders Thornkeep and it will be the primary recruiting grounds for both the Sentinels and Aragon as a whole. This puts us in a strong position to make sure players coming into Thornkeep are met with a positive experience by answering their questions, protecting them from abuse, and guiding them toward companies and settlements that will adequately meet their specific needs. Those who take up this task will receive our full backing, be shown a great amount of respect, and may, perhaps, be rewarded for their efforts.
The Sentinels will likely use the follow guide to determine our stance toward other factions.
Allied- Support as you would support a member of The Sentinels. Never attack unless part of a mutually agreed upon conflict or in defense of yourself and other allies.
Friendly- This denotes a positive relationship stemming from similar values or favorable past experiences. Members of friendly groups are never to be attacked regardless of flags or reputation unless you have been provided with a strong reason to do so such as defense of self, Aragon, an ally, or another friendly.
Neutral- Neutral targets are to be assumed non-hostile unless their reputation or flags suggest otherwise. In those cases, it is up to the discretion of the Sentinel how to respond.
Wary- This denotes a negative relationship stemming from opposing values or unfavorable past experiences. It is always acceptable to kill members of wary groups in situations that you will not lose reputation for doing so.
Hostile- This denotes extremely negative relationships stemming from values which we highly oppose, very negative past experiences, or open warfare. These players should be killed or harmed in any situation you can do so without losing reputation. Often, we will declare a feud against such groups.
The only recognized non-PvP profession given equal weight as a PvP profession within the Sentinels is Recruiter which is a player who makes it their primary role to bring in new players, help new players, and protect the newbs surrounding Thornkeep.
Beyond that, all non-PvP roles are considered secondary ventures. A secondary venture does not mean that it will not be supported or valued, just that it is not the primary focus of our group to provide support and facilities for crafters, questers, etc.
If you are looking to be a crafter within The Sentinels, your job will be to provide supplies and equipment for our forces. We will support you in that endeavor. However, crafting for profit or personal gain is something you do on your own time with your own supplies at your own risk.
On occasion, we will run escalations and dungeons to help generate revenue and gain items for our crafters (who will turn these items into gear for our forces). Some of you may be looking to make your character revolve around this venture or participate in this way on a frequent basis. You may need to hook up with groups outside The Sentinels some of the time to do this as often as you would like.
If you are looking to be a smuggler, we will teach you the skills and survival tactics needed to run goods through hostile territory unseen. On occasion, we may provide an escort, but we will not expect players to drop what they are doing to come run cover for your shipments unless they make the decision to do so themselves.
This is a very PvP-oriented group looking to be extremely competitive. This is an ideal group for, not only veteran PvPers, but also inexperienced PvPers looking to grow and excel. It is not ideal for players who are not interested in developing the competitive mindset and skills required for a top-notch PvPer.
Nihimon Goblin Squad Member |
I've added your Company to the Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links list alongside Aragon. If you have a brief description you'd like to appear there to let people know about your guild while they're browsing that list, just PM me or post a clear request here.
The Seventh Veil welcomes you to the community.
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
This topic is a re-naming of our already existing group in the interest of avoiding confusion with the other group who took the name The Vigilant.
As such it would be best to delete that topic and apply our description of "Warriors of Freedom and Nature" to this topic.
Nihimon Goblin Squad Member |
This topic is a re-naming of already existing group in the interest of avoiding confusion with the other group who took the name The Vigilant.
As such it would be best to delete that topic and apply our description of "Warriors of Freedom and Nature" to this topic.
Done, on both counts.
Snorter Goblin Squad Member |
As Ambassador for The Emerald Spire Lodge, I welcome the Sentinels as neighbours, and look forward to a long and happy co-operation, defending the River Nations from those who would abuse their fellows and despoil the natural world.
<passes box of Ferrero Rocher>
As Pathfinders, we are taught to respect the sites we explore, to protect them in the state we find them, wherever possible, and leave as little trace of our passing.
Unfortunately, not all who would explore the Spire are as altruistic, nor concerned with knowledge for its own sake. Though our claim to the Spire has been supported by many, more well-populated groups, I fear that there are still certain neighbours, motivated by greed, who wish to evict us, and dig on our site, with no plan, no research, no safeguards, potentially exposing our world to forgotten horrors that should stay imprisoned.
Only by trusting to the responsible oversight of the Pathfinder Society can such disasters be avoided, and I welcome your aid in putting down such thieves and burglars as would attempt to destroy our preservation work, and put endanger the beautiful natural landscape we share.
TEO Alexander Damocles Goblin Squad Member |
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
As Ambassador for The Emerald Spire Lodge, I welcome the Sentinels as neighbours, and look forward to a long and happy co-operation, defending the River Nations from those who would abuse their fellows and despoil the natural world.
Your friendship is a boon to us. It is certainly within the interests of our organization to see The Emerald Spire controlled by a friendly organization. The Sentinels welcome your friendship and would encourage you to open up diplomatic relations with the rest of Aragon if you have not already.
Xorgrond |
I remember you discussing calling it Sentinels of Echo Wood, then you named it the Aragon Liberation Front for a short period of time, no? Glad to see you upgraded back up to SOTEW (cool acronym btw).
Btw, it says "outpost destruction". Does that mean you'll just destroy your enemies' outposts, or that you'll just go around taking out outposts in a very "haphazard" manner?
Like haphazardly destroying any farm which dare to cross your Chaotic Good path?
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I remember you discussing calling it Sentinels of Echo Wood, then you named it the Aragon Liberation Front for a short period of time, no? Glad to see you upgraded back up to SOTEW (cool acronym btw).
Btw, it says "outpost destruction". Does that mean you'll just destroy your enemies' outposts, or that you'll just go around taking out outposts in a very "haphazard" manner?
Like haphazardly destroying any farm which dare to cross your Chaotic Good path?
Aragon Liberation Front was a placeholder name being used by UNC to promote our continued existence after the second group named The Vigilant declared themselves. Our internal discussions always favored our current name but we did not communicate that with the rest of UNC due to some RL driven inactivity over the past few days.
The Sentinels are not a for profit organization, we seek to protect nature and oppose slavery. So we'll likely be destroying the outposts of those who abuse nature and use slaves preventing further damage to nature by those outposts and eliminating their need for slave labor to work the outposts.
That's not to say we won't do regular raids from time to time to gather supplies for our continued efforts, set back their operations, and free the slaves working those outposts. Just that our primary objective is to eliminate them altogether.
Also we won't be torching any farm that crosses our path. Just those of our enemies and ones using unsustainable practices or slave labor.
Xorgrond |
Xorgrond wrote:I remember you discussing calling it Sentinels of Echo Wood, then you named it the Aragon Liberation Front for a short period of time, no? Glad to see you upgraded back up to SOTEW (cool acronym btw).
Btw, it says "outpost destruction". Does that mean you'll just destroy your enemies' outposts, or that you'll just go around taking out outposts in a very "haphazard" manner?
Like haphazardly destroying any farm which dare to cross your Chaotic Good path?
The Sentinels are not a for profit organization, we seek to protect nature and oppose slavery. So we'll likely be destroying the outposts of those who abuse nature and use slaves preventing further damage to nature by those outposts and eliminating their need for slave labor to work the outposts.
That's not to say we won't do regular raids from time to time to gather supplies for our continued efforts, set back their operations, and free the slaves working those outposts. Just that our primary objective is to eliminate them altogether.
Also we won't be torching any farm that crosses our path. Just those of our enemies and ones using unsustainable practices or slave labor.
You're allied with the only Evil groups in the game that matter, so unless you're going to head south and burn TEO's Neutral Good outposts, then I assume you'll be twittling your thumbs for a while. Still, it's a cool idea. It should make for some fun times.
If I weren't busy doing mercenary contracts, I'd love to assist you in freeing said slaves of their mortal coil. Anyways, I wish you the best of luck... and I'm here to help if you need me (for a price, of course).
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
I'm quite confident we will be able to supply a large amount of PvP opportunities to our membership. Settlements of any alignment may turn to destructive practices, especially when they have large populations to provide for. It is confirmed that feuds will not drive our alignment toward evil and likely that outpost related combat will only drive us toward chaotic.
We are after all, only targeting structures and not people. It is the choice of the owners of those structures whether or not they feel the defense of those structures is worth the spilling of blood.
BrotherZael Goblin Squad Member |
Sigh, and so we come to the fateful crossing, friends.
Well Andius (and Amora, whom I've yet to meet until now)...
I ask you not if you have the ability to protect but if you have the strength of will to do that which is necessary to achieve your aims. Will you, when the crucible burns hot, find yourself faulted and flawed, or will you come through forged in the highest flames?
If you dare answer this, know that all sorts of consequences will escalate upon you. As it is Alpha I feel it might be time to engage certain preliminary actions for TVC and my own interests.
Thank you as always.
Xorgrond |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sigh, and so we come to the fateful crossing, friends.
Well Andius (and Amora, whom I've yet to meet until now)...
I ask you not if you have the ability to protect but if you have the strength of will to do that which is necessary to achieve your aims. Will you, when the crucible burns hot, find yourself faulted and flawed, or will you come through forged in the highest flames?
If you dare answer this, know that all sorts of consequences will escalate upon you. As it is Alpha I feel it might be time to engage certain preliminary actions for TVC and my own interests.
Thank you as always.
They're bound in Chaos.
Wurzel McFurzel Goblin Squad Member |
Nolondil Leafrunner Goblin Squad Member |
Bluddwolf Goblin Squad Member |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I am glad Amora and Andius are pushing this division into the spot light.
I think what could be a cool thing is if a company that owns an outpost elects to set that outpost's harvesting to exploitive levels, the owning company should be flagged as heinous, but just towards faction(s) that are dedicated to nature and its preservation.
Nolondil Leafrunner Goblin Squad Member |
I think what could be a cool thing is if a company that owns an outpost elects to set that outpost's harvesting to exploitive levels, the owning company should be flagged as heinous, but just towards faction(s) that are dedicated to nature and its preservation.
That's a very good idea Bludd, would you mind posting it to the Crowdforging Thread also ?
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
Given the nature of of this group, we have decided to bring back the oldest policy of the Great Legionnaires (and a personal favorite of mine) that didn't suit the nature of our previous group.
Surrender Is Treason- A member of the sentinels may not surrender their weapon or property to any individual under threat of force. They may retreat, but they may not beg for or even request mercy.
The Sentinels of the Echo Wood will accept no cease fire agreement in which the terms are less than equal for our party. We may also not agree to any terms of surrender unless it is the opposing party surrendering to us.
Any member of The Sentinels who violates this rule will have their membership revoked. Any leader who surrenders for the group is to immediately have their powers revoked and be cast out.
Bluddwolf Goblin Squad Member |
Surrender Is Treason- A member of the sentinels may not surrender their weapon or property to any individual under threat of force. They may retreat, but they may not beg for or even request mercy.
In Bluddwolf's more dangerous moods, he follows "No Quarter Given, None Asked For"
This will of course be the standard policy of The Exalted Bastards. It is good to see that the Sentinels will a have a version of this, although probably more specifically directed at their target enemies of slavers and the defilers of nature.
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
Amora |
This is the most competitive-minded, good-aligned group. If you are looking to challenge yourself and excel, this is where you want to be.
This group may not demand large amounts of your time or make strict demands on your schedule, but it is aimed at those who will treat every opportunity as a challenge and who will strive to do their absolute best in their chosen specialties.
Xeen Goblin Squad Member |
Sentinels of the Echo Wood - Warriors of Freedom and Nature
Role - Slave Liberation and Defenders of Nature
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Focus - PvP
Settlement - Aragon (CN)This is a group whose focus is on the more militant and chaotic aspects of defending freedom and nature. Rangers, druids, and barbarians are all common among its ranks, but all classes are accepted.
Unlike their Aragonian brethren, The UnNamed Company, members of The Sentinels do not seek profit or rob for their own gain. They align themselves with moral causes and fight tirelessly to advance them. Their two primary causes are the liberation of slaves and the destruction of those who abuse nature.
Who Should Join The Sentinels?
The Sentinels are a great group for someone looking to participate in feuds, faction warfare, and willing to travel far and wide throughout the River Kingdoms. Our primary content will be:
• Feuds/Small-Group PvP
• Anti-Slave Factional Warfare
• Pro-Nature Factional Warfare
• Outpost DestructionThere are also many opportunities to engage in other activities such as exploration, escalation PvE, crafting, smuggling, and roleplay.
To join, please apply to the UnNamed Company and specify that you would like to become a member of The Sentinels.
Also, please be sure to vote for our home settlement of Aragon in the land rush.
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
The Sentinels will be doing mercenary work during The War of Towers. Rates vary based on a number of factors:
-We will want performance based pay. You aren't paying us to show up but to kill enemies and help you take towers, so we will be working on a system to reflect that rather than asking a flat rate.
-Your group. Who you are and what we think of you will be reflected in our rates. Some groups will find our services prohibitively expensive while others will get them at an extreme discount.
-Who you're taking the tower from. We will not take jobs against Northern Coalition members. There are a few other groups we'd prefer not to fight against and a few we'd absolutely love to. That will be reflected in our prices.
For those who will find our services particularly cheap we'll be in contact with you once the game starts. Feel free to contact us in the meantime.
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
Given our lengthy and detailed recruitment process we are currently working on a site to keep that process organized and post information specific to The Sentinels.
Our site can be found at
Or if you are interested in joining you can apply for initiate status directly here.
Andius Goblin Squad Member |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The Embassy section of our forums is up and operational.
Please register if you would like a private section on or forums in which to talk diplomacy with our group.