Xorgrond's page
24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Bringslite of Fidelis wrote: OZEM'S VIGIL
Currently housing Full Metal Syndicate, Peace Through Vigilance, and Fidelis. Looking for more!
We want to talk with Companies/Guilds or small groups that want to operate their own Point of Interest around our settlement.
- Mechanics require that you be LN, LG, or NG
- We will listen to any proposal as to type of POI
- You will have a say in the governing of the Settlement
- We would prefer that you are in it to have fun and be successful
Our current Land Rush spot is: E Click [Control Overlay] to see letter designations.
Come live with the Best and the Rightest! Apply to settle with us.
Come with votes or without. If your heart is good, you are an invaluable asset in a dark world.
Will mechanics be in place for people to run solo POI's? Man, I'm out of the loop. I just assumed due to lack of #'s the focus would be on Settlement management, not POI's. Cool though. What are the benefits to having other people run POI's?
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BrotherZael wrote: With a rustle of movement, Zael gets up and walks to the door where he sits outside under a tree writing letter after letter which he ties to his pebbles before throwing them into the air and allowing the little sparrows to fly off to whatever destination is needed. While he writes his single eyeslit is intently watching the many newcomers walking into the tavern Xorgrond sees a sparrow flying, carrying some sort of letter. He takes aim with his trusty bow as it flies over head. *Shoots* ... And a miss.
He grumbles. Walks away. After walking about 10 feet to the East, an arrow comes down from the sky, and lands directly into the top of his head. Ouch! *grumbles*... *falls to the ground*.
Thus ends the heroic tales of Xorgrond...
Urlord wrote: I was considering for one of my characters:
Creating a RP group of elves that fundamentally believe that Humans and Elves should never produce offspring. Meaning, they are completely against the birth of Half-Elves. This group would be attempting to educate their people of the dangers of tainting the elven bloodline. Some members might be quite open and forthright with their beliefs, while others might be secret members who strive to "Cleanse" the tainted bloodlines in more violent ways.
Do you see this potentially working?
Secondly, cool idea. I would "run with it". Would you also want to kill, erm, "ethnically cleanse" all humans as well? Just curious. I already have plans, so I couldn't join, but still, seems like a great idea for a Neutral Good guild.
Nolondil Leafrunner wrote: Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote: Do you expect the more radical elements to blame the children themselves, or the human parent who obviously caused the problem, or the elven parent who is week and a traitor to the species? I think that's the kind of interesting discussion that should have to be done IG with much drama, sorrow and maybe blood (though remember dueling is for barbarians, Elves like to take their time for feuds among themselves :)
Nihimon wrote: There is already a group that has talked about RP'ing Elven Supremacy - Taur-im-Duinath - but I'm not sure they'd be compatible because they explicitly welcome Half-Elves. TiD is also welcoming *any* Elves, including the most despicable ones :) I'm looking forward to players who will show all the interesting RP and play-style that can come out of the Elven culture spectrum.
So basically Urlord, your project is a challenging one and will probably not attract a lot of players, but TiD is the place where you are the most likely to be able to do it.
The Landrush page for TiD is here with a link to our forum. First of all... dude, you need a new avatar. Srysly, back off.
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BrotherZael wrote: Sigh, and so we come to the fateful crossing, friends.
Well Andius (and Amora, whom I've yet to meet until now)...
I ask you not if you have the ability to protect but if you have the strength of will to do that which is necessary to achieve your aims. Will you, when the crucible burns hot, find yourself faulted and flawed, or will you come through forged in the highest flames?
If you dare answer this, know that all sorts of consequences will escalate upon you. As it is Alpha I feel it might be time to engage certain preliminary actions for TVC and my own interests.
Thank you as always.
They're bound in Chaos.
Just open a wikia wiki...
Keovar wrote: Mirrel the Marvelous wrote: But isn't loosing the extra's upon the world all part of the fun? *Grins, rubs hands together, and chuckles madly* How is a Chaotic individual going to retain citizenship in a Lawful settlement? Probably they won't Non-PAX Keovar. I think it's one non-diagonal step from the Settlement's alignment. Though what they haven't made clear (or perhaps I missed it) is how Core & Active alignments factor into this. Perhaps my good friend Nihimon would find us a reference?
Edit: Nvm, Nihimon, you beat me to the punch. Greater minds think alike.
Kitsune Aou wrote: Indeed, welcome. It might come down to what play-style you're interested in. You might join the The Seventh Veil's teamspeak to discuss what options you might have - their server is open to a lot of associated companies (guilds), including ours (shameless plug: Deathwatch). Anyone online there would be happy to discuss what you're interested in doing in PFO, and they should be able to find a nice fit. Nihimon and a few others here can easily provide that teamspeak info, if you're interested. Yes, you may also consider the UnNamed Company... A lot of great guys who aren't too childish to speak their minds, I think you'd love it there.
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote: muertog wrote: One of the biggest problems I have with the online games has been the people on it. I am looking to avoid the immature crowd, and tired of people who are disrespectful, racist, or in general rather unpleasant attitude.
I tend to be a bit quiet until I have something specific to say. I do have access to several VOIP options (Vent, Mumble, G+, TeamSpeak, Raidcall, Skype). If you want a voice-call to see how the fit is, please message me and I'll join up. I am West Coast, so would likely be on evenings in that time zone.
Hi Muertog. I think you've come to the right place. There are plenty of mature players here. I suggest a better picture of who you're looking for might help people approach. Lawful, chaotic, good, evil? Are you looking for a lot of roleplaying, or to keep your finger on the trigger?
PvP? ... PvE? The good folks here on this forum are glad to guide you on the path. :-)
Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote: If you're having a rap battle consider me entered. I should like to see that... You have a way with words lady of Sin...
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muertog wrote: One of the biggest problems I have with the online games has been the people on it. I am looking to avoid the immature crowd, and tired of people who are disrespectful, racist, or in general rather unpleasant attitude.
I tend to be a bit quiet until I have something specific to say. I do have access to several VOIP options (Vent, Mumble, G+, TeamSpeak, Raidcall, Skype). If you want a voice-call to see how the fit is, please message me and I'll join up. I am West Coast, so would likely be on evenings in that time zone.
Unbelievable that some people behave that way. Truly despicable. ;-(
Just wanted to say welcome House Winterfield. It seems as though Winter is indeed Coming...
Keovar wrote: Nihimon wrote: Keovar wrote: Xorgrond wrote: .... I don't know who you are... I'm sure several folks have ventured a guess... Yes, it smells like Qallz from writing alone. For the record: I have no idea who that is. But man, what a ridiculously cool name. So, Keovar, you seem to be doing a little dance around my very pointed question... what happened mine old friend?
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Nihimon wrote: Keovar wrote: Xorgrond wrote: .... I don't know who you are... I'm sure several folks have ventured a guess... Several folks here are smarter than several others.
P.S: I've "liked" a few of my own posts. Duh.
Man, this hasn't been updated in a long time. Is everything here still accurate Keovar? Anything you wish to change or update?
Keovar wrote: Xorgrond wrote: Whoa, posting under ye ole' Keovar account. No PAX, no Aet. Did you have a falling out Keovar? I sure hope not. I don't know who you are nor why that should concern you. Your oldest post is from just over an hour ago, yet you're referencing something from a couple weeks ago. You're obviously not new and don't appear to be an alias, so I can only guess that you're a sock-puppet. I find that dishonest in most cases, so I'll assume your 'hope' is disingenuous, and that you are probably using your rear as headgear. If you have a better explanation for this familiarity you shouldn't have, let's hear it. Whoa, no need for said hostility. I suppose it's possible I've been a lurker for quite some time? Or perhaps that's not the case, and we have a "long standing friendship"???
So, what happened a couple of weeks ago? Not a falling out I hope? I can't imagine anyone having any qualms with such an upstanding fellow as yourself. Do tell. Please don't hesitate to satisfy my child-like curiosity. ;D
I'm late coming to this thread, but, to answer the original OP's question... Was Gary Gygax a sandbox MMO developer? If so, his sage advice is most appreciated. If not, then I could see how one might support the argument that said "sage advice" is in no way relevant (and by extension, that might speak to the validity of this thread).
Please let me know whether Gygax was an MMO sandbox developer, or someone we shouldn't listen to under any circumstances (for clarification purposes).
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Audoucet wrote: Don't forget the 75% of EvE players never putting one foot outside of high security territory. And don't forget, Ryan specifically saying he wanted to avoid that cowardly behavior in PFO.
Andius wrote: Xorgrond wrote: I remember you discussing calling it Sentinels of Echo Wood, then you named it the Aragon Liberation Front for a short period of time, no? Glad to see you upgraded back up to SOTEW (cool acronym btw).
Btw, it says "outpost destruction". Does that mean you'll just destroy your enemies' outposts, or that you'll just go around taking out outposts in a very "haphazard" manner?
Like haphazardly destroying any farm which dare to cross your Chaotic Good path?
The Sentinels are not a for profit organization, we seek to protect nature and oppose slavery. So we'll likely be destroying the outposts of those who abuse nature and use slaves preventing further damage to nature by those outposts and eliminating their need for slave labor to work the outposts.
That's not to say we won't do regular raids from time to time to gather supplies for our continued efforts, set back their operations, and free the slaves working those outposts. Just that our primary objective is to eliminate them altogether.
Also we won't be torching any farm that crosses our path. Just those of our enemies and ones using unsustainable practices or slave labor. You're allied with the only Evil groups in the game that matter, so unless you're going to head south and burn TEO's Neutral Good outposts, then I assume you'll be twittling your thumbs for a while. Still, it's a cool idea. It should make for some fun times.
If I weren't busy doing mercenary contracts, I'd love to assist you in freeing said slaves of their mortal coil. Anyways, I wish you the best of luck... and I'm here to help if you need me (for a price, of course).
Keovar wrote: I just copied that message from somewhere in the settings and then I deleted the account because the site was just too damn overloaded and slow. If I try to create a new account, it says my username is still taken by the deleted account. With such 'excellent' design, I think that if I do end up making a Lat's Play, I'll just have to use YouTube.
Googling the string I pasted into my previous post brought up:
Whoa, posting under ye ole' Keovar account. No PAX, no Aet. Did you have a falling out Keovar? I sure hope not.
Ryan Dancey wrote: People are going to come out of the wood work to talk about how the graphics suck, the animation sucks, the UI sucks, the design sucks, the customer service sucks, the players are toxic and suck, and how 17 years ago I ran a production system for a card game that didn't work.
You are going to be our defense against those people.
But what if we are those people?
I remember you discussing calling it Sentinels of Echo Wood, then you named it the Aragon Liberation Front for a short period of time, no? Glad to see you upgraded back up to SOTEW (cool acronym btw).
Btw, it says "outpost destruction". Does that mean you'll just destroy your enemies' outposts, or that you'll just go around taking out outposts in a very "haphazard" manner?
Like haphazardly destroying any farm which dare to cross your Chaotic Good path?
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I'll be 26 in a few weeks! (Don't count that as a new result hehe).