Summoner WotR Issues

Wrath of the Righteous

Hey All,

We noticed a pretty large issue last time we gathered. Our Summoner doesn't appear to have any method for overcoming demon DR with his Eidolon. On top of that the spell selection for him this early on doesn't offer much either. Lastly the monsters he can bring in with Summon Monster I have no chance of overcoming DR, so when his Eidolon is gone for the day there is next to nothing he can do except pass out healing potions like an intern does coffee.

Has anyone else dealt with this, or better yet know of a way around it?


Dark Archive

I know there is a way to give an edilon weapon proficiency. Then just give it a cold iron weapon.

And remember that anything he summons that has DR/Cold Iron also overcomes DR/Cold Iron with it's natural attacks. So clearly he should be summoning demons to kill the other demons.

Power attack is also a decent solution to DR problems. The extra damage helps you punch through the resistance.

Also, especially in the first book, not everything you fight is a demon. The guys with the cold iron weapons should focus on the demons, and leave the cultist and other baddies for the guys who can't hurt the demons as much.

The Exchange

Weapon Proficiency, give it a +6 total value weapon or greater. Problem solved. If that is not sufficient, you can look into Dual Path with Guardian and use mythic powers to upgrade the creature. As I'm sure you're aware, though, the limit on the 'amulet of mighty fists' is that it cannot be used to exceed +5.

You might also look into mythic items or giving a legendary weapon to the creature. Use the Glebrezu's Claw as sort of a bench-mark of the type of thing you're talking about.

You might also look into Cesti. Those can be enchanted and used without proficiency or penalty if I remember correctly. You simply get more options if you're using them with proficiency.

Dark Archive

Oh yeah, there are definitly Mythic powers that let his eidilon attack and ignore DR from both Guardian and Heirophant paths.

A +3 demon bane Amulet of Mighty Fists would count as a +5 weapon for overcoming demon DR and a +6 weapon for overcoming DR/EPIC on a demon.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Victor Zajic wrote:
And remember that anything he summons that has DR/Cold Iron also overcomes DR/Cold Iron with it's natural attacks.

Can you provide a citation for this? I think only DR/magic and DR/epic work that way.

Some monsters are vulnerable to good-, evil-, chaotically, or lawfully aligned weapons. When a cleric casts align weapon, affected weapons might gain one or more of these properties, and certain magic weapons have these properties as well. A creature with an alignment subtype (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) can overcome this type of damage reduction with its natural weapons and weapons it wields as if the weapons or natural weapons had an alignment (or alignments) that matched the subtype(s) of the creature.

I don't think dr cold iron works that way, but good evil chaotic and lawful do

Thanks for the input everyone! He's using a Quadruped Eidolon, so I'm not sure if he'd be able to take a Weapon Proficiency without growing new limbs. (I'll point him to that next level, which will be next session).

As for the other suggestions, we're only at level 2 so it'll be some time before we can implement those.

The Magic Attacks evolution gives alignment at 10th level.
Eldritch Claws (feat) gives you magic and silver, maybe you could ask about a homebrew version that gives cold iron.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

For the Eidolon, looks like you'll have to get a +3 AoMF (for Cold Iron) or wait till 10th level to add Alignment for DR from the Magic Attack Evolution. Ask the DM if he'll let you take Magic Attack Evolution twice (or paying an etra 2 EP etc.) to bypass Cold Iron. Or a modified Edritch Claws works too.

As far as summoned monsters, most Demons at lower levels will have DR/Good OR DR/Cold Iron or Good. An outsider with the Good subtype treats all their natural weapons (and I think weilded too) as Good for purposes of bypassing DR. Now you just have to either use summon monster to summon an Arcon or other good outsider or summon a Celestial monster which, as I read it, should have the Good subtype.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

CWheezy wrote:
I don't think dr cold iron works that way, but good evil chaotic and lawful do

That's a property of having an alignment subtype, not of having DR based on alignment.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Eidolon in humanoid form? custom cold iron claw caps or something...

There's a druid feat you could handwaive restrictions on called Twilight summons I think that gives summons ability to treat nat attacks as cold iro

GM_Solspiral wrote:

Eidolon in humanoid form? custom cold iron claw caps or something...

There's a druid feat you could handwaive restrictions on called Twilight summons I think that gives summons ability to treat nat attacks as cold iro

You're thinking of Starlight Summons from Ultimate Magic.

Ultimate Magic & the PRD wrote:

Starlight Summons

Your summoned minions slink along under the shadows of the stars.

Prerequisites: Spell Focus (conjuration), able to cast summon nature's ally.

Benefit: Creatures you summon gain the Blind-Fight feat, a +5 bonus to Perception and Stealth checks in dim light or darkness, and their natural weapons are treated as cold iron for overcoming damage reduction.

When one of my players mentioned he was going to go Summoner, I showed him this Feat and told him explicitly, "You. Need. This. Feat."

(and no, I'm not givin' it to ya for free, cheapskate.)

EDIT: I should have mentioned that he was already doing a multiclass with druid to give him more spell options.

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