Looking for GM (and eventually players) Skulls & Shackles


I would love to play a Skulls & Shackles campaign on PBP and I know that there are many potential players interested in it, but for that to happen we would need a GM willing to play one.

Any GM's out there who is interested in running S&S?

Depending on your rules of course, I would love to play an Undine Adept Druid or aquatic Druid.


EDIT: I wouldn't mind starting in the second or third book in case the GM wants to skip the low levels.

Grand Lodge

I'd Love to finish a pbp of Skulls and shackles, I have been in a couple and they have all flopped after the first book

I have several things that I would like to try out for this as well,

Titan Mauler
Cleric of Calistra
Rouge ( Swashbuckler )

Dark Archive

If this gets off the ground, I'd be interested in joining.

I've got a Brawler concept that I'd love to execute in S&S (or some other ship based campaign).

Does it have to be Skulls and Shackles? Would you consider a Homebrew Pirate game with similar themes? I don't own the Adventure Path, and I have misgivings about the setting.

I would prefer a S&S game for the chronicles for PFS. I have heard many friends who are very enthousiastic about the AP so I would love to see experience it for myself.

Oh, well that seems reasonable. I don't even know how I'd go about becoming a PFS qualified DM (or GM) even if I did buy the books. Good luck

Dark Archive

You're actually qualified to GM PFS stuff at pretty much any time. You can run APs in Campaign mode with close to no restrictions. All you'd need is a PFS number (easily attained through the site).

Generic DM: If you've a campaign in mind, I'd be happy to play through it. As, I'm sure, would others.

Thank you for the offer though Generic DM.

I would have to ask others to refrain from taking over the thread. Please pm Generic DM if you are interested in his game.

I would like this thread to stay on topic.

I'd love to join in this game, if possible, as either a dirge bard or sea singer.

I would not mind running A Skulls and Shackles Campaign.
My post requirements would be around one a day for players, of course more posts would be welcome. My requirements for character concepts would be driven by back story, if you have a compelling reason why your character would be in the story then I would be open to it. If your only reason for something obtuse is mechanical benefit then I would be less inclined.

That would be great Michael! Let me know what restrictions you have and the pb amount.

The start of Skulls & Shackles I believe that the groups is press-ganged into a crew.

Here is the backstory (if you allow undines), hope you like it.


I had the idea that my character (Calah) was part of a small enclave of Undines who lived peacefully at a remote island. They had a close relationship with the sea and its inhabitants and were minding their own business, while sometimes trading with merchants who came by. They would trade pearls and seashells for exotic products from land.

However, a group of pirates heard of this story and thought the Undines would be very wanted on other ships and fetch high prices on slave markets. For instance they could be used as slaves to dive for treasure in shipwrecks.

When the pirates struck they killed any who resisted too much and captured all the rest who could not get away in time. They destroyed the enclave with their cannons to make sure nothing remained. My characters family was killed during the strike. She was only five years old when this happened.

Calah was sold a couple of times for increasing prices. She has no choice but to work with the pirates at this time because they keep her chained up (even when she swims for treasure). She still needs to find out which pirate ship it was that attacked her island. When she finally gets free they will rue the day they destroyed her life.

Dark Archive

MichaelCullen, when you've got a game proposal together, I'd love to pitch my character.

Calah is the aquatic druid btw. I could also play a ranger depending on your preferences.

Grand Lodge

I PM MichaelCullen early this morning and I haven't heard back from him yet, I hope that he decides to go thru with this. I would be there will Bells on.

I have set up a recruitment thread here.
You are all welcome to come on over. I will give you guys recruitment preference as long as you have a basic concept and character sheet in the next two days.

@ Jolly Roger, sounds pretty good to me. Jump on over to the recruitment thread I liked to above.

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