Barachiel Shina |
Ok so I just need to double check.
We have a player who is crafting a Scout's Headband from Magic Item Compendium (we have a 3.5/Pathfinder hybrid game). The prerequisites are Craft Wondrous Item, see invisibility, darkvision, true seeing. The item caster level is 9th.
Now I know according to the FAQ that caster level is NOT a prerequisite for the item unless it says so in the prerequisite. His caster level is only 5th.
Does that mean he can make a Scout's Headband with the item at Caster Level 5th, and because he lacks access to True Seeing he simply adds +5 to the Spellcraft DC? Or does he have to have the same caster level as the highest level spell in the prerequisite? (in this case, 9th?)