Magic Item Creation question on prerequisites

Rules Questions

Ok so I just need to double check.

We have a player who is crafting a Scout's Headband from Magic Item Compendium (we have a 3.5/Pathfinder hybrid game). The prerequisites are Craft Wondrous Item, see invisibility, darkvision, true seeing. The item caster level is 9th.

Now I know according to the FAQ that caster level is NOT a prerequisite for the item unless it says so in the prerequisite. His caster level is only 5th.

Does that mean he can make a Scout's Headband with the item at Caster Level 5th, and because he lacks access to True Seeing he simply adds +5 to the Spellcraft DC? Or does he have to have the same caster level as the highest level spell in the prerequisite? (in this case, 9th?)

Grand Lodge

He adds +5 to the DC for the missing spell prerequisite. The item's minimum caster level is 9th, for the level required to cast its highest level spell prerequisite, making the Spellcraft DC higher. He doesn't have to have caster level 9 and doesn't increase the DC further for that reason.

Ok. That much is understood. Now for this question:

Does this mean the Spellcraft DC is 15 [5 base + creator caster level 5th + 5 lack of True Seeing)


does this mean the Spellcraft DC is 19? [5 + item caster level 9th + 5 lack of True Seeing]

5 + item caster level + (5 per missing requeriment)

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"does this mean the Spellcraft DC is 19? [5 + item caster level 9th + 5 lack of True Seeing]"

That one.

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