cheating with the "Message" cantrip

Rules Questions

1) If I see two people in a tavern whispering to each other, can I cast whisper at one of them, make an nominal whisper that could easily go unnoticed by the person, and then listen in on at least that person's side of the conversation, for ten minutes?

2) Do people need to whisper for the spell to work? For example, if both people were speaking at a normal volume, would the message not go through at all?

1) Careful, because as the spell has a verbal component, it is easy for people to notice you're casting spells. Since it has a somatic component, even if they don't hear you (they will), they'll see you do it. And... there is the whole matter of needing to point at your target.

So, if you did manage to pull off casting it unnoticed, (a still/silent message?) and no one noticed that you pointed at the people whispering in the corner... Then you can target whoever you like, up to one creature per caster level, within range.

After that, you could whisper to whoever is affected, and they'd hear it. Once you've whispered a message to them, any further whispering they do... you will be able to hear.

2) It has to be a whisper. Regular speech isn't transmitted, only whispers.

Silver Crusade

1) Also the spell gives you no capacity to eavesdrop on a conversation. The key word here is "replies." If you send a message then someone can whisper a reply. That's it. You don't get to hear everything they are saying.

2) yes it has to be a whisper.

Sanjiv wrote:

1) If I see two people in a tavern whispering to each other, can I cast whisper at one of them, make an nominal whisper that could easily go unnoticed by the person, and then listen in on at least that person's side of the conversation, for ten minutes?

2) Do people need to whisper for the spell to work? For example, if both people were speaking at a normal volume, would the message not go through at all?

Message wrote:
You can whisper messages and receive whispered replies. Those nearby can hear these messages with a DC 25 Perception check. You point your finger at each creature you want to receive the message. When you whisper, the whispered message is audible to all targeted creatures within range. Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal (or a thin sheet of lead), or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks the spell. The message does not have to travel in a straight line. It can circumvent a barrier if there is an open path between you and the subject, and the path's entire length lies within the spell's range. The creatures that receive the message can whisper a reply that you hear. The spell transmits sound, not meaning; it doesn't transcend language barriers. To speak a message, you must mouth the words and whisper.

1) It says that the creature that receives your message CAN reply not that they are required to. So no can't eavesdrop as the creature gets the choice of replying or not.

2) Yes the spell specifically says you must mouth the words and whisper.

How would the target of the spell indicate that they are replying, or their will to reply? The spell is described as only transmitting sound, but are you suggesting that the spell has a telepathic/mind-reading ability as well?

If so, then can the Message spell be used with Silent Spell (metamagic) feat, given that one could still effectively mouth the words?

My impulse would be "no," since the spell is described as "transmitting sounds," but then by that measure, I interpret the "choice" of the target of the spell being to speak, or not to speak (within a few moments of being whispered to), and that the spell has no additional telepathic element to determine whether the targets intend to reply either to the caster of the spell, or any of the other targets included in the spell.

Further question: Isn't the verbal component of the spell the whisper itself? And isn't the somatic component the pointing?

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Sanjiv wrote:
How would the target of the spell indicate that they are replying, or their will to reply? The spell is described as only transmitting sound, but are you suggesting that the spell has a telepathic/mind-reading ability as well?

Many spells are under the control of the recipient. For example, Blessings of Fervor allows you to choose from a variety of bonuses. For that matter, how does a caster summoning a monster choose where it appears? You could consider that a mind-reading ability if you wanted. Basically, it's magic.

Sanjiv wrote:
If so, then can the Message spell be used with Silent Spell (metamagic) feat, given that one could still effectively mouth the words?

Silent Spell eliminates the verbal components of the casting, not other related aspects.

Sanjiv wrote:
Further question: Isn't the verbal component of the spell the whisper itself? And isn't the somatic component the pointing?

No. Actions required to make use of a spell aren't verbal or somatic components - those are the things you need to do to make the magic happen in the first place. Casting a Still Touch spell doesn't negate the need to touch your enemy.

Note that much of this thread is now obsolete due to the FAQ ruling that even a Still Silent spell is visible due to colorful magic runes or whatever.

That all makes sense to me. I'm convinced. For the record, though, the message spell describes: "Saving Throw: none; Spell Resistance: no," so the issue is ambiguous.

I hope that in the future we get a spell called "Eavesdrop." I don't know why don't have one already.

Lantern Lodge

Sanjiv wrote:
I hope that in the future we get a spell called "Eavesdrop." I don't know why don't have one already.

That sounds like a good spell to research. (As long as it is not PFS)

First of all, the verbal component is trivial, because it lasts fricking forever, and the pointing can be done after the casting, so you can simply walk outside, cast the spell in the alley, then walk inside and start pointing at people and whispering, without arousing suspicion.

Secondly, yes they have to reply to you, so you don't get to just eavesdrop on everything, BUT if you can trick them into thinking the other guy asked a critical question, like while turned around looking for the waitress, then you can still trick him into responding to his friend but actually you, and extract the info you want.

Less useful for eavesdropping then, more useful for already being able to hear them but inserting leading questions in order to interrogate unknowingly.

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Sanjiv wrote:

How would the target of the spell indicate that they are replying, or their will to reply? The spell is described as only transmitting sound, but are you suggesting that the spell has a telepathic/mind-reading ability as well?

If so, then can the Message spell be used with Silent Spell (metamagic) feat, given that one could still effectively mouth the words?

My impulse would be "no," since the spell is described as "transmitting sounds," but then by that measure, I interpret the "choice" of the target of the spell being to speak, or not to speak (within a few moments of being whispered to), and that the spell has no additional telepathic element to determine whether the targets intend to reply either to the caster of the spell, or any of the other targets included in the spell.

Further question: Isn't the verbal component of the spell the whisper itself? And isn't the somatic component the pointing?

Dude, did it seriously take you an entire year to get back to this thread?

I think you could manage an eavesdrop-type effect with Clairaudience, or some other divination spell.

Ashram wrote:
Sanjiv wrote:

How would the target of the spell indicate that they are replying, or their will to reply? The spell is described as only transmitting sound, but are you suggesting that the spell has a telepathic/mind-reading ability as well?

If so, then can the Message spell be used with Silent Spell (metamagic) feat, given that one could still effectively mouth the words?

My impulse would be "no," since the spell is described as "transmitting sounds," but then by that measure, I interpret the "choice" of the target of the spell being to speak, or not to speak (within a few moments of being whispered to), and that the spell has no additional telepathic element to determine whether the targets intend to reply either to the caster of the spell, or any of the other targets included in the spell.

Further question: Isn't the verbal component of the spell the whisper itself? And isn't the somatic component the pointing?

Dude, did it seriously take you an entire year to get back to this thread?

That's hilarious! Nice catch.

Sanjiv wrote:

That all makes sense to me. I'm convinced. For the record, though, the message spell describes: "Saving Throw: none; Spell Resistance: no," so the issue is ambiguous.

I hope that in the future we get a spell called "Eavesdrop." I don't know why don't have one already.

The spell exists, but it's called clauraudience. It has existed for a long time.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

FallofCamelot wrote:

1) Also the spell gives you no capacity to eavesdrop on a conversation.

2) yes it has to be a whisper.

Spells do what they are written to do and are not designed or intended to be used in creative ways.

Don't forget that the recent FAQ on spellcasting has unilaterally removed the ability to be stealthy while casting.

In the described situation, the caster would produce a visual effect recognizable as a spell being cast, regardless of Still/Silence being employed...

In any case, no, Message doesn't allow you to eavesdrop on people, that's not what it's for.

alexd1976 wrote:

Don't forget that the recent FAQ on spellcasting has unilaterally removed the ability to be stealthy while casting.

In the described situation, the caster would produce a visual effect recognizable as a spell being cast, regardless of Still/Silence being employed...

In any case, no, Message doesn't allow you to eavesdrop on people, that's not what it's for.

Message lasts for tens of minutes and doesn't require pointing during the cast. So just go outside in the bushes, cast, go back inside, and then do your non-manifestation pointing and such over the next half hour.

Crimeo wrote:
alexd1976 wrote:

Don't forget that the recent FAQ on spellcasting has unilaterally removed the ability to be stealthy while casting.

In the described situation, the caster would produce a visual effect recognizable as a spell being cast, regardless of Still/Silence being employed...

In any case, no, Message doesn't allow you to eavesdrop on people, that's not what it's for.

Message lasts for tens of minutes and doesn't require pointing during the cast. So just go outside in the bushes, cast, go back inside, and then do your non-manifestation pointing and such over the next half hour.

Still doesn't allow eavesdropping though, surely we can agree on that?

Grand Lodge

Well, unless they took canny caster.

Or were a bard with that feat that lets you disguise spells

Or a vigiLante (I seem to recall they could chose a class feature to conceal casting)

I agree it doesn't allow eavesdropping yes, unless you trick someone into thinking your whisper is their buddy and they reply to it unknowingly.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sanjiv wrote:

How would the target of the spell indicate that they are replying, or their will to reply? The spell is described as only transmitting sound, but are you suggesting that the spell has a telepathic/mind-reading ability as well?

If so, then can the Message spell be used with Silent Spell (metamagic) feat, given that one could still effectively mouth the words?

Silent Spell only affects the casting of the spell, not what goes on after the spell is cast.

What GMs need to do is get very familiar with the spell text, and remember the differences between it and Telepathic Bond.

That is correct, Silent spell only affects the 3 second casting, which in the case of Message, is not the part where you're actually whispering.

First: You cast the spell in 3 seconds, requiring a STRONG VOICE (not a whisper), and somatics and a piece of copper wire for focus. This is the part that Silent Spell would affect, and this is the part with magical manifestations.

Second: You now have a 10 minute/level new ability, at will. Your ability is that you can point at people, whisper, and they can reply to you. Silent Spell does NOT affect this, nor does it have any guaranteed perceivable magical manifestations by my reading of the FAQ.

(Prestidigitation works the same way btw. 3 second casting, then you have a 1 hour set of new at will abilities, which themselves do not necessarily have any outward manifestations or components)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Perception checks are in order, one to notice the pointing and the checks to notice the whispers on both sides.

Perception checks are in order, one to notice the pointing

Not if I'm pointing from behind cover. The spell text goes into great depth about the fact that it does not require a straight open line of effect, but can go around corners or even penetrate barriers up to a certain amount. So there's no reason I can tell that you can't just point at someone from behind your back without a LOS between finger and target.

Or even if you did rule it to require LOS at pointing (which I would say is a house rule, but whatever), the DC to notice some guy in a crowded tavern 30 feet away slightly pointing at you for a fraction of a second should be like DC frickin' 45. That would be an insanely obscure detail.

and the checks to notice the whispers on both sides.

Yes this one definitely applies.

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