Dropping 12+ level support: huh? Someone clue me in

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Grand Lodge 4/5

Belafon wrote:
Edit: now that I'm more awake I'm guessing TOZ was another of those 20.

No, I actually enjoy GMing more than playing. I've run Siege of the Diamond City three times now, but have yet to actually play it myself.

Dark Archive 4/5

So, late to chime in however, let me try.
I'll finally be playing Eyes of the Ten this coming week at Origins.
It has been next to impossible to get Eyes in around my area because of the nature of the beast.

You have have exactly enough xp to be 12, not 12.1/12.2 or 13. This makes it difficult, because someone had poor planning in my group and ended with 33.5 xp. So here is a character that will never get to participate in Eyes.

I hope when you guys retire Eyes, and redevelop a new Seeker Arc this will be taken into consideration.
If this wasn't the case, we wouldn't be trying to power level this gentleman's other character to 12 so we could make a legal table for Eyes.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Belafon wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
...since a good many veteran GMs specifically ask for that one slot off so they can play.
I don't understand this concept.
I don't try to read into the reasonings behind requests. But I have at least 20 emails for volunteers this year that have specifically asked for the slot off so they can play and advised they would GM any other 8 slots.

As one of those 20, I can tell you my reasoning: I enjoy GMing but I also enjoy playing occasional scenarios with no prior knowledge.

In addition to GenCon I'll attend two or three regional cons next year (if you consider Dragon*Con regional.) I know at least two of those will be running the Season 5 finale special. The numbers of players vs. potential GMs is different than at GenCon, so I'll end up GMing those two specials. I know GenCon will have the GMs, so I might as well play before I GM and get to experience it unspoiled.

I will be spoiling "The Choices We Make" and "Bonekeep 3" for myself, but I have been heavily invested in the Season 5 storyline and chose to make the Friday night special my one personal playtime.

Edit: now that I'm more awake I'm guessing TOZ was another of those 20.

I would also argue that the play experience for an Interactive Special is far different at a major Con with 50 tables than at a local Con with 5.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Belafon wrote:
Edit: now that I'm more awake I'm guessing TOZ was another of those 20.
No, I actually enjoy GMing more than playing. I've run Siege of the Diamond City three times now, but have yet to actually play it myself.


Silver Crusade 1/5

I haven't seen anyone mention this but higher tiers take longer and cramming 3-4 combat situations as well as a moderate amount of roleplay very much make it difficult to complete an entire session in 4 hours. I imagine its even more difficult to do in 12+ tiers. A few of the tables I have been at especially in the 10-11 tier all seem to have a similar feel. Very rushed and/or running out of time at the end to complete the story or BBEG combat. Why not make your 12+ tier content 2 parters? So you can get your 1 xp over 2 sessions. I think this could even be an approach for some 7-11 tables as well. You'll say well then that sort of defeats the purpose of organized play and while that may be true to a small extent, it might be a better solution than only running 7-11s 1% of the time.

The goal here is to have fun in a structured environment so anyone can play.....Not necessarily to have a structured environment where you try to squeeze fun in. If you stick to the structure so much that you make the scenarios not fun, then its no surprise that 1% of the tables are 7-11. How about thinking about breaking the mold a bit to figure out a way where 7-11s are more fun.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I'd rather have 7-11s with more role-play than combats personally. Some of the latest offerings have allowed for good diplomacy to skip combats, which I have really enjoyed.

5/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 4

Michael Brock wrote:
The Atlanta region is an exception to the rule with as many times as EoT has been run from start to finish. Heck, we were one of the first two regions to complete all four parts and report them. I suspect, off the top of my head, Atlanta region has run it twice as many times as any other region minimum.

FYI, I've posted some data on this topic for the Raleigh Region in a separate thread.

Scarab Sages 5/5

roysier wrote:

To me it seems dropping the special from 1-15 to 1-11 seems a arbitrary decision. Can you really tell me that creating 1 tier higher is that much more difficult than tier 10-11. And can your really tell me there were that many fewer seeker tables then tier 10-11 tables at specials? I don't buy it. At the 5 conventions I have been at over the past year I only count 1 extra 10-11 than seeker tables.

Having specials go to tier 15 seems like a thanks to long term players who have character they can't use that often anymore.

My experience for writing and editing scenarios is from Living Greyhawk days as a Plots triad, and each tier is significantly harder as you go up, and you can spend hours on parts that some tables dismantle in seconds. Above 10th level things get very hard - sometimes is feels like whoever wins initiative wins (and it won't take as much time to write that.

I for one would rather they spend more time in 1-11, and let the modules and adventure paths serve the seekers.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I'd rather have 7-11s with more role-play than combats personally. Some of the latest offerings have allowed for good diplomacy to skip combats, which I have really enjoyed.

Only if you speak tree!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Someone at my wife's table did! (You also didn't manage to kill anyone there either, sorry.)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Someone at my wife's table did! (You also didn't manage to kill anyone there either, sorry.)

I love being able to reward obscure or rare character choices.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

7 people marked this as a favorite.

GM: The massive Fiendish Undead Dragon with levels of Barbarian rears back and roars!

Players: Oh, !@#$

GM: Thelonious, please roll your Profession: Barkeep.

Thelonious: Uh, what?

GM: I need a Profession: Barkeep roll.

Thelonious: I just took that for RP reasons...

GM: Just roll it.

Thelonious (rolls): Uh, 26?

GM: Something about this Dragon catches your eye...and then you realize he's a regular at your bar! In fact, he owes you for 2 pints of honeymead!

Thelonious: What! I try to Intimidate him for my money back! I got a 18.

GM: With your +20 shame bonus, the Dragon apologizes for the trouble and drops 4 silver on the ground before flying off. Also, the invisible ethereal assassin who's been stalking you is so impressed he revokes his blood oath and gives you the key to the final vault, bypassing the permanent energy drain traps.

Players: Hooray!

A man can dream...

Grand Lodge 4/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Someone at my wife's table did! (You also didn't manage to kill anyone there either, sorry.)

He came damn close to killing a certain character at our table though, good thing out Life Oracle was on the ball!

Silver Crusade 4/5

Had I but remembered that vital enchantment I would possibly had an easier time removing the poison.

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