Using 3.5 adventures

Beginner Box

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hi all,
Me and my game group are all new to Pathfinder (and role-playing in general) and have had an awesome time with the Beginner Box. As the GM, I've started looking at other sources of adventures that I can use until I get an idea of how an adventure should be structured and I can start writing my own.

I'm aware that there's plenty of other threads asking "what next?" on this forum, and I've found much of the advice very useful, but have a more specific question.

Many of the 3.5 modules on this site currently have their print versions available for $2 each. I'm assuming these are aimed at D&D 3.5; am I right in assuming that they're compatible with Pathfinder too? I'm happy to do some conversion myself (and will probably need to anyway, if we play only with the beginner box rules), swapping out monsters for those I have available or tweaking the challenge rating, etc. Is there anything else that I should pay attention to when adapting adventures from the 3.5 system?

Are there any on the list that you'd particularly recommend? Since they're such a bargain I'll probably buy a whole bunch of them anyway, but an idea of which are particularly worth running would be useful. The rest will serve as good material if/when I start creating my own adventures!

Thanks for your help!

Dark Archive

Paizo offers a few of their 3.5 modules free themselves, as in perfectly legal.
Try them first before spending the money. Look for Hallows Last Hope, And reurn of the Kobold King. They are a prequel and sequel to the adventure Wrath if the Kobold King, should .be 2$ if still in stock. Later I think hungry are the dead deal with the same region.

By the way, I bought a bunch of them seeing they were $2 because I think many of their adventures are great.

Other of those 3.5 mods I loved were river into darkness and Conquest of the Bloodsworn Vale. Offing as I love to play too, I don't read many of the adventures so I cannot recommend more, other than I think Paizo adventures are pretty good and at $2 a pop, why not.

Shadow Lodge

You'll want to decide up front - either with your players' consent or just informing them of your decision - how you'll handle any missteps. Say, for example, the 3.5 adventure has magic loot that isn't published in any of the Pathfinder products. How do you intend to adjust? Can the character keep the item, and you'll adjust the background? Do you plan to replace the item with a legal one of the same GP value? Or if you miscalculate a monster's strength, are you going to pull punches or fudge die rolls?

A typical table trusts their GM to use discretion about these kinds of things, but they'll occur more often using converted material.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Excellent, thanks for the advice.

I ordered a few of the books, including the ones recommended above.

As far as how I intend to adjust them, it depends on the adventures themselves, I guess. I'm much more interested in story-lines and encounter ideas than I am of specific items or monsters. The guidelines about having an 'XP budget' for encounters and a 'gold budget' for items in the Beginner Box's Game Mastery Guide should make it simple enough to swap out monsters and items that I don't have rules for.

I'll be sure to inform the players that this is what I've done. If things do go a little awry, I'd probably hold back if things get too difficult, or have another way to end the combat than just killing everyone. I wouldn't let a monster kill the whole party unless they really deserve it. ;)

Shadow Lodge

I'll be sure to inform the players that this is what I've done. If things do go a little awry, I'd probably hold back if things get too difficult, or have another way to end the combat than just killing everyone. I wouldn't let a monster kill the whole party unless they really deserve it. ;)

Well, I only mentioned it because there's a Pathfinder playerbase that would 'flip the table' if they knew their GM was pulling punches. Not knowing whether your players buy into that it may or may not be necessary...

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One man's 'pulling punches' is another man's 'fixing my horrendous mistake on the fly'. New GMs are going to make mistakes and have to fix them.


You can most definitely use those books/PDFs for your Pathfinder games, there is a free D&D 3.5 to Pathfinder conversion guide here, very good reference.

The suggestion above to start with free Paizo modules (and the 1st level purchasable ones)has strong merit also, take a look at those for comparison and reference purposes. Happy Gaming

I use them with my PF games.

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