Mittensworth |

I have an amusing idea for a character I'd like to flesh out a bit, and would love to hear anyone's thoughts. Tick, the amazing(ly small and annoying) kobold has a short attention span, a giant ego, and dreams of becoming a real dragon.
His quest, no matter what campaign he is in, is to eventually gain enough wealth and status to convince a powerful wizard or sorcerer to cast Polymorph any object on him, to permanently turn him into the dragon he longs to be. (Clearly, as thanks, he will eat the wizard last) I would like to play the character as a comical idiot of sorts, lacking either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. (more likely the former two?)
(As far as the spell, the DM agrees, the spell would likely be permanent)
+5 from the same kingdom
+2 from the same class
Possible +2 from same size, if enlarge person is cast first and its only a medium sized dragon
+2 Kobolds have a history of being related to dragons
+2 Same intelligence (wouldn't change)
My question is what sort of class would work well for this? I plan on the actual quest to become a dragon to be 99% of my time spent with this character, and I don't plan on playing a campaign actually as a dragon. But, I'd like it to make sense that Tick has planned his life around becoming all powerful as a dragon, and has likely honed his skills to become the most powerfully awesome dragon possible!
So yeah, what class or build would you think works well as a kobold and plays to the strengths of a dragon after becoming one? Also, are there any particular kinds of dragons that you might recommend as rather neat for this idea? (I'm only just now reading up on dragons in pathfinder, but there seem to be a lot of different kinds)

Mittensworth |

poly any object is weird... it only follows the rules for polymorphing, so a ton of the dragon-ness awesome stuff you would not get.
If I'm reading it correctly (I might be completely off), it would function similar to Form of the Dragon 1, right? The benefits of that seem pretty neat in general, especially if I already have a good BAB to use the natural weapons, plus class levels and features.

DualJay |

Maybe a draconic bloodline sorcerer? /mainstream
You could pick up spells to imitate draconic abilities as well. The spell would imitate Form of the Dragon 1.
From d20pfsrd.
"You become a Medium chromatic or metallic dragon. You gain a +4 size bonus to Strength, a +2 size bonus to Constitution, a +4 natural armor bonus, fly 60 feet (poor), darkvision 60 feet, a breath weapon, and resistance to one element. You also gain one bite (1d8), two claws (1d6), and two wing attacks (1d4). Your breath weapon and resistance depend on the type of dragon. You can only use the breath weapon once per casting of this spell. All breath weapons deal 6d8 points of damage and allow a Reflex save for half damage. In addition, some of the dragon types grant additional abilities, as noted below."
Black dragon: 60-foot line of acid, resist acid 20, swim 60 feet
Blue dragon: 60-foot line of electricity, resist electricity 20, burrow 20 feet
Green dragon: 30-foot cone of acid, resist acid 20, swim 40 feet
Red dragon: 30-foot cone of fire, resist fire 30, vulnerability to cold
White dragon: 30-foot cone of cold, resist cold 20, swim 60 feet, vulnerability to fire
Brass dragon: 60-foot line of fire, resist fire 20, burrow 30 feet, vulnerability to cold
Bronze dragon: 60-foot line of electricity, resist electricity 20, swim 60 feet
Copper dragon: 60-foot line of acid, resist acid 20, spider climb (always active)
Gold dragon: 30-foot cone of fire, resist fire 20, swim 60 feet
Silver dragon: 30-foot cone of cold, resist cold 30, vulnerability to fire
Note that, RAW, you'd only get one use of your breath weapon, ever. Maybe try to work something out with your DM - perhaps casting certain spells (fire breath?) would instead recharge your breath weapon.
Also, consider the Dragon Disciple prestige class. A lot of thematic powers, and would allow you to temporarily change dragon types in a pinch.

Kobold Catgirl |

About types of dragons: Blue dragons are the closest to kobolds, alignment-wise. Blue dragons are orderly, canny, careful, and totally evil.
But they don't exactly act like how kobolds—especially ones like yours—are going to act.
Green dragons cover kobolds' sense of importance. A green dragon acts like his forest is not only his, but the most important place in the world.
However, your kobold might be like the white dragon: dumb, self-important, mostly just using their raw physical power as much as possible.
Red dragons also work well, being arrogant, destructive, impulsive, and fairly easy to flatter.

TGMaxMaxer |
Being a Kobold, why not follow the expected route (Dragon Disciple) while using the Kobolds unique feat to be divine based.
Scaled Disciple. Little Wis, Little Cha, make him cunning and likeable, but low int.
The new Warpriest class would be a fun choice, since taking Weapon Focus(claw, bite) etc. would get you full BAB, and a scaling damage dice to use with them while you were playing him up. Scalykind domain is a no-brainer.

hgsolo |

I know this is a long shot, since a lot of people do not allow 3.5 stuff in PF, but the dragon fire adept from dragon magic is awesome for this. I actually played mine as a demented (CE) kobold who was already convinced that he was a dragon. Loads of fun if you can get your GM to go for it. Also, the class is not feat starved, so you can grab some of the draconic feats for some nice flavor too.