Achievements, do you have any?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Just finished the first scenario of deck 5 and after the smoke cleared... we had removed an astounding (to us anyway) 25 cards from play in that scenario alone.

Anyone else with any noteworthy achievements since you played? They must be something that feels hard to replicate.

In one scenario, if I recall correctly, Ezren closed three locations in as many turns. I thought that was fairly impressive...

Sounds impressive to me, although I'm sure a lot of the 'game is to easy' crowd would probably beg to differ.

In a 4-man game (Seelah, Ezren, Harsk, and Seoni) Seelah ended up Mike-Tyson-ing the villain Nualia in her first turn.

Her first hand draw (4 cards) she got a shield, so didn't have a card to bury to take all damage when Nualia force-attacked for 4 damage. (Handwipe!)

Luckily, Harsk and Seoni each had 1 blessing of the gods, and the timer blessing was Lamashtu! (Bury, 2 dice vs monster)

Was still a tight fight, due to Nualia's anti-blessing buff, but the 2nd check was just high enough to punch her lights out. Of course she ran away, but it was an EPIC first turn location-close.

If defeating a villain's checks with NO HAND isn't an achievement I don't know what is.

My recent achievement, defeating Mork with just a long sword as Seelah... it's cool though, took his club to replace it.

After Kyra got rid of the last good-aligned god's blessing in her deck, she rolled 6-6-6 on her next 3d6 roll.

Let's see: I've rolled a 6 on 5d10. I think I closed 3 locations personally in my first 3 turns in a 6-player game. Can't really think of anything else. I usually wind up being the boring guy at the table, never collecting good boons, failing as many checks as I make, and generally being pretty average.

Hummm, well, I just finished the 3rd scenario of AP5 with my first 6-character group, and I had 3 locations closed with just the Villain left at the 4th location (The Academy with Ezren) in the first round. Though Meri had the advantage of a Magic Spyglass revealing 2 monsters and a Lini Scrying to bury them.

Bad luck that you only got to banish 25 cards. My 5-character group banished 34 monsters alone (17 or half in the first scenario alone) though my 6-character group is well behind that pace as they keep running into Veterans and AP5 monsters.

kysmartman wrote:

Hummm, well, I just finished the 3rd scenario of AP5 with my first 6-character group, and I had 3 locations closed with just the Villain left at the 4th location (The Academy with Ezren) in the first round. Though Meri had the advantage of a Magic Spyglass revealing 2 monsters and a Lini Scrying to bury them.

Bad luck that you only got to banish 25 cards. My 5-character group banished 34 monsters alone (17 or half in the first scenario alone) though my 6-character group is well behind that pace as they keep running into Veterans and AP5 monsters.

I was talking total number of cards removed in a SINGLE scenario, not multiple... although total monsters removed by that point (5-1) was only about 15, so 34 monster removed is quite impressive too.

5 character party playing solo I removed 20 basic/elites but timed out (Amiri crapped out her roll against the Scribbler on the last turn), and then removed another 20 basic/elites on the run back through... including a Goblin Warchanter!!!! For such a easy mark I hate those things.

playing a 4 man game on sunday (valeros, Kyra, seoni, and lem), I managed to close more locations than the other 3 combined playing 7 scenarios, including completely emptying 3 locations as the boss/henchman ended up being the last card in the deck. (was really awesome cause I was playing Lem).

Achievement Unlocked

Beat a Boss's combat check by 50 or more. -Dice

Hehe, I just got another one today. In the last scenario of AP5, I didn't even have to roll to defeat the villain (Combat 28) because all of the bonuses totaled 29 (Sajan dumped his light crossbow+1 and used the Swipe from his Emerald Codex, Harsk dumped one of his magic longbows either frost of shock and used his snipe power, both Val--first time I've ever used Haste to move anyone btw and Lem were at the location, Lem rolled a lousy 6; base is a 5--d10+4 for crying out loud, on his new Staff of Shadows, Amiri had a Greatclub+3 and the Belt and Buried a card with his power along with his Melee+5 (Strength +3 and Melee +2). So +1+3+1+3+3+2+6+3+1+1+5=29.

Pretty sure I haven't had that happen before since AP2.

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