caddmus |
Hello fellow people that might know more then me :D
I have come seeking advise. Which explains the thread category,
Any who.
I am in a game were my char is about to hit level 9, I'm a martial class but I have descent int stats do to macguffins in the adventure path we are playing.
I am thinking of getting UMD and the trait that lets me use Int for this skill as other then damage my job is skill monkey of the group.
but I have never used UMD, I have some wands saved from past encounters, but I was looking for advise for any other things I could use with this, or what scrolls might be good to buy, (other then wish)
given the way the skill reads i'm assuming most of my use of it will be outside of combat, as I think its 3 rolls to do a scroll? and at least a full minute?
the spell casters in my group are all divine as well, (druid,inquis and a paly)
any advise is always welcome as my stats seem to out strip my experience :D

Daenar |

One can't afford to dabble with UMD, the dc's are moderately high for simple tasks and they scale rapidly. You want a very good ability modifier, so if that trait you mentioned helps there take it. Skill focus feat gives a + 3 initially and goes to +6 once you have ten ranks in the skill. Additionally, I hope this is a class skill for you and if not you need to make it one, perhaps with another trait? Anyway, Calculate the highest possible umd DC -10. That is ultimately what you should aim for as a final skill modifier.

caddmus |
And I do agree with both of you, though as my group has no arcane caster scrolls and wands will have to do, for stats, and how i became the skill monkey we are doing shattered star and i got one of the mcguffins that added to my skills and int score, tossed another point in to help my int when i got one for leveling up,
stat wise i'm doing a human gunslinger,
so with gear, my wis and my int are both at +4
a stat of 18 each currently,
so I at least cover the stat requirement for a few things, and an ioun stone i have gives me a +2 insight bounus to skills, (scarlet/blue sphere)
So, skill wise, when i hit 9 if i dump my skill points into it, i'll max it for level, get a 15, with the +2 bringing it to a +17 on the die roll, not counting if i pick up skill focus on my next feat pick. which is tempting, ( I like gadgets)
so basicly that leads to start with +17 on a roll with a 18 stat on int and wis,

caddmus |
go Mysterious Stranger archetype which lets you use Cha instead of Wis for Grit... then your high Cha will mesh well with UMD
little late for that sadly as i said i'm level 9, and my int is higher then my cha, so easyer to take the trait that lets me use int to use UMD, as well, currently I'm musketmaster (8) urban barb (1)