Optimal Build for a Goblin Gunslinger


Hello everyone!

Pretty soon, my campus will unlock the Gunslinger for use in the living campaign we have going. I took a look at Tierce's Belrim Eagle-eye Build (link here) and it helped a bit, but I still have a lot of uncertainty around it.

This goblin would be designed around dealing damage from a distance, while giving it the mobility it needs to get into positions for sniping. I stayed away from dipping into other classes (because we have to manually unlock each new book we use) and I also stayed away from lowering stats below 10. Here's the build, hoping for any suggestion! (Also, first post, woohoo!)

Nak-nak, Goblin Sharpshooter
Gunslinger (Musket Master)

STR: 10
DEX: 18
CON: 10
INT: 11
WIS: 16
CHA: 10

1: Goblin Gunslinger, Rapid Reload (Muskets)
3: Point-Blank Shot
4: Precise Shot
5: Deadly Aim
7: Rapid Reload (Rifle)
8: Weapon Focus (Rifle)
9: Rapid Shot
11: Many Shot
12: Dodge
13: Mobility
15: Deft Shootist Deed
16: Combat Reflexes
17: Snap Shot
19: Improved Snap Shot
20: Improved Precise Shot

WARNING: I am new to Pathfinder, so please forgive me if I missed out on obvious things!

Liberty's Edge

Depending on your play style, I would swap Rapid Shot with Deadly Aim at level 5, As Deadly Aim has a catch to it. It really is only useful if you plan on firing outside of the 50 foot range frequently (Musket 40 ft. Range, +10 feet from Steady Aim Deed). Because it does not work with touch attacks.
If you are good at staying within your first range increment I might even swap it out completely at level 9. Maybe go with Clustered Shots or Improved Initiative. Always nice to be the first to act in a round or do serious damage to creatures with DR.

P.S. Remember to start using Alchemical Cartridges ASAP to get the quickest reload time possible for your musket.

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Deadly Aim works just fine with firearms. Firearms target touch AC, but are not in themselves touch attacks. This was clarified in an FAQ a while ago. It's also better for Gunslingers than standard archers, because the fact they hit touch AC means that they can use it more reliably, since their target hit number is lower.

Manyshot, however, doesn't work with firearms at all, so it's a dead feat.

Musket Master is the best gunslinger archetype in my opinion, since it allows you to get free action reloads with two-handed firearms.

Regarding your build, you're way too squishy. Drop your Wisdom and bump up your Con if you can. More grit is nice, but it doesn't matter if you're dead. Even musket masters will be close enough to combat for getting hit in the face to be a factor.

Depending on what level you start, waiting till level 4 to have picked up Point-Blank and Precise might be a bit painful, even targeting touch AC. Goblin Gunslinger is great, but ultimately those few levels of big hit penalties are going to suck more than taking the damage hit from using a smaller weapon.

Also, as nice as Goblin Gunslinger is, it doesn't actually say it lets you pick up a larger starting weapon, so it's mostly useless until you've reached a wealth level to buy your own new gun anyways.

So progression would look something like:

1. Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload (Musket)
3. Precise Shot
4. Deadly Aim
5. Goblin Gunslinger
7. Rapid Shot
8. Weapon Focus
9. Snap Shot
11. Signature Deed
12. Improved Precise Shot
13. Improved Snap Shot
15. Combat Reflexes
16. Greater Snap Shot
17. Clustered Shots

The last two feats can be whatever, if you ever get there.

All that and you missed the greatest goblin feat ever for a ranged attacker? Bask in the glory of roll with it! Better on wizards, sure, but what isn't?.
In all seriousness Combat Reflexes should be after you can take AoO with your gun (unless you plan on using a melee weapon) and I wouldn't invest feats in Rifles unless you're positive you can get them (and Rapid Reload does nothing for them).

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