Recipe4Disasta's page

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Hello everyone!

Pretty soon, my campus will unlock the Gunslinger for use in the living campaign we have going. I took a look at Tierce's Belrim Eagle-eye Build (link here) and it helped a bit, but I still have a lot of uncertainty around it.

This goblin would be designed around dealing damage from a distance, while giving it the mobility it needs to get into positions for sniping. I stayed away from dipping into other classes (because we have to manually unlock each new book we use) and I also stayed away from lowering stats below 10. Here's the build, hoping for any suggestion! (Also, first post, woohoo!)

Nak-nak, Goblin Sharpshooter
Gunslinger (Musket Master)

STR: 10
DEX: 18
CON: 10
INT: 11
WIS: 16
CHA: 10

1: Goblin Gunslinger, Rapid Reload (Muskets)
3: Point-Blank Shot
4: Precise Shot
5: Deadly Aim
7: Rapid Reload (Rifle)
8: Weapon Focus (Rifle)
9: Rapid Shot
11: Many Shot
12: Dodge
13: Mobility
15: Deft Shootist Deed
16: Combat Reflexes
17: Snap Shot
19: Improved Snap Shot
20: Improved Precise Shot

WARNING: I am new to Pathfinder, so please forgive me if I missed out on obvious things!