Final Fantasy: Summons as a Pantheon


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Over on RPGNet, someone asked about ideas for using the FF summons as gods for 3.5, which sparked some ideas that'd been percolating in my head for a few years. I'm too sleepy to write much up right now, but here's a little something as a starter.

(In my mind, the "classic" summons are a pantheon of good/neutral deities, while the Scions from Tactics/12, including the classic villains from FF 1 - 5, are their evil counterpart pantheon.)

Defender of Civilization

God of cities, justice, protection, and light
Alignment LG
Domains (subdomains): Community (Cooperation), Glory (Honor), Good (Archon,) Law (Judgment), Protection (Defense)
Inquisitions Illumination, Justice, Valor, Vengeance
Favored Weapon tower shield

Alexander is the Great Protector, at once the guard on the walls, the guard's armor and shield, the walls themselves, and the City the walls surround. He is the wielder of Divine Judgment, the holy light that sears away the darkness of undeath and evil. Watchmen, constables, paladins, and urban druids count him their patron.

The Protector does not lightly grant his power, and he is known to sponsor fewer divine casters than any other of the gods. It is said that Alexander's might could cause unimaginable disaster if it were to fall into evil hands; in the youth of the gods, in a time long forgotten, the Light of Judgment was stolen from Alexander by a nihilistic madman and ravaged an entire world to the brink of ruin. Thus he takes great care to empower only those

The Elder Justiciar

God of thunder, magic, knowledge, and history
Alignment N
Domains (subdomains): Air (Cloud), Knowledge (Thought), Magic (Arcane), Rune (Language), Weather (Storms)
Inquisitions Fate, Truth, Vengeance
Favored Weapon quarterstaff

Ramuh is the Sage of the Gods, master of all magic, and Lord of Storms; thunder and lightning are his to command. He is closely allied with Shiva and Ifrit, together representing the three primary destructive magical arts. All those who seek knowledge or wisdom pay him homage; researchers, librarians, and genealogists can all be found in his service.

Ramuh sees the struggle between good and evil as ultimately less important than the greater struggle between existence itself and the forces of Oblivion, as represented by the Cloud of Darkness; he is more likely than most of the pantheon to cooperate with lesser evil, for a time at least. He has not, however, forgotten the cruelties visited upon him and his people in ancient times, and if his allies of the moment include slavers or torturers, they will not be his allies for long.

(Extremely sleepy, more later maybe. In my headcanon, FF6 is first in chronology; most of the summons were humans mutated into Espers during the war of the Triad, and after the events of the game were revived in the now completely separate Esper World, where they slowly grew in power and developed the ability to see into other worlds, eventually offering their power as summoned beasts to heroes in those worlds. Different laws of magic in each world dictate the way they manifest as summons.)

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dotting for interest.

Hmmm, seems to be that Shiva would end up as LE and Ifrit as CN. In most of the games Shiva's always been rather arrogantly haughty. Ifrit though is more of a 'burn it all' and seems like he'd get along with the proteans very well.

How to do Bahamut though... in 7 he's arrogant as hell, same as 8 and you have to force him to submit. In 1 he's the dragon king and obviously good and helping out the four light warriors. In 9 he's basically just a chaotic force of destruction. Seems like he'd be the best to have multiple incarnations.

And do you intend to do the Cactuar King, Tonberry King or Doomtrain?

The Runaway Doom
Conductor of Chaos
God off the rails

God of status effects, trains, DOOM, and those who go off the rails
Alignment CN
Domains and subdomains Chaos (entropy), Destruction (catastrophe), Luck (curse), Travel (exploration), Void (isolation)
Inquisitions Black Powder, Oblivion, Vengeance
Favored Weapon Trains

Doomtrain is a train who is also doom incarnate. Whether it was created by some mad engineer, spawned itself, or came out of the chaos of the Maelstrom is unknown. What is is known is that wherever its' rails take him he brings destruction, misery and horrible afflictions. Despite this, Doomtrain is not technically evil, anymore than a lightning storm is evil. It is a force of nature and it carries with it the doom of those in it's way.

It doesn't really seem to notice it's worshippers, merely traveling the stars. Whether it seeks planets to ram or just doesn't bother to alter it's course is unknown, but those that call on it's power are capable of inflicting horrible curses and conditions on their enemies.

Just one question: how can a tower shield be a favored weapon? Aren't they too heavy to shield bash with?

They are, but when you fire holy lazors from said tower shield I think it counts.

Silver Crusade

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Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
(In my mind, the "classic" summons are a pantheon of good/neutral deities, while the Scions from Tactics/12, including the classic villains from FF 1 - 5, are their evil counterpart pantheon.)


Especially if it results in primal, not-evil Ifrit vs sporting and honorable and evil Rubicante. :D

inb4Anima'sAlignmentDebate ;)

edit-It looks like Alexander's background got cut off in the OP though :(

Silver Crusade

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Myrryr wrote:
Hmmm, seems to be that Shiva would end up as LE and Ifrit as CN. In most of the games Shiva's always been rather arrogantly haughty.

Huh. I always got more of a "leans good" than "leans evil" vibe from her, implied haughtiness still included.

Myrryr wrote:
They are, but when you fire holy lazors from said tower shield I think it counts.

So, Alexander's clerics would be able to do the same? If not, they're gettin' cheated--that is, unless they're receiving tower shield proficiency in place of a weapon (which would be entirely unprecedented).

Dark Archive


Mikaze wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
(In my mind, the "classic" summons are a pantheon of good/neutral deities, while the Scions from Tactics/12, including the classic villains from FF 1 - 5, are their evil counterpart pantheon.)


Especially if it results in primal, not-evil Ifrit vs sporting and honorable and evil Rubicante. :D

inb4Anima'sAlignmentDebate ;)

edit-It looks like Alexander's background got cut off in the OP though :(

Yeah, that was a product of my half-asleep-ness. The last sentence should be "Thus he takes great care to empower only those whose morals and strength of character are without peer."

I wasn't actually planning to write up either the I or IV versions of the Four Fiends, only Chaos and Zeromus. (And Zeromus is pretty darn simple. "Once, there was more that could be said about him. Now, Zeromus is Hatred. Nothing more, and nothing less.")

If you can't use shield bash with tower shields, I may have to rethink that.

Shiva is LN, Ifrit CN, they and Ramuh all lean slightly toward the good.

Quick previews...

Glazyalabolas, the Phantom Train of Doom, is the N Psychopomp of the pantheon. It doesn't judge the souls of the dead, it just delivers. Well, it judges martial artists, it has a grudge against them for unknown reasons. :D

I'm going with LG for Bahamut, he just gets grumpy sometimes.

While Bahamut is the King of the Gods, Odin (LN) is the God of Kings. And an excuse to give the Murder domain to a Lawful god (instant death attacks! God of Execution.).

Maduin is the CG god of freedom, and patron of interspecies love and half-breed children.

Mateus Paramekia, the Corrupt Emperor, is the LE Usurper King of Hell.

The Tarrasque as Omega Weapon, hmmm?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Carbunkle, I think should be a Chaotic Good god of nature, and bunnies and the like.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I find it somewhat difficult to considering worshipping "Gods" that some magical girl can summon and order about on her whims. :)

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The summons list is pretty large by now. Some are sort of problematic: Choco/Mog (how to deal with?), Golem (common monster), Eden (spaceship) and a few others. Others share a bit of design space: Ramuh, Quezacotl and Ixion are all lightning-themed.

And carbuncle should be a god of cuteness, antimagic and skin infections.

Silver Crusade

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Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Maduin is the CG god of freedom, and patron of interspecies love and half-breed children.


Mateus Paramekia, the Corrupt Emperor, is the LE Usurper King of Hell.

And Jareth coplayers.

Yeah, I can see Shiva, Ifrit, and Ramuh working out that way...

And Doomtrain's martial artist antipathy(or FEAR) really does need to be a thing.

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I can just see one of those little safety signs by the doors, PLEASE DO NOT SUPLEX ENGINE...

This thread is awesome!!

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber


Yeah we need to know Doomtrain's CMD to make a build that can suplex it for sure...

Let's see... if DOOMTRAIN has the 3.5e generic 55-65HD that most deities had and probably a Str of around 60-80 but only a Dex of 10 (He's a train after all), size of colossal because he's like half a mile long... Hmmm

I'd say it'd be at least 108 at a minimum assuming 65d12 HD, 60 Str, 10 Dex, and Colossal size modifier. But probably a lot higher once you actually put together all of his abilities and stats and such. I guess I could throw that together but it'd take little bit of time.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Myrryr wrote:

Let's see... if DOOMTRAIN has the 3.5e generic 55-65HD that most deities had and probably a Str of around 60-80 but only a Dex of 10 (He's a train after all), size of colossal because he's like half a mile long... Hmmm

I'd say it'd be at least 108 at a minimum assuming 65d12 HD, 60 Str, 10 Dex, and Colossal size modifier. But probably a lot higher once you actually put together all of his abilities and stats and such. I guess I could throw that together but it'd take little bit of time.

What does that say about Sabin's CMB?

This thread is made of awesome.

Grand Lodge


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Djinn of the Inferno

God of fire, strength, wrath, and war
Alignment CN
Domains (subdomains): Chaos, Destruction (Rage), Fire (Arson), Strength (Ferocity), War
Inquisitions Anger, Black Powder, Vengeance
Favored Weapon Scimitar

Ifrit is the unchecked fury of the firestorm, the incarnation of flame. He is not a subtle god, nor is his clergy; they bring hidden conflicts into the open, and prefer action to diplomacy. He and Shiva have been both allies and rivals since their creation, each striving to prove the supremacy of their element and philosophical position while never letting their disagreements slide into outright hatred; from time to time they have had to rein in their respective faiths to prevent holy war.

To a lesser extent, Ifrit is the patron of those who use fire to create -- especially if those creations are then used to destroy. Blacksmiths thus pray to him, as do alchemists and gunslingers.

Mikaze wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Maduin is the CG god of freedom, and patron of interspecies love and half-breed children.

Is Maduin avatar/herald of Mikaze?

The Dark Lion

God of Strength and Courage
Alignment LN
Domains Strength, Glory, Protection, War
Inquisitions Anger, Fate, Valor
Favored Weapon Greatsword

Griever is the stalwart, the black lion headed god of mercenaries and soldiers. Griever recognizes neither good nor evil, and that the only difference between one side and the other is perspective. Griever's followers, as an unspoken rule, do not actively try to attract new followers, Griever leads those who choose to follow.

A while back I was actually working on a campaign idea in which the party would have to cross through multiple universes from various different series (mostly video game and anime related) to chase after the main villain. The first universe was going to be that of Final Fantasy VIII, about 20 years after the end of the game. There was a paladin in the group I was planning on running for so being in a different universe was going to cut him off from his god, making him unable to use spells and maybe some other magical abilities. The first NPC they'd run into would be confused when he would try to explain that he couldn't feel his god anymore, but would say that it kind of sounds like a Guardian Force and would suggest Alexander probably being a good fit for him. The first objective would then be for the party to find Alexander and have the paladin bond with him before the villain got to it first.

I still want to try the campaign idea out, but it would be with a different group and I don't know if I'd have a paladin or any other pray-to-a-god prepared caster to use this particular element on. Or, I just had an idea, I was planning on using Mythic rules for this campaign. I could have the characters gain their mythic powers by having them granted by a god. That sounds even better.

But yeah, this looks pretty cool and I'm glad to see Alexander is lawful good.

Someone needs to make Diablos for this thread.
Also, shouldn't Doomtrain have death as one of it's domains? (Given his role in FF6)

Solidchaos085 wrote:

Someone needs to make Diablos for this thread.

Also, shouldn't Doomtrain have death as one of it's domains? (Given his role in FF6)

I've got plans for him, and yes.


I hope this isn't over, I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Carbunkle, I think should be a Chaotic Good god of nature, and bunnies and the like.
Sissyl wrote:
And carbuncle should be a god of cuteness, antimagic and skin infections.

Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes.

Dotting. This thread is just awesome

*bumps the lurker*

What about Leviathan? Or Siren? Or Brothers? Or Pandemona?

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