Gavmania |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Dimensional Technology.
Build a pocket dimension with 2 entrances/exits, one in one city the other in another. Instant trade route: No taxes or Tithes, no bandits and virtuously instantaneous transportation.
Build a Pocket dimension for storage. Uses up less space than a normal warehouse. Tie it's entrance to a ship, and you've got a ship with a massive storage capacity (you could hold an army in there). Create the laws of the pocket Dimension to facilitate storage.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

4 wheeler? Y u no ride Chocobo?
Chocobo is the bestest ride!
Are you suggesting magitech cyborg chocobo? Or just regular chocobo? :)

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Dang it... must... create... campaign... setting... for... chocobos...
... dang it
1) White Chocobos have cure abilities or maybe Lay on Hands equivalent
2) Blue Chocobos have the amphibeous special quality
3) Green Chocbos... I dunno, maybe lesser cure abilities than the white
4) Red Chocobos have a meteor swarm ability
5) Black Chocobos have flight
6) Gold Chocobos have superior flight
7) Brown Chocobos have regeneration and/or bark skin spell-likes
8) Silver Chocobos are basically minor monstrous paladins
9) Purple Chocobos are basically minor monstrous bards
10) Fat Chocobo is the king of all, and has an (occasionally-growing) demiplane inside its belly; it is also a summon
11) Baby Chocobos are chocobos with the young template applied several times
12) Cocoon Chocobos are probably just one-size-smaller versions of regular Chocobos (decrease the size category by 1 and all that entails) and have the Docile feature; they may be Advanced
13) Pulse Chocobos are probably the basic Chocobos; or Advanced basic ones
14) all Chocobos may (or may not) come automatically awakened from the base stats above, depending on setting
-EDIT 2: 14-a) or maybe Advanced
EDIT 2: I wonder if it requires something like summon monster IX and/or summon nature's ally IX to summon fat chocobo, at which point he does the equivalent of a single RAGELANCEPOUNCE attack from the sky, and vanishes (unlike the normal rules for summoning creatures)? Then he responds to planar ally or planar binding otherwise.
EDIT 3: Here. Now go ye and add to it.

Tacticslion |

May be relevant to the OP, though it's more "magicomp" (i.e. magical computers) than "magitech" usually implies. :)

Fnipernackle |

This is a pdf I put together and finished back in January. It's completely free and has a lot of different options in it. As for your Magitech question, in this pdf are Alchemical Wondrous Items which is the way my group handles Magitech. I hope you enjoy it
Also, as for power armor, here is a class I created a while back as well that does the whole power armor thing. Prolly not exactly what you're looking for, wanting power armor usable by every class, but this class can be easily adapted to do just that. I hope you enjoy this also.

The Mighty Chocobo |

The Mighty Chocobo wrote:4 wheeler? Y u no ride Chocobo?The Mighty Chocobo wrote:Chocobo is the bestest ride!Are you suggesting magitech cyborg chocobo? Or just regular chocobo? :)
OFMFG CYBORG CHOCOBOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

Te'Shen |

Are you suggesting magitech cyborg chocobo? Or just regular chocobo? :)
See... I really thought you were going to go somewhere else with that one. Too obvious?

Goth Guru |

This is a pdf I put together and finished back in January. It's completely free and has a lot of different options in it. As for your Magitech question, in this pdf are Alchemical Wondrous Items which is the way my group handles Magitech. I hope you enjoy it
Also, as for power armor, here is a class I created a while back as well that does the whole power armor thing. Prolly not exactly what you're looking for, wanting power armor usable by every class, but this class can be easily adapted to do just that. I hope you enjoy this also.
My firewall cannot scan that for viruses so I won't download it.

Fnipernackle |

Fnipernackle wrote:My firewall cannot scan that for viruses so I won't download it.This is a pdf I put together and finished back in January. It's completely free and has a lot of different options in it. As for your Magitech question, in this pdf are Alchemical Wondrous Items which is the way my group handles Magitech. I hope you enjoy it
Also, as for power armor, here is a class I created a while back as well that does the whole power armor thing. Prolly not exactly what you're looking for, wanting power armor usable by every class, but this class can be easily adapted to do just that. I hope you enjoy this also.
For those that can't download it, if you send me a private message, I can find a different way to send those to you.

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Tacticslion wrote:The Mighty Chocobo wrote:When I originally made that post, I was asking for big nasty guns/siege engines of Magitech. I already had my idea for the fortress.That works - I just wasn't sure. :)Guess I wasn't clear enough then.
So to rephrase: To those geniuses out there, any ideas on big badass guns that make 20th level Dwarven raging Barbarians pee their pants and run away screaming MOMMY!!! at the top of their lungs
The Palladium forums are that way -----> You can take a stop at Synnibarr while you're on the way there. Synnibarr is really the ulitmate expression of magitech in a gaming setting. It's the only world I know that produces wizards, barbarians, flying bears, and starships.

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OK, but I'm looking for on-world style Magitech
I don't quite understand your statement. If you're talking about Golarion, it's rather obvious that it's not common there, to the point where it's not made an influence on war. Just regular firearms aren't quite at that point yet, although they are key to the defense of Alkenstar. But not that many nations want to conquer a magic dead area.

The Mighty Chocobo |

The Mighty Chocobo wrote:OK, but I'm looking for on-world style MagitechI don't quite understand your statement. If you're talking about Golarion, it's rather obvious that it's not common there, to the point where it's not made an influence on war. Just regular firearms aren't quite at that point yet, although they are key to the defense of Alkenstar. But not that many nations want to conquer a magic dead area.
On world=no starships :)

Excaliburproxy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

OK, but I'm looking for on-world style Magitech
In my dwarven setting, the Dwarfs' naval flagship is called the Adamantine Queen. It is outfitted with a series of enchanted cannons with massive revolver barrels turned and loaded by a series of golems. They used it (and other ships) to fight a lord of hell that took the form of a massive kraken.

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LazarX wrote:On world=no starships :)The Mighty Chocobo wrote:OK, but I'm looking for on-world style MagitechI don't quite understand your statement. If you're talking about Golarion, it's rather obvious that it's not common there, to the point where it's not made an influence on war. Just regular firearms aren't quite at that point yet, although they are key to the defense of Alkenstar. But not that many nations want to conquer a magic dead area.
The problem is your question is incomplete. Unless magi tech is rare and isolated, it's not just another macguffin, it totally redefines the campaign world. If you want an example, look at Eberron as the definitive magi tech world in WOTC's lineup.
The other extreme is Journey to the Barrier Peaks, you get a few items with limited charges and no way to recharge or duplicate them. Their impact is flavorful, but brief and temporary.

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Eberron isn't everything in Magitech, Excaliburproxy has some stuff that it doesn't have, so does Aerylinth, people have different ideas.
I never said it was everything. It still is the magi tech world in WOTC'S LINEUP. as I said.

Goth Guru |

In another thread, I suggested power being generated by a circle of severed heads. Maybe a city wired for electricity is hiding a horrible secret. The circle of heads converts negative energy into negative current, i.e. electricity. If the power needs increase, a ritual must be conducted to add a head to the circle, or even another circle.

The Mighty Chocobo |

In another thread, I suggested power being generated by a circle of severed heads. Maybe a city wired for electricity is hiding a horrible secret. The circle of heads converts negative energy into negative current, i.e. electricity. If the power needs increase, a ritual must be conducted to add a head to the circle, or even another circle.
Oooh, now that sounds fun. Necropolis anyone?

The Mighty Chocobo |

I check often as well, in case anyone else likes my ponified Halo idea. Well the other stuff is neat as well, I am just trying to get away from DnD spells. They are getting boring from familiarity. I want truly different. Which is another reason why I am making Roads and Ruins.
I've never played Halo so I wouldn't be able to appreciate as well as others can

GM DarkLightHitomi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm basically making tech as it might be developed by mages. Power armor, enemy detection, ranged weapons, vehicles, etc. Of course figuring out the races and incorporating other elements are still in development.
I am also working on a version of magic defined by how it affects matter or energy, rather then defining effects and saying it works because "it's magic."
Putting my scientific knowledge to use, going for a scifi feel with my magic.

GM DarkLightHitomi |

That wasn't what I meant. I hear lots of ideas, here and elsewhere, about magic computers but near all of them center around bound creatures, never any other explanations.
I'm thinking like "how about magic circuit tracings made of magic dust and applied in exquisite patterns," or something. You know, other ways of making magic computers.
( Personally, I use gems that hold mana patterns that work like programming logic. Thus mages of the booksmart variety are better at making them.)

The Mighty Chocobo |

That wasn't what I meant. I hear lots of ideas, here and elsewhere, about magic computers but near all of them center around bound creatures, never any other explanations.
I'm thinking like "how about magic circuit tracings made of magic dust and applied in exquisite patterns," or something. You know, other ways of making magic computers.
( Personally, I use gems that hold mana patterns that work like programming logic. Thus mages of the booksmart variety are better at making them.)
Google=Divination, Legend Lore
YouTube/Skype=Scrying/ Greater "Google Maps= Locate Object/Creature
Yahoo= Commune, Contact other Plane
Just a few ideas that I based off some existing sites

SeeleyOne |

That wasn't what I meant. I hear lots of ideas, here and elsewhere, about magic computers but near all of them center around bound creatures, never any other explanations.
I'm thinking like "how about magic circuit tracings made of magic dust and applied in exquisite patterns," or something. You know, other ways of making magic computers.
( Personally, I use gems that hold mana patterns that work like programming logic. Thus mages of the booksmart variety are better at making them.)
Runes as circuitry is how I personally envision magical items. The way that I see it, the item is first prepared alchemically to receive the enchantment, including the need for runes. The enchantment empowers the runes, which glow when the device is activated.