Group with great RP and party dynamics looking for replacement GM [Jade Regent]


Our GM recently bowed out of our Jade Regent game (which can be found here). Since we are quite pleased with the composition of the group and everyone’s RP capabilities, we decided to look for a new GM instead of simply abandoning the game.

So far, we haven’t been further than Proudstump’s house, so the game is pretty much in its beginning.

So, we would really like to find a GM who will be interested in a high RP game, especially since party interactions have taken a lot of time so far, and because one of the main interest of Jade Regent is the interactions characters can have with the NPCs.

Also, obviously, the GM should be okay with the amount of combat entailed by playing a paizo AP.

Finally, the group is composed of :
Apex Stormshard: Sylph Wizard
Avan the Aloof: Human Monk
Galford Dao: Rogue Tengu
Irnk, Prodigal of Old Deadeye: Goblin Paladin
Sybil Vekker: Dwarf Alchemist
Tharjuk: Human Oracle (although, it seems that he dropped off the game)

There you go! Don’t be shy to ask us questions.

Potentially. I'm looking through the posts to get a sense of the group so far. I only have the first two books from the AP, and am not sure about purchasing others after that (might be able to borrow them from a friend, though).

Have you had a combat yet? How would y'all feel about me using Roll20 to navigate maps?

We have not encountered combat yet. However that may change in the near future as some individuals seem to be inclined toward a snake hunt...

Personally, I have found mapping sites to be frustratingly hit-or-miss, but that is one of the dangers of PbP, so I focus on being as descriptive as possible in my posts when tactical considerations (I.E. Combat) are necessary.

Fair enough. Could go strictly 'theater of the mind', if that's preferred (works for me).

I would be fine with Roll20, I am already with another group that utilizes it and we haven't faced any problems yet.

I post almost exclusively from my phone, so when maps and combat come into question I am incredibly descriptive of where I'm moving from and to, and all that jazz. Pleased to see someone willing to take up the mantle!

Understood. I often post from the iPad, which has the same issue. So, combat would be in Theater of the mind, with a mix of Google Docs and/or Roll20. I'd try to keep things as simple as possible for mobile viewers.

Let me give it some further thought, start pre-writing a few descriptive things, and I'll get back to you with an affirmative.

Nice, glad to hear someone is interested. I am good with anything for mapping battles!

Most of my other groups in in use Google docs, so I'm semi familiar with that. I've never used Roll20, but I'm fine with anything, really.

Sounds good. I'll finish reading up and get ready to post tomorrow morning.

Ok, first post there. Let me know if you have questions for me.

This is a shameless plug, but if your sixth doesn't show up again, could I join? I've always wanted to play Jade Regent but have never gotten into a game. I could make whatever the party needs, including another oracle.

I'll let the party handle re-recruitment in game. We'll post if needed.

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