Vyvyan Basterd |

When creating custom characters I wonder at times if I am putting to many tick boxes into a single power feat.
Will a character tick all twelve boxes by the end of the AP? If it's only 8 for example, then creating a new power feat on the role card that reads:
[] Do X ([]+1)([]+2)([]+3)([]+4)([]+5)
would be pointless, as the character would not be able to check all of the boxes, even if he devoted all of his feats towards it.
If its not considered too much of a spoiler, could someone share with us how many of each feat type will be gained through the end of the AP?

Hawkmoon269 |
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Should I work on my part too?
What if I told you I only actually spend about 15 minutes a day on here, but that those 15 minutes are spread through out the whole day and they just happen to coincide with when people ask questions I can help answer?
Well, that isn't true. I just happen to have a job that I'm sitting in front of multiple computers most days. And when my brain starts to hurt I like to take a little PACG break. Since I can't fit a game into a 10 minute break and no one is cool with the idea of me leaving the entire game taking up a whole table in the office, I like to read the forums.