So you meet in a Tavern- Go!
I make a running jumping spinning axe kick of incomprehensible pain purgatory against the barwench.
Hey, stop that. That's not nice.
"Miss, I must ask you to ignore the barwench."
Well said, Sir.
However, that was an impressive display.I hope the wench is not hurt too afwully badly.
"I would hope not. I was just about to order."
May I ask what race and class everyone is?
I suppose the question of the day is, "are we starting at level 1?"
Did you hear that? That mysterious voice wondering about us. I don't like it. Not one little bit. my alias should answer those questions
My apologies, be back momentarily.
sindalla: yes
Nathaniel: about that, the voice seems to come from within your head and it compels you to answer
*Takes off helmet, offers hand to Nathaniel*
"Hello there sir. Nigel Tiberius Stomson at your service."
Nigel is a level 1 Paladin
Thank you Nigel
need to sleep now! I'll be back tomorrow
Hail! I'm going to need a pint of your strongest brew!
Bolgrim is a human fighter
I didn't know it was paladin night here tonight, but thank you sir, I too am a paladin of little experience.
I make a collected salute, bowing to the newcomers.
"Mmmmmmmmg. Mg mmmmmmg."
Darling:The wench releases you
She introduces herself as Thierra Battlesong an undercover agent on her first mission in this backwater village. Her boss believes a cult of Rovagug is lurking in the area.
"Do they need killing?"
"Gorum will relish in my slaughter of those cultists!"
"Well, where are da cultists?"
"My hammer hasn't smashed any skulls for at least a week and she's getting anxious."
Thierra tells you they tend to hide in the hills, she is not sure exactly where they hide. She would be quite grateful if you could do some reconnaissance.
"Re-con-a-huh?" "Is that some fancy term for killing?"
She smiles and says "Reconnaissance is scouting in a certain area, and if you feel the urge... you can kill anything in your path" She addresses the rest of the party "Make sure he doesn't kill anything important" with that she ducks into the kitchen
Bolgrim, I will never, even if it seems otherwise, be in your path, okay?
"It be okay little one, I just step over you and you be fine."
"Let's do that reconahuey stuff!"
Thierra returns with a tiefling in black leather.
"Is dis one of those Ravuhgoog guys?"
Bolgrim grasps the haft of his giant hammer.
No. I am Kandirius thierra tellin' y'all'll want some help. I'm an assassin
"You do reconahuey stuff?"
"The nice lady said we gotta do dat first."
"She said I get ta kill stuff in my path, I wanna do dat part."
"You can do da boring part."
"Mother said that we should never hurt others! We should try talking to them."
I flex my muscles and nod.
"With our MOUTHS, not our fists. Mother said I need to keep my hands to myself."
"Who said anything about using hands?"
"I only smash skulls with my hammer!"
I slowly draw in a breath and then with a loud noise I click my tounge against my top teeth
Mnnnnnnnnn, unhuh. Well, mister now making bunny ears with my fingers of both hands Assassin. I don't need any of the kind of help you might be able to provide. Good Day.
I said GOOD DAY!
to the tall dark haired woman
Ohhhhh, you make that sound so well, do it again.
Spoiler: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4) = 9
3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 4) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4) = 15
3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3) = 9
3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1) = 12
3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5) = 10
A man with a bow—known around town as "Fifteen"—walks in and starts drinking Prettymonk's ale.
Turns to Nigel.
"Ohhhh... That's why your momma is so good with her mouth!"
"She's a friendly lady." Bolgrim says with a big grin.
ohhhhh *shudder* that gives me goose bumps. Say, tall dark and handsome lady, would you like to go and, ahem, reconnoiter a bit, with me?
*Perks up*"Yeah! Mother was a leader after my father died! Able to lead men into the most dangerous situations!"
The man with the bow looks up from 'his' beer. "Mum fought wars?"
.... wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
A man with a bow—known around town as "Fifteen"—walks in and starts drinking Prettymonk's ale.
Prettymonk isn't too good at actually DRINKING ale... but you'd be amazed what she's learned to snort.
Nathaniel Artegal Boote wrote:
ohhhhh *shudder* that gives me goose bumps. Say, tall dark and handsome lady, would you like to go and, ahem, reconnoiter a bit, with me? "Mmmmmmg."
"She din't say she was married."
"Yeah! Mom's a Paladin, like me...only significantly better!"
"uuuggghhhh, no use big words."
"Makes my head hurt."
"Let's go, I need to smash stuff!"
"I'll go with you. Smash stuff."
Fifteen fiddles with his bow.
"Are you gonna do the reconahuey stuff?"
"Move quiet enough. Maybe." He offers his hand to Bolgrim. "Name's Fifteen."
Takes hand and shakes vigorously with an added hearty laugh, lifting 15 off the ground with each pull upwards
"Good to meet you number guy!"
"Lead the way!"
Fifteen looks at the others, wondering if they're going to come along.