
Nathaniel Artegal Boote's page

529 posts. Alias of Terquem.

Full Name

Nathaniel Artegal Boote




Paladin/3 | Init +2, P +2 | HP: 16/25 | AC 19, T 13, FF 17 | F +8, R +7, W +6 | CMD 14 (Wisdom currently 9)







Special Abilities

Immune to Fear/Diseases, Halfling Luck (+1 all saves, stacks with bonus versus Fear)


Lawful Good


Common, Halfling


Tomb Guard

Strength 13
Dexterity 15
Constitution 12
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Nathaniel Artegal Boote

Initiative: +2
Senses: Normal Vision
Perception: +2

Temporary Wisdom 9 (allip attacks)

Armor Class 19 (+6 Mithril, Agile, Breastplate, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
Touch AC 13
Flat Footed AC 17
Hit Die (3d10 +3, +3) | HP, 25 | Damage Taken: 9
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +7
(+1 factored in to each, Halfling luck, +3 chr Divine Favor)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 15 (+3 BAB, +1 STR, +2 Dex, -1 Size)

Speed: 20'
BAB: +3
Strength Modifier: +1
Dexterity Modifier: +2
Special Modifier (SIZE): +1
Combat Maneuver: +3 (+1 Str; +3 BAB; -1 Size)

1) +1 Halberd (small) (Protected by heavy leather guard) +6, d8+1+1 (B)
2) Short Sword (small) +5, d4+1 (S/P)
3) Dagger (small) +5, d3+1 (S/P)

1) Dagger (Thrown) +6 (to 10 feet), d3+1 (P)

---Character Sheet Details---

Ability Score Build
Str 10 (+7, 15) -2 = 13
Dex 10 (+3, 13) +2 = 15
Con 10 (+2, 12) +0 = 12
Int 10 (+3, 13) +0 = 13
Wis 10 (+0, 10) +0 = 10
Chr 10 (+5, 14) +2 = 16

Combat Reflexes (may make up to 2 additional AoO per round)

Body Guard: If an ally standing next to me is attacked, I can use an AoO vs AC 10 to attempt the Aid Another action. If successful, my ally receives a +2 bonus to their AC against that opponent’s next attack.

Devotee of the Green (Employed as a Gardener for four years): +1 to Knowledge Geography and Knowledge Nature Skill Checks, Knowledge Nature is a Class Skill

Family Hero (Modified for Halfling): Knowledge geography is a Class Skill, +1 to Knowledge History, +1 to Knowledge Religion: I am searching for my brother, a Family Hero who disappeared some years ago. I’ve study the geography of a place called the Darkmoon Vale, and the history and religion of the Dwarven Monastery where he was last known to be.

---Skills Nathaniel is allowed 9 ranks in Adventuring skills at 3rd level (2 +1 for Int at each level) and 6 ranks in Background Skills, for a total of 15 assigned skill ranks

Adventuring Class Skills (for me Knowledge; Nature, which is an Adventuring Skill, becomes a Class Skill, and Knowledge; Geography, which is a Background Skill, also becomes a Class Skill, both granting a +3 to the Skill Checks)

Acrobatics (AS): +5 (+3 ranks (AS), +2 race, +2 Dex, -2 armor)
Diplomacy (AS/CS): +8 (+2 rank (AS), +3 class skill, +3 Chr)
Handle Animal (BS/CS): +9 (+3 ranks (BS), +3 (CS), +3 Chr)
Knowledge, Geography (trait, BS/CS): +6 (+1 rank (AS), +3 class skill, +1 Int, +1 trait)
Knowledge, History, Darkmoon Vale (trait, BS): +4 (+2 rank (BS), +1 int, +1 trait)
Knowledge, Nature (trait, AS/CS): +7 (+2 ranks (AS), +3 class skill, +1 Int, +1 trait)
Profession; Gardener (BS): +1 (+1 Rank (BS))

Other Skills
Knowledge, Dungeoneering (AS): +2 (+1 rank, +1 intelligence)
Climb (AS): +1 (+1 Str, +2 race, -2 Armor)
Knowledge; Religion, Dwarven Monks (trait, AS): +2 (+1 Int, +1 Trait)
Perception: +2 (+2 race)
Stealth: +4 (+4 Halfling, +2 Dex, -2 Armor)

---Special Qualities---

Racial Abilities – Halfling
-2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma
Size modifiers (Small Size): +1 to AC, To Hit, -1 to CMB, CMD, +4 to Stealth Checks
Slow Speed 20’
Fearless; +2 save versus Fear
Halfling Luck; +1 to all Saves (Stacks with Fear Bonus)
Halfling Senses; +2 bonus to Perception Checks
Sure-Footed, +2 bonus to Acrobatics and Climb Skill Checks
Halfling Weapon Familiarity

Class Abilities – Paladin
Aura of Good:
Detect Evil:
Smite Evil: 1/day (Swift Action/+2 to hit, +2 Damage, +2 to AC/lasts until the target is defeated, or I rest)

Divine Grace: +3 on all saves (Chr modifier)
Lay on Hands: 4 times per day (1+Chr modifier) d6 heal. Standard Action

Aura of Courage: Immune to Fear, allies within 10 feet of me receive a +4 morale bonus on saves against fear effects
Divine Health: Immune to diseases
Mercy: Sickened

Favored Class Bonus: Paladin, +1 hit point per level
Level 1: Paladin 1
Level 2: Paladin 2
Level 3: Paladin 3

---Equipment--- I can carry – 58 lbs or less, as a light load; 59-116 lbs as a medium load, and 117-175 lbs as a heavy load; I am carrying (including clothing) 51.5 pounds or so, not counting some incidental items


Dagger(s): 3 (one tucked in boot, two on belt), Cost – 6 gp; Damage d3 (19-20 x2)(10’); weight 1.5 lbs
Short Sword: 1 (on belt), Cost – 10 gp; Damage d4 (19-20 x2); weight 5 lbs
Halberd: 1 (Carried in right hand, covered by leather blade guard), Cost – 10 gp; Damage d8 (x3); weight 6 lbs (Brace, Trip)


Chain Shirt: 1 (Worn on body)
Cost – 100 gp; +4 AC; Max Dex +4; -2 Armor Check Penalty; Speed 20’; weight 12.5 lbs


Backpack: 1 (on back) – will hold 20 lbs of goods, .5 cubic foot capacity
Cost – 2 gp; weight .5 lbs
In Backpack
Chalk: 5 pieces
Candles: 2 small (one hour burn time each)
Map Case: Empty
Folding Shovel: 1 lb
Flint and Steel
Mirror, small steel
Small Hammer: 1 lb
Pitons (10): 5 lbs
Rope, 50’ (Silk): 5 lbs
Sacks: 5 (empty - .5 cubic foot capacity)
Torch, 5: 5 lbs
Water skin (full of water): 2 lb


Noble’s Outfit (Uniform): 75 gp; 2.5 lbs
Explorer’s Outfit: 10 gp; 2 lbs


Nathaniel Artegal Boote

My home is a little village near a river. There is an ancient tomb on a hill overlooking the river, and this tomb is a sacred place to the people of this area.(it is imagined to be something like this place Newgrange I left this area, after being "selected" to be a Tomb Guard (a strange and mostly ceremonial position) to prove myself worthy of the title that was given to me.

Who is Nathaniel Artegal Boote:

My father would tell this joke. He would wait until there was a table full of Halflings, and then he would tell this joke. He would say, “My father was a Tomb Guard, and His father was a Tomb Guard before him, and if I have anything to say about it, my son won’t work for a living either.”
And everyone would laugh, everyone, except me.
I never thought it was funny. Not because I didn’t want to be selected to be a Tomb Guard, no, but because I wanted to be selected. I wanted to earn it, not be given it. My older brother, Gerald Thomas Boote, who preferred to be called Tommy, had become a rogue, one of those wandering adventures you are always reading about. People knew who he was. They talked about him and his strange girlfriend who was also an axe or something like that. But people didn’t talk about me. No, my father had made it clear to me, and to anyone who might be listening at the supper table, that his younger son would not go off and follow his brother. My father made it clear to me that I would become a Tomb Guard, and that was that.
But my father never understood me. He never understood that I would never want to be like Tommy. Yes, I know, what has become of the traditions, how it is practically a joke now and that the most often thing a Tomb Guard does is chase badgers and rabbits out of her tomb. But it wasn’t always like that.
The Tomb Guards of the Lady of Mittonwir of the Golden Horn, Keepers of the Rosy Star, Knights of the Silver Sash, were not always just simple groundskeepers. There was a time when the Tomb of the Lady was guarded because it was the resting place of the most noble, most virtuous, and bravest woman who ever lived, and it was the tomb that held her treasure. But in time, someone decided that the treasure was not safe buried in the mound on the hill that overlooks the bend in the river, and the treasure was moved. The lady was not, and the Tomb Guards would not abandon their rituals, their uniforms, their pledges and oaths, but the tomb, well, the tomb became just a place on the hill where a woman was buried a thousand years ago.
And for generations men and women of my family have been Tomb Guards. It has become a job that no one wants to have, anymore, and the only people that take up the pomp and circumstance are people who are afraid to try and be something more. It is a job given to the sons and daughters of Halflings that have no desire to earn what was once a noble honor.
When I turned twenty five and my father handed to me his uniform, his halberd and short sword, his armor and sash. I accepted them, and for four years I took my days standing, in the rain and in the sun, and I guarded the tomb. And then when I “earned” my first promotion, to Sergeant of the Watch, and was given an opportunity to request a raise in salary or be given a leave of duty to find a wife and raise a family ( a period of time not to exceed four more years, and a request no Tomb Guard ever makes. You take the salary, marry a local girl, and start planning on your retirement, a son or daughter who will take your job, and another salary, so they take care of you as you grow old) I, well, as my father would have know if he understood me at all, I took the leave of absence.
I will prove that I deserve to be a Tomb Guard. I will uphold the honors and traditions as they were meant to be upheld. And if I find a woman who I can prove I am worthy of, I will be her champion, and if she finds me suitable, I will be her husband. But I will not, I will never, ever, be given anything simply because it is someone’s to give. I will not take something because it is there, abandoned by another, as my brother is so capable of doing. I will earn it.