Build Advice, Urban Druid in Kingmaker


without spoilers (first time playing), what build advice would you have for an urban druid in a kingmaker campaign, who has just hit 3rd level?

Custom race (wemic)... nothing particularly relevant to his future build there; he can take catfolk feats, and has rake/pounce. He is Large size (until thousand faces lets him also be medium or small on a regular basis), but no reach. Base speed is 50. Rolled stats, 13/15/14/12/16/17 after racials. Can post more specifics on the race if needed.

As an Urban Druid, he has the Nobility (Leadership) domain, has the Lost Legacy background feat as his 1st level choice, has focused on survival, knowledge: nobility, and diplomacy as skills, with a smattering of others. He doesn't worship any god, but reveres nature as a whole.

Wears hide armor, soon to be masterwork studded leather, I think. Has several weapons, but usually uses his quarterstaff (as a shillelagh), and/or claws...and is trying to be a caster focused druid, though fairly melee capable as well (primarily due to racial pounce and rake abilities).

This is a 9 man party with every base more than covered, so he can easily focus on combat, non combat, or be a mixture of both.

Ultimate goal is to snag the Leader (King) title, but another player also has eyes on that... so he may end up being the grand diplomat or high priest, if his first choice falls through.

So if you were in this position, what would you take for your 3rd level feat, and how would you build from there?

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