Sharing experience between cohorts.

Rules Questions

So, in a campaign I am running one of the characters is a necromancer with a lot of undead in the party. Would the experience gained from fights be divided by the total number of allies including the undead or only the party members. Dividing it that much seems like a jerk move but by the rules you divide it by the allies so it would make sense. What should I do?

Lantern Lodge

magikmaan wrote:
So, in a campaign I am running one of the characters is a necromancer with a lot of undead in the party. Would the experience gained from fights be divided by the total number of allies including the undead or only the party members. Dividing it that much seems like a jerk move but by the rules you divide it by the allies so it would make sense. What should I do?

You should double-check, but I think summoned and similar creatures do not receive XP and do not count when dividing XP. So, if he's using a spell to create undead minions that he throws at his enemies, I don't think they count. Similarly, I don't think animal companions count.

He raised them using raise dead. Would that still not divide em up since they are used to help in the fight?

you only divided by pcs and story line npc/Hireling that may level up.

Cohorts use leadership feat rules on determining how much xp they get and it is not divided by total that the pcs get.

undead creatures never level if created by spell ect. so they don't get xp but cost 25gp onxy per hit dice creatures or other material components, and when killed are destroyed and gone forever.

Summon monster are most often gone after the fight never get xp, because they are consider an ability/part of the classes cr of the wizard that cast the spell.

same goes for familiar and animal companions they are not supposed to grant any xp if defeated with the wizard in combat because they are a class feature of the wizard. It is suggest that in the familiar or animal companion gives cr if they play significant and actual cause pcs some trouble or if encounter away from said wizard or druid.

example 1
Elven king sends two of his spys to assistance the pcs infiltrating and enemy giants strong hold. These spys have 4 combat based encounters with while assistance the pcs. those 4 encounters xp are dived among party +2

edit: you may want to house rule that onxy actual can have a value greater then the 65gp max (as listed in ultimate equipment guide) or more then one stone can be used and the total gp value just need to be met per hit dice of undead. as it is written now animate dead only allows for 2 hitdice zombies and skeleton to be made. really weakens the power of the spell. Also create undead only works up to Juju zombies anything that require caster to be level 12+ can not be created do to onyx never being valuable enough and greater create undead can never function. create undead undead are not under your control most of them are intelligent and may even attack the creator. it is risky magic either way.

example 2
Elven kings sends Druid to help the pcs on a quest to kill giant king.
The druid has a Tiger as animal companion. the party xp for the giant king encounters is divided by pcs +1 as the druid is npc that can level but the tiger gets none as it is a function of the druid class along with any creatures the druid may summon.

example 3
The party attacks Giant Prince on there own. one of the pcs has a cohort from leader ship. and another ranger has an animal companion. the pc for the Giant Prince encounters is just divided by pcs. the cohort get xp based on his level and the pc level and the amount that pc acquired after it was divided by party number. note that the cohort can never be = that pcs level it must always be at least one level behind the pc. Pc can recruit a cohort that is two levels or lower then him self. the rangers animal companion gets no xp as it is function of the ranger class.

Thank you friend.

You may want to house rule that onxy actual can have a value greater then the 65gp max (as listed in ultimate equipment guide) or more then one stone can be used and the total gp value just need to be met per hit dice of undead. as it is written now animate dead only allows for 2 hitdice zombies and skeleton to be made. really weakens the power of the spell. Also create undead only works up to Juju zombies anything that require caster to be level 12+ can not be created do to onyx never being valuable enough and greater create undead can never function. create undead undead are not under your control most of them are intelligent and may even attack the creator. it is risky magic either way.

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