Paizo-approved magic item that grants +2 to Will saves ?


Hi all,

Does anyone know if there is a single magic item (eg. from Ultimate Equipment) which grants the user just a +2 Will save only (excluding bonuses available from Ioun Stones and Cloaks of Resistance ?

Thanks for any pointers.

Regards, Hex.

Scarab Sages

Well there is a Headband of Wisdom that raises will save indirectly.

Cape of Free Will - Similar to Cloaks of Resistance, but the Will Save is doubled while the item price is increased by about 50%.

Headband of Wisdom +4 - Totals a +2 Will save.

Potion of Heroism - Temporary bonus, but possibly useful in a fight.

Scarab Sages

Yeah, Cape of Free Will is your best bet.

OK thanks all, some good pointers there.


Band of the Stalwart Warrior +2 will (fear effects only)

Beguiling bangles - +2 will (truth effects only)

Wyvern cloak - +4 to *all* will saves (78600gp)

The Lymirin Discourses - +1 sacred bonus to will saves for 24 hours (second act)

Ioun stone - amber spindle - can be found with will saves +1 (stacks with other stones up to a +5 resistance bonus) (these are 3,400gp each - so +2 will would be 6,800gp - the cape is the cheaper option at 1,500gp)

The cape mentioned above.

Great, many thanks Ckorik.

Just one question guys; I am very interested in the Cape of Free Will (the 1,500 GP version). Given this is a Mythic Item which normally requires the creator to possess the Mythic Crafter feat, in my DM's homebrew campaign, how would I go about suggesting to him that my Level 6 Sword Saint wishes to purchase this item in his setting ?

For example, could I suggest to him that the creator of said item has simply imbued a greater degree of Will protection into the item creation, thereby increasing the material cost of creation and forgoe the Mythic Crafter feat requirement, such that it could be purchased over the counter in "Ye Olde Magick Shoppe" ?

Anything that also adds a Luck, Sacred, Competence bonus etc.

Good suggestion Stray. I did a quick scan of luck, sacred and competence Will save bonus magic items but nothing sprung out of any great interest unless anyone can think of something specific under 10,000 GP ?

There's the Spellsight Bracer from Gods and Magic. Only a +1 and 3.5 Paizo, but PFS legal.

Nice shout Deux, I've seen it. I think my DM could allow those ! Great call.

Well like I mentioned above you can get the ioun stones for 6,800 if the cape is not allowed.

They of course are slotless so won't affect your current loadout.

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