Why does the Wizard not get Full BAB ???

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I mean seriously, amirite?

It doesn't need it. Why would you argue that it should?

Because they need it! Martials have full BAB! Which is a nice thing! And martials are not allowed to have nice things, therefore, casters should also get full BAB.

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Don't make threads like this.

Wizards don't have a full BAB progression because they are smart PCs for smart players.

Fighter players need a crutch "my BAB iz my levul", so they get full BAB. Wizards get awesome thinking stuff like "I'm level 7 so I get level 4 spells and my BAB is 3 and now I get two rays with scorching ray!" Thinking, thinking, thinking.

It's all so you can feel like you're really a wizard.

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