Best / most powerful cards in the game

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

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Joshua Birk 898 wrote:
I am reluctant to say that any card that comes lat in an campaign should be ranked among the best cards

A while back I was thinking of starting a "what AP0 cards do you still have in your deck at AP5+" thread but I never got around to it. I still have the notes for that, I'll try and post it tonight or tomorrow.

Pyrocat wrote:
Joshua Birk 898 wrote:
I am reluctant to say that any card that comes lat in an campaign should be ranked among the best cards
A while back I was thinking of starting a "what AP0 cards do you still have in your deck at AP5+" thread but I never got around to it. I still have the notes for that, I'll try and post it tonight or tomorrow.

My Seoni had Shalelu in her deck up until AP6S1 when she lost her to a Cannibal Haunt, damn it all...

Our Seelah player still has Father Zantus and a basic Cure spell; he doesn't want the higher cures due to the more difficult recharge.

Mechalibur wrote:
Orbis Orboros wrote:

I don't even think Smythee's all that fantastic, personally. She clogs your hand and only helps your combat checks by 2. I'm bad with names in general and haven't been able to play S&S as much as I did RotR so I forget, but I'd rather have the one that lets you recharge something else to add a d6 to someone on a ship, or that reveals to add 1 to any of your checks. I think they both let you explore too, I know the d6 one does.

Not that I've played them. I've only played Lini and she doesn't want them. I did manage to free up room for Imp, though! :D

She is probably the most influential card in my Jirelle deck; it's really difficult to overstate just how powerful she is. It's not only a +2 bonus; it's +2 per card. It gets the point where for most combat checks, I didn't even have to roll. Even for those really nasty enemies like Admiral Druvalia, it lets you get down to only 2 cards in your hand so the after combat ability hardly hurts you at all.

It's also a great way to cycle, even when you don't need the bonus. I don't think it's fair to say she clogs up the hand if she gets used all the time; in fact, she keeps my hand selection fantastic more than anything, due to her cycling.

I hadn't realized she could recycle herself, or the multiple cards bit (remember, I hadn't seen her since whenever she was offered!). Yeah, way selling her short. I still think she's a tad expensive for what she does, but I can see players wanting her, and I'll reverse my stance somewhat. She's certainly good, 8-9/10+; but not to my taste. I'd rather have Poog (which I think is a fair comparison, loot vs promo), even without the heal.

Over time I've really fallen in love with Control Weather. It's good to have in your deck just in case you hit a storm or becalmed, and the base effect of adding 2d8 (2d8!) to any check on the ship is just such a big effect, that even if you don't need it for the other effect, you're pretty happy to have it. The only weakness really is docked scenarios, so you do need it to be on a character that can cycle their hand, like Lem, Alhazhra or Feiya.

Also, I think the ally you're talking about that gives +1 to all checks is Audessa Reyquio, which I totally agree on. Ring of Regeneration I also agree on. I feel that the ability to heal 2 cards per turn is easily worth the annoyance of 1 card being stuck in your hand.

isaic16 wrote:
Over time I've really fallen in love with Control Weather. It's good to have in your deck just in case you hit a storm or becalmed, and the base effect of adding 2d8 (2d8!) to any check on the ship is just such a big effect, that even if you don't need it for the other effect, you're pretty happy to have it. The only weakness really is docked scenarios, so you do need it to be on a character that can cycle their hand, like Lem, Alhazhra or Feiya.

Don't forget the end-of-turn move power.

Control Weather was one of my big hitters too. Even in scenarios where your ship is docked, having it around for move at the end of turn can be really useful. It was big help involving Torture Pits and Shrine of Norborger.

While I fully realize campaign loot and boons are more powerful, I thought it would be more interesting to pick from the class decks.

I'd also classify some of the promo cards as some of the most powerful cards in the game as well.

Weapon: Invigorating Kukri (recharges to heal). For characters with a lot of weapons (and probably no healing), the flexibility this weapon offers is great.

Spells: Bewilder (more explorations) and Life Leech (arcanist heal spell).

Armor: Reflecting Buckler. Reduces almost all damage by 2 with the option to reveal and recharge it.

Items: Staff of Heaven and Earth. Diverse, can buff combat or remove barriers.

Allies: Fortune-Teller. The ultimate exploration ally.

Blessings: Nethys in a 6 player game (how can you beat exploration, scouting and evasion in a single card?), Lamashtu (or any blessing that will buffs your combat) in 4 player, Gozreh solo/duo.

For ally, I vote Eagle (put on top of your deck to examine the top card of any location deck). Because knowing where the villain is changes everything.

I'm playing a 4-player S&S game, we are on deck 6 finally (it is hard!) and three of us still have a Captain.

Agree 100% with Ring of Regeneration. The only frustrating bit is when you draw it in your opening hand...

Jason S wrote:

While I fully realize campaign loot and boons are more powerful, I thought it would be more interesting to pick from the class decks.

I'd also classify some of the promo cards as some of the most powerful cards in the game as well.

Weapon: Invigorating Kukri (recharges to heal). For characters with a lot of weapons (and probably no healing), the flexibility this weapon offers is great.

Spells: Bewilder (more explorations) and Life Leech (arcanist heal spell).

Armor: Reflecting Buckler. Reduces almost all damage by 2 with the option to reveal and recharge it.

Items: Staff of Heaven and Earth. Diverse, can buff combat or remove barriers.

Allies: Fortune-Teller. The ultimate exploration ally.

Blessings: Nethys in a 6 player game (how can you beat exploration, scouting and evasion in a single card?), Lamashtu (or any blessing that will buffs your combat) in 4 player, Gozreh solo/duo.

I actually prefer Dominate to Bewilder. Being able to look at an entire deck and grab the best boon in it is incredible.

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