WitchyTangles |
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Taldor would be awesome. Maybe something like helping the would-be empress Eutropia?? Euphemia? (what the devil is her name???)usurp the throne to become the first female ruler. The PC's would have to seek out items/secrets/etc. from the early Azlant outpost days in pre-empire Taldor...Of course there would be complications...Accidents will happen...Alliances will shift...Sometimes leaving sleeping dragons lie is for the best. Disturbing the dust of the past is always a dangerous thing.
Kind of an intrigue and adventures AP. Something a little different like that would kick pooty!

Mr. Bubbles |

captain yesterday wrote:GALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!An end to the final blades!
But in all seriousness, I want something in the Land of the Linnorm Kings or in Brevoy.
The Land of the Linnorm Kings would be really neat-o, what with the fact Erik Blood-Eagle is looking for an heir and the lands around Grungir Forest are in need of a king.
Hell, and if you can kill Fafnir the entire region would be united as one kingdom.
That would be a "timeline progression" AP in the same vein as a Taldor AP though, so I don't know how likely we are to see it.

Adam B. 135 |

Adam B. 135 wrote:captain yesterday wrote:GALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!An end to the final blades!
But in all seriousness, I want something in the Land of the Linnorm Kings or in Brevoy.
The Land of the Linnorm Kings would be really neat-o, what with the fact Erik Blood-Eagle is looking for an heir and the lands around Grungir Forest are in need of a king.
Hell, and if you can kill Fafnir the entire region would be united as one kingdom.
That would be a "timeline progression" AP in the same vein as a Taldor AP though, so I don't know how likely we are to see it.
Similarly, a campaign to destroy the final blades in Galt would basically change the identity of the whole country. I doubt we will get one, but I can always hope.

Adam B. 135 |

Uh...we've got an AP already where you can close the Worldwound. Paizo isn't afraid of setting changing APs. Like at all.
I would normally agree with you, but that one in particular uses Mythic rules. It feels like the rest of the APs are their to either defend the status quo, or change it in ways that don't influence the rest of the world too much.

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Deadmanwalking wrote:Uh...we've got an AP already where you can close the Worldwound. Paizo isn't afraid of setting changing APs. Like at all.I would normally agree with you, but that one in particular uses Mythic rules. It feels like the rest of the APs are their to either defend the status quo, or change it in ways that don't influence the rest of the world too much.
Conquering your own nation in Kingmaker leaps to mind as a counterexample. As does Reign of Winter's final act:
And those are off the top of my head. There are certainly other examples.

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All of our Adventure Paths advance the timeline in one way or another. Some do so more blatantly or obviously than others. Some are more regional or localized. But they all make assumptions that will see changes to at least part of the world.
That's why we don't assume any one of them have yet taken place, so that you can decide which ones do and don't work in your version of Golarion, and you can decide what order those changes happen in.
Advancing a timeline for a region and making changes is never really something that influences when and if we do an AP.
We've got plenty other influences to watch out for though! :-P

Adam B. 135 |

What really turns ME on are oldies... Dungeons, goblins, crypts, ogres, some outdoors stuff, castles, cool new places.
No need for new races/monsters/classes... I don't see enough of the classics.
But that's just me. lol
You are in luck then. Paizo supports the classics very well. A lot of adventure paths and modules follow the classics. They also just released a 16 floor super dungeon that takes players from 1-16. One big dungeon huh? I recommend it.

Mr. Bubbles |

The Land of the Linnorn kings AP could involve and attack on Irissia right after the latest queen gets overthrown by another group of pesky adventurers.
But roysier.
Personally, if they're going to do a Land of the Linnorm Kings AP it would need to be all about the high adventure and personal ambitions. This wouldn't be a "save the world" type AP, oh no, this would be something closer to Serpent's Skull than Second Darkness; you're off to get coin and get famous, not stop some major threat.
I mean really, that's the feeling I got for what an Ulfenland AP should be after reading the book they released discussing the Land of the Linnorm Kings in greater detail, what with it's introduction of Blood Price/hostage mechanics and a delightful little explanation on how Fame/Infamy/Reputation works in the Land of the Linnorm Kings (to say nothing of the general theme for sample quest hooks.)