Darth Grall |

So the BBEG of my homebrew is a Mythic level 20 Monk, and this really shouldn't be a surprise to my players at this point since they've encountered him a few times.
I come to the forum to critique my math and so on for the build and ask your opinions of him. Keep in mind he is a mythic character and I'm trying to optimize him.
Spoilers cause I still don't want my players looking at it:
CR 30 /MR 10
Human Vampire(Mythic) Shaper Monk 20
LE Medium Undead (augmented humanoid, human, mythic)
Init +23; Senses darkvision 60 ft, True Seeing 120 ft; Perception +43
AC 81, touch 52, flat-footed 51 (+8 armor, +5 deflection, +19 dexterity, +12 wisdom, +5 monk, +1 dodge, +21 natural)
hp 500 (20d8(max)+340); fast healing 5
Fort +29, Ref +38, Will +30
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +16; DR 10/epic and magic and silver and chaotic; Immune undead traits; Resist cold 10, electricity 10; Weaknesses vampire weaknesses; Improved evasion; Immune disease, poison; SR 40
Speed 90 ft.
Melee Claws +43/43/38/38/33/33/28(4d8+1d6 bleed+29/19–20 plus energy drain)
w/ power atk/Expertise -6(-4!=Flurry) AB -> +18(12) dmg/+6(4) Dodge AC
AoO/Non-flurry Claw AB-> +40
Special Attacks blood drain, children of the night, create spawn & mythic spawn, dominate (DC 32), energy drain (2 levels, DC 32), mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), negative energy focus(5 per round), scabrous claws, Mist shapes, mastermind, flight, blood omen(30 ft, dc 32), telekinesis, Eclipse
Str 35, Dex 48, Con —, Int 31, Wis 34, Cha 34
Base Atk +15(+20); CMB +38(non-weapon)/+43(w/weapon), +2 on Grapples/Disarms; CMD 69(71 vs Grapple & Disarm)
Alertness B
Combat Reflexes B
Dodge B
Improved Initiative B
Lightning Reflexes B
Toughness B
Power Attack 1
Deflect Arrows M
Weapon Finesse H
Improved Grapple M2
Combat Expertise 3
Weapon Focus(claws) 5
Improved Disarm M6
Feral Combat Training 7
??? 9
Improved Critical M10
??? 11
Dimensional Agility 13
Medusa's Wrath M14
Dimensional Assault 15
Dimensional Dervish 17
Snatch Arrows M18
Dimensional Savant
Weapon Finese(M)MR1
Improved Unarmed Strike(M)MR3
Stunning Fist(M)MR5
Titan Strike(M)MR7
Power Attack(M)MR9
Skills(300 pts, all max'd)
UMD +32
Bluff +40
Diplomacy +32
Intimidate +35
Perception +43
Sense Motive +43
Survival +32
Craft(Blades) +33
Linguistics +30
K.(History) +33
K.(Arcana) +30
Stealth +50
Acrobatics +42
Fly +39
Escape Artist +42
Languages Common, (~30 others)
SQ change shape (dire bat or wolf, beast shape II), gaseous form, overcome weakness (garlic, sunlight, mirrors and holy symbols, invitation, running water), shadowless, spider climb, Ki Pool (27 Ki W/ FC)
Children of the Eclipse (Su)
At 4th rank, a mythic vampire can use its children of the night ability to call forth bat swarms, rat swarms, or wolves once per hour instead of once per day. Once per day, the mythic vampire can use children of the night to call forth 2d6 ghouls or 1d6+1 shadows. At 7th rank, once per day the mythic vampire can use children of the night to call forth 1d6 wraiths or mohrgs.
Mist Shapes (Su)
At 5th rank, a mythic vampire can summon and sculpt mist into realistic shapes as the major 220 image spell. A shape created in this way lasts for as long as the mythic vampire can see and concentrate upon it. In areas of particularly dense mist, this ability functions as mirage arcana instead of major image.
Mastermind (Su)
At 6th rank, as a standard action a mythic vampire can see, hear, and speak through the body of a creature it has dominated. The mythic vampire can use this ability indefinitely on one creature at a time, as long as it and the creature under its control remain on the same plane. A mythic vampire using this ability can't move, but is still aware of its surroundings and can end this ability as a free action.
Telekinesis (Sp)
At 6th rank, a mythic vampire can expend one use of mythic power to use the spell telekinesis with a caster level equal to the mythic vampire's CR.
Flight (Su)
At 7th rank, a mythic vampire can expend one use of mythic power as an immediate action to gain a fly speed equal to double its base speed (perfect maneuverability) for 1 hour. When it activates this ability, the vampire chooses whether to manifest bat-like wings or to float unnaturally. If it manifests wings, it gains a bonus on Intimidate checks equal to its rank. If it chooses to float, it gains a bonus on Stealth checks equal to its rank.
Eclipse (Su)
At 10th rank, a mythic vampire can expend one use of its mythic power to blot out the power of the sun in a 1-mile radius. This entire area is affected by the spell deeper darkness for 1 hour. The mythic vampire's can see through this darkness.
Does anyone spot any major goofs? Most stats include his gear and such(Didn't list it all cause I'm not done redoing that yet, but assume full AC gear, true seeing from goggles, stat boosting items and tomes, full enchantment, etc).
And I think I calculated the CR right(20 for HD + 2 for Vamp - 1 For only class HD + 5 for Mythic Rating + 2 for high base stats + 2 for Absurd WBL).
Also Thinking of switching out Mythic Stunning Fist for the improved initiative one, but think this is still a healthy initiative. Maybe spread my skills out too?
Lastly still have a few feats to burn. Was planning on crane wing, but find Expertise better for AC since nerf. Open to suggestions. If nothing clicks I'll likely pick up a Temple Sword Proficiency, since he flavor wise has a thing for Greater Demi Planes full of the things.

Darth Grall |

Make sure he has minions imo, and yes to mythic improved initiative.
Choosing to go first is insanely valuable, he will be able to disable a caster or something probably.
Also where did he get all that int? I tried sorta making him and I could only get 21 with advanced and a 25 PB
He has plenty of minions, 8 relatively well built npcs. Some of whom are also mythic.
He was built with all 18 s, hence the additional +2 CR for stats. It's like I applied the advanced template twice more or less.

pennywit |
A couple thoughts:
1) Have you thought about tweaking his shapeshifting a little bit? I think it'd be kind of interesting if you gave him the Swarm Form variant ability.
2) For some reason, I keep thinking a guy like this should drain mental abilities rather than physical. Perhaps instead of blood drain, it devours Intelligence or Wisdom, and uses that drained Int to replenish its ki pool or its mythic abilities?

Darth Grall |

A couple thoughts:
1) Have you thought about tweaking his shapeshifting a little bit? I think it'd be kind of interesting if you gave him the Swarm Form variant ability.
2) For some reason, I keep thinking a guy like this should drain mental abilities rather than physical. Perhaps instead of blood drain, it devours Intelligence or Wisdom, and uses that drained Int to replenish its ki pool or its mythic abilities?
Aren't both those how the Nosferatu Vampire Template from Bestiary 4 works? I'm not opposed, since I think that particular Vampire Template carries most of the same weaknesses as well as boosts a larger bonus to Dex and Wis.