Character build suggestions from here...


level 5 Warpriest. Mythic Tier 2 Heirophant. As of now I have Dazzling display, Improved unarmed strike(IUS), Weapon focus (US), Cosmopolitan, Alignment channel(law), Combat Casting. MYTHIC: Dual path[marshal], Path abilities: Relentless healing and Faith's reach. I have currently a set of dragon hide full plate of fortification, and a dragon hide heavy shield. I will be going into Holy vindicator. What suggestions do you guys have? I have played him already so changes are a no. but any advice for the future will be greatly appreciated. Things such as what mythic abilities/ mythic feats to take. Items to grab? Feats to get? combat tactics? what level to start taking Holy Vindicator? any and all comments about the future of this character will be appreciated.


War priest is already a combo between a martial and caster class. Are you sure you want holy vindicator levels?

I feel like you're losing a lot more than you'd gain.

Normally I'd say as soon as you meet the requirements, but it comes down to what domains you have. Because it may be in your best interest to nail down the level 8 domain abilities before you go Holy Vindicator - for feats I'd look into Shield Mastery for the +1 and Extra Channels, because you'll be channel-starved.

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