[Rite Publishing] Faces of the Tarnished Souk Kickstarter coming April 2nd

Product Discussion

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On an impossible island far across the Slumbering Sea, there churns a shadowy marketplace known as the Tarnished Souk. The motley faces of this bazaar of the bizarre include merchants, mages, and walking nightmares, each providing their own unique goods and services, each selling dreams, buying miracles, and trading lives as readily as coin. After entering the Souk's weird and winding aisles, the question for a dreamer is not whether they have what you want, but rather: are you willing to pay their price?

Faces of the Tarnished Souk provides:

    A host of complex and unique NPCs that a GM can easily drop into nearly any campaign.
    Each NPC features ingenious stat-blocks crafted using a staggering array of classes, templates, magic items, feats, and traits, including dozens of wild new elements and combinations, that will surprise and challenge nearly any PC.
    Every entry includes game statistics for low, middle, and high challenge ratings, so that they are suitable for all levels of play.
    Each comes with easy-to-use tactics, personal histories, motivations, lore DCs, secrets, and insights into each NPC's most carefully guarded dreams.
    This product presents each NPC so that it can serve as either friend or foe, as well as providing a service or product so they always help to generate evocative encounters for anyone who steps up to see what they have to offer.

The Faces of the Tarnished Souk Kickstarter is seeking money to add an additional 57 pieces of art to this product (We already have 30+ pieces). The manuscript by Matt Banach and Justin Sluder is already complete, the editing is done, plus the initial layout is complete. All we have to do is insert the additional art and then go to press. We expect to release on or before Oct 2014. This will be a 271+ page, 8.5x11 B&W Hardcover.

You can find out more HERE

How many NPCs does that amount to?

30 Npcs Right now, with statblocks for low, mid, and high level of play.

It has arrived!

Faces of the Tarnished Souk: An NPC Collection (PFRPG)

$1,709 pledged, 94% funded, 72 backers, 28 days to go. With ENnie award winning game designer Ben McFarland lined up as our first guest author stretch goal.

$2,583 pledged, 143% funded, 101 backers, 18 days to go!

And we have two free pdfs you can preview.

Just added new bonus PDFs for Backers who pledge $20.00 or more.

The Coliseum Morpheuon mini-setting and adventure as a bonus!

101 Npc Boons by ENnie award wining designer Ben McFarland, this will help you enhance you Npcs!

101 Npc Grudges, the opposite of boons, because vengance is always personal.

101 Legendary Curses, put the fear of Npcs issuing curses back into your players.

101 Hazards and Disasters, make your encounters not just evocative but dangerous!

101 Mystical Site Qualities because where you encounter folk, is just as important as who you encounter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wanted to say that I am very happy about this project. I'd had Coliseum Morpheuon and a number of the individual Tarnished Souk NPCs on my wishlist for a while now, largely due to the great praise Endzeitgeist has given them. The NPC collection alone seemed like a great deal, so it didn't really take any extra motivation to throw down the $20 for my PDF (I'd stopped getting physical game books after the release of the APG). That said, I was extremely happy when Coliseum Morpheuon was announced as a bonus and then the 101 PDFs were just gravy! It happens that I had not gotten around to buying any of these PDFs yet, so yay! Thank you for your great generosity. I hope everything goes well with the Kickstarter and the production of the final product.

But with all of these free bonuses, I was wondering if it would be acceptable for you or someone else to make a post in the discussions of all of the bonus PDFs' pages promoting the Kickstarter. Something like:

"This and many other PDFs are now available as a free bonus to anyone pledging at least $20.00 in the Faces of the Tarnished Souk: An NPC Collection (PFRPG) Kickstarter!"

I typically don't look at the Compatible Products section of the forums (at least not until recently), but I look at the Product Discussion a lot. I found the Mythic Mania Kickstarter through the Ultimate Psionics page and just happened to find this Kickstarter through that Kickstarter. I think it might bring in a good amount of new people. Just a thought. I'd make the comments myself, but I don't want to do it if it might be something you wouldn't want done for one reason or another. Good luck again with everything!

Only 6 hours left.

less than an hour left.

Silver Crusade

I too had these separate NPCs sitting in my DriveThru list for years now. This was the time to get them. Quite looking forward to the final product. Congrats, Rite team!

A quick question: I pledged but I didn't get a link to order a hard copy through lulu. Is there any way I could still get one? Thanks :)

Patrick Curtin wrote:
A quick question: I pledged but I didn't get a link to order a hard copy through lulu. Is there any way I could still get one? Thanks :)

This is probably the sort of thing Steve can best answer through a private message or email.


Patrick Curtin wrote:
A quick question: I pledged but I didn't get a link to order a hard copy through lulu. Is there any way I could still get one? Thanks :)

Contact me via the Kickstarter messaging system please and we will get you set up.

Message sent

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