Orfamay Quest |
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Sure. It's even mentioned in Tark's guide if you want to see a viable set of suggestions.

Snowleopard |
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The traditional image of a cleric is swinging around a mace, but how about shooting a bow? Is there a viable build to make cleric archers in pathfinder?
My standard cleric named Snowcat is an elf that uses a composite longbow. That way she stays out of melee and actually tries to contribute something, other then casting. My experience is that this will be usefull at lower levels only and later not so much, but at least you can try something when you run out of spells.

lemeres |
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Well, clerics usually don't have the damage bonuses to every hit that other classes that use archery tend to have... but archery is very strong in this system, so you are still rather well off since you can full attack just about anywhere.
Personally though, if I was to pursue that route, I'd try to pick up an arcane spell like ability from a trait. Those trait SLA's usually use your highest caster level attained, so a cleric could keep it up well. Racial SLAs also work, since they use your character level for caster level, but the trait method means you can do this with any race, which is nice.
So why do this? Well, SLA's based off of spell that can be cast by an arcane caster counts as being able to cast arcane spells for prerequisites. That means you could take the Arcane Strike feat, and add 1-5 extra damage to each weapon attack you perform. So it is useful on a style with as many attacks and opportunities to full attack, making it great for archers. That makes it a bit more 'viable' as the optimization obsessed players would say.

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Just worship Erastil. That way you get free longbow proficiency and two awesome domains: Animal (Feather) and Plant (Growth).
At 4th level, you pick up an animal companion, plus the growth domain lets use use enlarge person for when you absolutely must head into melee.
I'd suggest sticking with human for this build, because you're going to need a few feats to make archery viable, plus boon companion to bring your animal up to your actual level.
Or, if you really want to be able to cover every possible situation... be a Samsaran. This way you can handpick some great spells from other lists, like gravity bow from the ranger list or flaming sphere from the druid list.

Dragonchess Player |

Cleric archers can be strong; divine favor and divine power work with ranged attack rolls, as well as melee attack rolls, greater magic weapon can be cast on a bow, etc. Elf, half-elf (Ancestral Arms), or human (use the bonus feat for Martial Weapon Proficiency) are popular choices to get proficiency with short bows and/or longbows; Erastil has longbow as his favored weapon, as well.
If you're OK with a slight hit to cleric progression and are willing to invest a trait and a feat, then a one level dip in sorcerer can give you some additional benefits as an archer. Take Magical Lineage (gravity bow), Still Spell on gaining the sorcerer level, and select disrupt undead, flare, prestidigitation, spark, gravity bow, and true strike as your sorcerer spells known. Note that this also lets you use pretty much any spell-trigger item (staff, wand) without Use Magic Device checks.

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Clerics can make OK archers, but not great archers. Archery requires investing a lot of feats. Going the archery route with a Cleric will require pretty much all your feats. So long as you know that in advance, go for it.
Definitely read the various Cleric guides, your question is quite thoroughly answered there.

andreww |
Same as for anything else really. Divine Favour/Power, Blessing of Fervour, Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Vestment (save lots of cash), Air Walk (ignore melee). If you can somehow get Elemental Body then air elemental form provides a decent Dex boost, just make sure to put down your bow first or it may be melded into your body.
Personally I might do it with an oracle of battle as they can gain a load of bonus feats through their revelations which will help offset some of the downsides of 3/4 BaB. Also you gain access to all of the Wizard or Cleric list with Paragon Surge.