Bit of an upset..The 2 level dip EVERY fighter needs


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And it does--the fighter more than adequately represents the classic armored warrior who lives for combat and defeats his opponents through skill at arms.

So does the Warrior. So why do you play the Fighter? Is it maybe because it's mechanically better?

Would having non-shit saves, better feats, 4 skill points maybe somehow ruin the fighter representing this concept?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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Laif wrote:

To everyone that says that tere's no feat, feats doesn't scale well and things like that...

Weapon Specialization chain.
Weapon Training.
Archetypes that specialize in your weapon training.

Only the fighter has this awesome chain of feats that can make him one of the highest dpr.
Only the fighter has these 2 class skill/feats and they are awesome.
Make yourself an archer (someone pointed it before)

Human fighter:
(lvl1) Point Blank Shot
(Human) Precise Shot
(BF1) Deadlye Aim
(BF2) Rapid Shot
(lvl3) Weapon Focus (longbow)
(BF4) Weapon Specialization
(lvl5) Iron Will
(BF6) Manyshot/Clustered Shot
(lvl7) Clustered Shot/Manyshot
(BF8) Greater Weapon Focus
(lvl9) Improved Iron WIll/Improved Critical
(BF10) Improved Critical/Improved Iron Will
(lvl11) Improved Precise Shot
(BF12) Greater Weapon Specialization

You can have the same chain but with Power Attack and mele oriented feats, doesn't matter the weapon you choose, this weapon will be deadly.

PD: I stopped at 12th since it's when he obtains GWSpec.
let's make a little calculation:
Deadly Aim: -4atk/+8dmg
Manyshot: Extra atk
Rapidshot: Extra atk -2atk
Base atk +12/+7/+2
Modified: +8/+8/+8/+3/-2 1d8+12
+2atk/dmg from weapon training (lvl 5/9) (+3 in case of Weapon Master Arch.)
+10/+10/+10/+5/+0 1d8+14
And that is without Probably a +5dex bonus and +2-3 base str bonus.
If someone says that this needs to be lvl 12 to work, he is wrong.
He does well in all the levels, but when he hits that Weapon Spec Feats he goes up in his performance as a dpr.

Weapon Spec does not scale.

It consumes four feats.
I find it suspicious also that you used it for the one weapon that is best used by fighters, the very feat intensive route of archery (esp with Rapid Fire and MUltishot).

How about we actually, you know, DO MATH.

Weapon Spec affects only one weapon. Assuming its your primary Weapon Training, your maximum benefit FROM CLASS is +6/+8. With any other weapon in your primary, You are +4/+4. Any other weapon, your bonus rapidly falls off to nothing.

A Ranger can, with no feat expenditure, reach +10/+10 with any weapon, putting you to shame, and make any enemy desired his best favorite enemy. If he moves from missile to melee, he keeps his full bonus. At later levels, he can easily do this multiple times a day.

A Barbarian at level 20 gets +8 to his strength, which is either +4/+4 with every weapon, or +4/+6 with a 2h'er. Doesn't matter what he picks up, he can use it. And then Reckless offensive can increase that to +10 Strength or even higher. Yes, he's got more then enough Rage to last every fight.

The Paladin at the same level can issue a smite for, say, +8/+20. He can share that smite with the whole party. Against the rare foe that isn't evil, he can add +6 of variable bonuses to whatever weapon he is wielding, including Brilliant to completely deprive it of armor. He has an array of spells to auto-confirm crits, do additional damage.
Again, he can do this with any weapon he happens to wield...bow, sword, shield, lance.

Weapon Spec does not scale. It would scale if weapon focus was ONE FEAT that improved as you level. But, no. Each feat stands alone and is fixed and immovable. the numbers themselves have to change for a feat to scale.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

blahpers wrote:

*sigh* I can't keep up with these goalposts zipping about, and correcting you is becoming exhausting.

In any case, you clearly have a different idea of what a fighter is supposed to be, and that idea is completely, utterly based in mechanical balance with other classes. It has been stated and restated that interclass balance is not a great concern of Paizo designers compared to whether the class properly represents its archetype. And it does--the fighter more than adequately represents the classic armored warrior who lives for combat and defeats his opponents through skill at arms.

If you want something else, play a different class.

Yeah, your moving the goalposts around has been confusing, especially when mine have all stayed in exactly one place. I understand you were trying to misdirect my points, but really, that wasn't too kosher.

You clearly have a very minimalist view of what a fighter should be, obviously just a warrior with a pastiche on it. The lack of your concern for interclass balance happily is not the opinion of the majority of people who want to play the classic core fighter and not feel like they, well, suck at it.

The paladin represents the classic armored warrior who defeats his opponents through skill at arms in a magical world.
The fighter represents that guy in OUR world. Our world, unfortunately, is not magical, and the fighter as represented clearly is not suitable for his role in a magical world.

So, I would like a fighter made for a magical world, and telling me to play another class is a complete cop-out and abandonment of the archetype. I want the fighter for a magical world, not one for ours, thank you.


Paizo Employee Design Manager

Laif wrote:

To everyone that says that tere's no feat, feats doesn't scale well and things like that...

Weapon Specialization chain.
Weapon Training.
Archetypes that specialize in your weapon training.

Only the fighter has this awesome chain of feats that can make him one of the highest dpr.

You missed the whole point. No one is saying the Fighter can't deal damage, of course he can. It's everything else he can't do. Like make saves. Or pass skill checks. Or contribute in a meaningful way without draining resources from the other party members. Every single other class in the game does something to conserve or contribute resources, action economy, etc. to the party. The Fighter actually hits a point where he becomes almost non-functional without the other party members shoring him up. The Fighter doesn't actually have good damage mitigation, and of his three class abilities outside his bonus feats, Bravery is so conditional as to be nearly worthless, and Armor Training doesn't actually scale unless he dumps stat resources into Dex. What kind of weird dichotomy is it when the classic grunt has to have a high enough Dex to pick locks with his teeth if he wants to actually gain a scaling benefit from his ability to wear full plate?

The worst part is that his poor Will saves and lack of bolstering class features that are actually useful mean his ability to deal unrivaled combat damage make him worse than a drain on party resources, they make him a constant and deadly threat to the people he's supposed to be protecting. I have seen more party deaths at the hands of dominated damage monsters like the Fighter you listed than to any other source. Yay that you gave him Iron Will and Improved Iron Will, but he's still behind most of the other classes in his total chance to succeed on a Will save, and he's hyper-specialized into a single fighting style. You've got a 12th level character who can be made defunct by a spell that was available back at 5th level.

Sovereign Court

I am of the opinion there is essentially no wrong way to play the PF Fighter class. It's a strong contender for martial builds. Being perfectly honest, if any fighter was going to dip into another class I would recommend them to look strongly at Barbarian. A 2 dip into Barbarian can unlock Supersition rage power and Rage. The extra rounds can be gotten with the Extra Rage feat. Even a 1 dip into Barbarian is pretty solid with the feat Raging Vitality. That +6 constitution scales amazingly well at higher levels.

blahpers wrote:

*sigh* I can't keep up with these goalposts zipping about, and correcting you is becoming exhausting.

In any case, you clearly have a different idea of what a fighter is supposed to be, and that idea is completely, utterly based in mechanical balance with other classes. It has been stated and restated that interclass balance is not a great concern of Paizo designers compared to whether the class properly represents its archetype. And it does--the fighter more than adequately represents the classic armored warrior who lives for combat and defeats his opponents through skill at arms.

If you want something else, play a different class.

1) What about the guy who willpower is so strong that he block any foul magic trying to control him? like, you know, a LOT of fightes in stories.

No? so the fighter is faling here.

2) What about the cunning strategist that is also charming and great warrior?

No? so the fighter is failing here.

I Argue then that the fighter fails to represent its classic archetype.

Why the ranger can be the guy who fight armored and defeat his enemies opponents through skill at arms and also solve a lot of thing using skills, plus other things.?

THe fighter is probably the only calss that have to use his class abilities to shore his weakness, and by doing so he suffers in his main job.

Aelryinth wrote:
Laif wrote:

To everyone that says that tere's no feat, feats doesn't scale well and things like that...

Weapon Specialization chain.
Weapon Training.
Archetypes that specialize in your weapon training.

Only the fighter has this awesome chain of feats that can make him one of the highest dpr.
Only the fighter has these 2 class skill/feats and they are awesome.
Make yourself an archer (someone pointed it before)

Human fighter:
(lvl1) Point Blank Shot
(Human) Precise Shot
(BF1) Deadlye Aim
(BF2) Rapid Shot
(lvl3) Weapon Focus (longbow)
(BF4) Weapon Specialization
(lvl5) Iron Will
(BF6) Manyshot/Clustered Shot
(lvl7) Clustered Shot/Manyshot
(BF8) Greater Weapon Focus
(lvl9) Improved Iron WIll/Improved Critical
(BF10) Improved Critical/Improved Iron Will
(lvl11) Improved Precise Shot
(BF12) Greater Weapon Specialization

You can have the same chain but with Power Attack and mele oriented feats, doesn't matter the weapon you choose, this weapon will be deadly.

PD: I stopped at 12th since it's when he obtains GWSpec.
let's make a little calculation:
Deadly Aim: -4atk/+8dmg
Manyshot: Extra atk
Rapidshot: Extra atk -2atk
Base atk +12/+7/+2
Modified: +8/+8/+8/+3/-2 1d8+12
+2atk/dmg from weapon training (lvl 5/9) (+3 in case of Weapon Master Arch.)
+10/+10/+10/+5/+0 1d8+14
And that is without Probably a +5dex bonus and +2-3 base str bonus.
If someone says that this needs to be lvl 12 to work, he is wrong.
He does well in all the levels, but when he hits that Weapon Spec Feats he goes up in his performance as a dpr.

Weapon Spec does not scale.

It consumes four feats.
I find it suspicious also that you used it for the one weapon that is best used by fighters, the very feat intensive route of archery (esp with Rapid Fire and MUltishot).

How about we actually, you know, DO MATH.

Weapon Spec affects only one weapon. Assuming its your primary Weapon Training, your maximum benefit FROM CLASS is +6/+8. With any other weapon...

Ok, let's continue:

4 feats that can be taken as bonus feat "free upgrade" I like that.
Yes, I went for archer because is the one who gets the greatest benefit from iteratives, but if you want a different flavour you can build a nice Shielded warrior that can even repel magic rays. Shield focus chain.
Or Maybe a 2 weapon warrior, well i got extra attack from my class features and extra feats.
What about a CMB focused warrior?
2Handed weapon? I have it covered too.
As I said before he can excel in ONE thing. You must make the choice in what you wanna play.
That thing must be weapon oriented...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I find it a amusing that a class that is found so weak and underpowered by many, has so many horror stories about that same smashing all the other uber classes to bits once it gets dominated, ahaha.

having a weakness or needing help to gain optimal efficiency is not a weakness is a team game, just saying

The worst part is that his poor Will saves and lack of bolstering class features that are actually useful mean his ability to deal unrivaled combat damage make him worse than a drain on party resources, they make him a constant and deadly threat to the people he's supposed to be protecting. I have seen more party deaths at the hands of dominated damage monsters like the Fighter you listed than to any other source. Yay that you gave him Iron Will and Improved Iron Will, but he's still behind most of the other classes in his total chance to succeed on a Will save, and he's hyper-specialized into a single fighting style. You've got a 12th level character who can be made defunct by a spell that was available back at 5th level.

Eh, I'm running a Dwarf fighter currently in one of the campaigns I'm in. It's penance for the Wizard I'm running in my other campaign. I'm really looking forward to finishing the Cornugon Smash chain next level (Intimidating Prowess, Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses, Cornugon Smash), and picking up a Cruel weapon, so my spellcaster buddies get -4 to all saves whenever I get to hit something. And I'm doing reasonable DPS (similar to our full-on archery ranger) in most encounters, even without Pounce. Normally about 40-50 dmg per round (at level 6) with no buffs. I have a bow for situations where I can't get into range (which does crap DPR, but still something), or I can Dazzling Display and probably give my casters a boost.

More importantly -- I planned him out, and by level 10, I'll have a +13 Will save vs. spells, which will be +15 vs. Charm and Compulsion effects. And that's without any buffs (Prayer and the like), and without burning all of my wealth on it. Granted, I could push the saves higher on other classes (*cough* Paladin *cough* Superstitious Raging Barbarian). But many classes, including full casters, will not have Will saves that high.

That being said, it's reasonable for the level, which was my only goal. Dominate Person is a 5th lvl spell. With a +6 INT bonus, that gives a 21 save DC (similar to that from a Vampire). That gives me a 75% chance to succeed on my save. It gives me ~97% chance to avoid attacking my party if ordered to. With buffs (e.g. Prayer + Good Hope, both of which are AoE and don't need to specifically target me), It goes to 10%/0%. That does not qualify as a constant and deadly threat to the party.

There are some weaknesses in the Fighter class certainly, and I would personally love more skill points. The Will save in particular though can be worked around. People just choose not to, because they're pushing for max DPS at the expense of everything else.

ikarinokami wrote:

I find it a amusing that a class that is found so weak and underpowered by many, has so many horror stories about that same smashing all the other uber classes to bits once it gets dominated, ahaha.

Because they've been buffed up by the party casters. Because they've been standing next to a caster the entire time, and didn't have to close distance.

And that's besides the point. No one ever claimed the Fighter was bad at dealing damage to things it hits.


I can't understand what your trying to say in your last post. Is there any way you might be inclined to edit it for clarity?

Are you trying to argue that your feat choices are actually scaling as a rebuttal to the post you quoted, or are you referring to some other factor that isn't clear?

I think there is some kind of miscommunication going on here.

He is pointing that I need to "waste" four feats to make it work.
I replied that they can be taken as Bonus Feat, so they are "Free".

He pointed that I used the archer since it can be a good fighter.
I pointed other options.

My main point is that the fighter excels in one thing and he will do that extremely well. It can be DPR(ranged or mele), Tank, CMB based. (Imagine and pick feats ^^)

I hope this clears a bit what i was trying to say.

Don't ask the "poor" fighter to cast spells. He doesn't bother with that kind of thing, he preffers to gulp down a jar of beer and sweating it training than reading a book.

Maybe is strange for the other people, but I do like the fact that the feats don't scale. You are a fighter you don't scale feats, you stock them untill you need a sheet only for them xD

I see.

I don't agree with the statement that bonus feats are free because they are bundled with the rest of the fighter class. If bonus feats were free, then I would take them on my barbarian.

I think this is an opportunity cost that cannot in any way be ignored.

I also do not follow your reasoning with regard to the comment about feats not scaling. If a feats scaled, the fighter would have the same number of feats that each, individually, accomplished more. In a sense, the big smiley face after the fighter feat reference page would be true in both cases, but more relevant in the one where each feat had progressively greater effects.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aelryinth wrote:
blahpers wrote:

*sigh* I can't keep up with these goalposts zipping about, and correcting you is becoming exhausting.

In any case, you clearly have a different idea of what a fighter is supposed to be, and that idea is completely, utterly based in mechanical balance with other classes. It has been stated and restated that interclass balance is not a great concern of Paizo designers compared to whether the class properly represents its archetype. And it does--the fighter more than adequately represents the classic armored warrior who lives for combat and defeats his opponents through skill at arms.

If you want something else, play a different class.

Yeah, your moving the goalposts around has been confusing, especially when mine have all stayed in exactly one place. I understand you were trying to misdirect my points, but really, that wasn't too kosher.

You clearly have a very minimalist view of what a fighter should be, obviously just a warrior with a pastiche on it. The lack of your concern for interclass balance happily is not the opinion of the majority of people who want to play the classic core fighter and not feel like they, well, suck at it.

The paladin represents the classic armored warrior who defeats his opponents through skill at arms in a magical world.
The fighter represents that guy in OUR world. Our world, unfortunately, is not magical, and the fighter as represented clearly is not suitable for his role in a magical world.

So, I would like a fighter made for a magical world, and telling me to play another class is a complete cop-out and abandonment of the archetype. I want the fighter for a magical world, not one for ours, thank you.


Sure, chief. Whatever you say.

Meanwhile, I'm having fun playing a fighter and you're blathering on about how it's unplayable. Who's doing it right?

You already have enough Scaling Feats:
Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Skill Focus.
Defense, Attack, Skills. Do you want more?
Then you have your weapon/armor training and your fighter feats =P
If you have Fighter Only Scaling Feats... It would be OP, that's what I think.

One last thing, I said they were "Free", not that they were Free.

I have another question for you Blahpers.

How is the Fighter becoming more generally competent going to rain on your parade? What's wrong with this badass soldier actually having the strength of will suitable to his archetype, or actually being able to do more things?

Nobody in this thread is asking to give the Fighter spells, we just want him to be a more qualified Adventurer.

blahpers wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:
blahpers wrote:

*sigh* I can't keep up with these goalposts zipping about, and correcting you is becoming exhausting.

In any case, you clearly have a different idea of what a fighter is supposed to be, and that idea is completely, utterly based in mechanical balance with other classes. It has been stated and restated that interclass balance is not a great concern of Paizo designers compared to whether the class properly represents its archetype. And it does--the fighter more than adequately represents the classic armored warrior who lives for combat and defeats his opponents through skill at arms.

If you want something else, play a different class.

Yeah, your moving the goalposts around has been confusing, especially when mine have all stayed in exactly one place. I understand you were trying to misdirect my points, but really, that wasn't too kosher.

You clearly have a very minimalist view of what a fighter should be, obviously just a warrior with a pastiche on it. The lack of your concern for interclass balance happily is not the opinion of the majority of people who want to play the classic core fighter and not feel like they, well, suck at it.

The paladin represents the classic armored warrior who defeats his opponents through skill at arms in a magical world.
The fighter represents that guy in OUR world. Our world, unfortunately, is not magical, and the fighter as represented clearly is not suitable for his role in a magical world.

So, I would like a fighter made for a magical world, and telling me to play another class is a complete cop-out and abandonment of the archetype. I want the fighter for a magical world, not one for ours, thank you.


Sure, chief. Whatever you say.

Meanwhile, I'm having fun playing a fighter and you're blathering on about how it's unplayable. Who's doing it right?

Both I would think. You both appear to be shooting at different outcomes, so your arguments are not making a dent on the other in this case.

ikarinokami wrote:

I find it a amusing that a class that is found so weak and underpowered by many, has so many horror stories about that same smashing all the other uber classes to bits once it gets dominated, ahaha.

having a weakness or needing help to gain optimal efficiency is not a weakness is a team game, just saying

Fighters suck, no fighter could ever beat a mage.

Don't bring fighters in your party, they'll kill the mage the second they are dominated!

Seems like a gap in logic to me . . .

Don't claim the fighter is standing next to the Mage, he's in the front hitting things. . .

You can't have it both ways!

blahpers wrote:
Meanwhile, I'm having fun playing a fighter and you're blathering on about how it's unplayable. Who's doing it right?

if the fighter would have have extra 2 skill point per level and a slightly better saving trhows, would your fun be ruined?

Would hte result be unbalanced? game disrupting?

Laif wrote:

You already have enough Scaling Feats:

Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Skill Focus.
Defense, Attack, Skills. Do you want more?
Then you have your weapon/armor training and your fighter feats =P
If you have Fighter Only Scaling Feats... It would be OP, that's what I think.

One last thing, I said they were "Free", not that they were Free.

But they're not free Laif, they're your class features. You're choosing those (among the Weapon and Armor Training and lolbravery) instead of say... Barbarian or Paladin or Ranger. You know, somewhat competent martial classes.

As to what we mean by scaling feats, for example, in a lot of the homebrew I've seen Combat Expertise, Power Attack, and Deadly Aim don't even exist as feats. They're simple combat options.

A good example of a properly scaling feat would be Blind-fight becoming Improved Blind-fight eventually granting hearing-based Blindsight (echolocation, like bats.)

I tend to think the fighter is made in direct opposition to there mission statement.

I feel as though the fighter ought to be the one who will do well regardless of circumstance because they are skilled with every weapon of war under the sun. In practice, the class is designed to be more and more specialized over time until they, at their pinnacle, must fight in very specific ways or suffer poor returns.

I feel like that is the most apparent issue when you look at the fighter chassis to rationalize their fluff.

If I were to remake the fighter, I think I would remove the weapon training feature and replace it with a kind of negative return mechanic such that the first stage would reduce the penalty from any combat feat by one. This would effect each feat individually, thus the fighter could use something like power attack and combat expertise without penalty. It would definitely make the fighter the best at using combat techniques and it wouldn't be about a bunch of pluses, just about exploiting your combat technique better than anyone.

I do think that a few more skill points would make a lot of sense in terms of the internal consistency of a person raised without magic would likely have to rely on skills because he/she is certainly not relying on spell components.... but that could be just me.

What else has a combat based penalty I wonder? It would certainly make for some interesting niche builds because suboptimal options would be less so due to the class feature interactions.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Laif wrote:

You already have enough Scaling Feats:

Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Deadly Aim, Skill Focus.
Defense, Attack, Skills. Do you want more?
Then you have your weapon/armor training and your fighter feats =P
If you have Fighter Only Scaling Feats... It would be OP, that's what I think.

One last thing, I said they were "Free", not that they were Free.

But they're not free Laif, they're your class features. You're choosing those (among the Weapon and Armor Training and lolbravery) instead of say... Barbarian or Paladin or Ranger. You know, somewhat competent martial classes.

As to what we mean by scaling feats, for example, in a lot of the homebrew I've seen Combat Expertise, Power Attack, and Deadly Aim don't even exist as feats. They're simple combat options.

A good example of a properly scaling feat would be Blind-fight becoming Improved Blind-fight eventually granting hearing-based Blindsight (echolocation, like bats.)

Read between lines please... I know that they are class features that's why I keep saying they are >>"<<Free>>"<<.

Don't bring in home rules please, that's another game that is similar to pathfinder.

You want to build a specialized warrior, fighter and tons of feats.
You want a competetent warrior, you can still go fighter or barbarian or ranger or paladin or simply multiclass. I don't care that's not what I'm trying to prove.
This is the last time I repeat myself. The fighter can do one thing exceling above the others (no magic included).

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Until he inevitably fails a critical Will save or lacks the skill points necessary to complete the quest of course. Or god forbid he needs to use a weapon he isn't specialized in. Or deal with intelligent, tactical monsters with all sorts of freaky supernatural abilities that completely circumvent the Fighter's ability to influence events.

Everyone can fail a save, the 1 is there.
Wow, a god intervention for a poor fighter? I feel awesome.
Wait don't we use tactics too and have other companions that they specialize in magical things?
I'm a warrior, not a wizard ^^

I'm a Human Fighter, I'll train you in the way of the sword, lance, shield or the arrow. Pick the one you want to be your weapon. You will sleep, eat, fight and travel with it so make your choice wisely young kid. Some people will say that you can't kill a dragon. Maybe you can't...Alone. Find other companions, cover each other weakness and your weapon will become your shield. Maybe we aren't as strong-willed as a wizard but we can endure better a beating. Don't focus on what you can't do, focus on what you CAN do and you will be the best.

This is a fighter, kid, are you sure that you want to be one of us?
If so...make your choice.

yay, fighter can do one thing really well. and that one thing is, being the best at beating a straw dummy with his signature weapon he blew a massive amount of resources into improving. which is best off being a bow. oh wait, he probably sunk all his resources, enchanted the weapon greatly, bought a pair of gloves, and well, if he kills the straw dummy, god forbid he be forced to walk more than 5 feet to another straw dummy

if the straw dummy were replaced with a creature that either was capable of flight, were capable of casting spells, were capable of inflicting inflicting debuffs and conditions, were capable of targeting the fighter's poor will save, had a superior attack range, that was incorporeal, or were capable of making touch attacks

our fighter is screwed if the foe can meet 3 or more of these fighter killing criteria

in other words, the fighter is only good for killing Straw Dummies that are reinforced with lots HP but no mobility, no damage mitigation, and no means of targeting anything other than the fighter's fully armored armor class.

I see the main problem of everyone.
You want a class that can do everything, roll a paladin is the closest one to that.

A fighter shines with teamwork.

@Umbriere 1 fast question, what resources have the other classes for that kind of enemies?

Every martial class has the same weakness.
Flying, incorporeal, spells, touchs.
You're a martial class and you will suffer from that.

And....if as you stated yourself my signature weapon is a bow as the best option... how a flying enemy is a problem?

Laif wrote:

I see the main problem of everyone.

You want a class that can do everything, roll a paladin is the closest one to that.

That get repeated over and over, and it just false. Having, for example, a couple of more skill points and a better saves is hardly doing everything. MOre likely is puting him on par witht barbs and paladins.

Laif wrote:

A fighter shines with teamwork.

Like everyone else.

I've rolled a paladin...and it can heal, do damage and have good saves/ac... I know what I'm talking.

Yes a 2 more skill points would be nice, but for what would you use them apart from perception?
Usefull, yes, indispansable, don't think.

If everyone shines with teamwork, where is the problem?
The only regret i can have is having only 1 good save.
The good thing is that I can spare some general feats to grab Iron Will and Improved.

[Don't focus on what you can't do, focus on what you CAN do and you will be the best.]

Be positive and you will enjoy the fighter ;)
Be negative and you won't enjoy anything.

Laif wrote:

Yes a 2 more skill points would be nice, but for what would you use them apart from perception?

For whatever I wnat to round up mycharacter so he can fill the image I have for him. The diplomat, the scholar, the leader, the stealthy assaing, maybe all togheter.

I even would say that this annoys me much more than the save thing. And If I have to choose one improvement over the other I choose to have extra skills.

Laif wrote:

Be positive and you will enjoy the fighter ;)

I do enjoy fighters. Be the mundane guy is my favorite role in D&D, not sure why fighter have to suffer in mundane task.

yeah, they can hit hard why that deny the fighter the chance of doing something else? whatever else?

Yeah, more for roleplay than for game mechanics. I like that option too.
The problem I see is what to add to not overstep in other classes and give a little bonus to the fighter.

Sovereign Court

Nathanael Love wrote:
ikarinokami wrote:

I find it a amusing that a class that is found so weak and underpowered by many, has so many horror stories about that same smashing all the other uber classes to bits once it gets dominated, ahaha.

having a weakness or needing help to gain optimal efficiency is not a weakness is a team game, just saying

Fighters suck, no fighter could ever beat a mage.

Don't bring fighters in your party, they'll kill the mage the second they are dominated!

Seems like a gap in logic to me . . .

Don't claim the fighter is standing next to the Mage, he's in the front hitting things. . .

You can't have it both ways!

If we mean d20 duel system, a fighter has a good chance at beating a mage. It's called stack INIT and get a Will save re-roll. Add Pounce. Watch Mage cry his eyes out as you slash him in half before he ever gets one spell off...

Ifrit fighter. Get +4 racial init, improved initiative, reactionary, ion stone of initiative. Lightning initiative. Inquisitor dip. That's easily a +15 to +16 init plus DEX bonus.

Throw your money down on a +2 Keen, Humanoid <Proper Alignment Here> Vicious weapon. Laugh when you hit the Wizard and deal 2d6 + 2d6 + 2d6 + power attack + weapon specialization + weapon training and so forth. Stack with Inquisitor bane for more shenanigans. Stack with Pounce and Step up to get full attack. Watch the Mage player's smile disappear when he realizes you can follow him and get AoO's through feats and Combat Reflexes. Re-roll the will save to really piss him off. Don't dump WIS.

Full attack on round #1 = GG mage, you're now dead.

Don't enter in the counter-build terrain please, that is clearly a flammable topic.

And remember that the Fighter isn't the only one that can stack Ini.
The one who will decide the result of the fight are the dice.

IF terrain:
If the fighter goes first.
If he does max damage.
If the wizard misses his concentartion check.
If an AoO intterrupt the spell.
If the frogs grow hair...what? maybe a polymorph xD

We must understand the Pros and Cons of EVERY class and I say that they are pretty balanced, yes... they aren't perfect but it's a 85-95% balanced.

BTW one of the best method to neutralize a mage is not killing him, is disabling him, messing with his component pouch, grappling, sundering tripping, anything CMB related.
And the CMB is one of the things that every martial class is pretty much similar, but the fighter has a slight edge.
I don't know if counting monk as's really strange for me.

Laif wrote:

Yeah, more for roleplay than for game mechanics. I like that option too.

The problem I see is what to add to not overstep in other classes and give a little bonus to the fighter.

Little improvements will not overstep in other classes. 4+int skill per level will only make him on par with the barbarian and he will still be below the ranger. He will be above the paladin but I also thinkg the paladin should have 4+int skill per level.

Laif wrote:

I see the main problem of everyone.

You want a class that can do everything, roll a paladin is the closest one to that.

This kind of comment is not necessary. It's obvious that no one is interested in the class doing everything.

Have you ever heard of a straw man fallacy?

Here's how my wizard wins any duel vs a fighter.

He has at most
+3 (dex) +4 Improved initiative +1 (trait)
8 initiative
Though more likely 4 because most fighters gotta get dem combat feats on a tight schedule
+2 dex +4 improved initiative +1 trait +4 Familiar
11 initiative

If he wins initiative
Archer: I am probably dead, though my gloves of arrow snatching may save me from dying.
Melee fighter: I survive because he only hit me once. Then I quicken vanish and fly away. Next turn set up a wind wall and kill him.

If I win initiative
I fly up and make a quickened wind wall. I am now invincible to fighter.

That's why I said IF terrain xD

Never heard of that falacy so I thought it was with an offensive sense, sorry if I didn't interpreted it properly and that made mad, basically calling garbage a fighter, I don't like how that sounded.

Seriously peoples it was just a solution I suggested to a player they really liked. Its serpent scull which has multiple enemies and massed combats as well as lots of will save and later dominate type abilities.

With cleaving from 1st and whirlwind or spring attack flexibility from 4th his build was fun and paying since 1st but but I knew soon he would have issues.

Their build is something like

4 Dragoon Fighter, 2 Spell breaker Inquisitor - they took the gun inquisition to play with guns (house ruled logically that if guns are new there is no 'expert' class/schooling that has developed around them 'yet' = no 'gunslinger class'. That said their keen to be one of the first and are RPing setting up one of the first gun schools. If they succeed they will be forever remembered in later games as I try to include old PCs in campaign backgrounds).

HB Power Attack, B1 SkillFocus, Mounted Combat, B2 C.Expertise, 1.Cleave, 2.Dodge, 3.Mobility, B4.Spring Attack (swap cleave for Whirlwind Attack), 5 W.Focus

Serpent Folks dominate and suggestion abilitys shouldn't be an issue later on. I give players warnings (prophetic visions to oracles, trippin wise women etc) but once they are in the situation I don't pull punches least of all with intelligent opponents that once dominated the region.

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