Oserath |
Hey y'all,
I'm coming in to a campaign to replace the group's previous spellcasters. I'm replacing an Oracle, who had a Wizard cohort. I'm coming in with a Sorcerer (Bronze Draconic) and a Cleric cohort. That should keep the Arcane/Divine balance of our group mostly intact.
The cleric is going to be responsible for support, healing, and assorted divine capabilities, while staying largely removed from combat. My sorcerer is Neutral, so I'm really liking the idea of a Cleric of Nethys, with Magic (Arcane) as one of his two domains. I don't care too much for the other domains available to Nethys (Rune, Knowledge, Protection, Destruction). This has made me look toward Separatist. The Cleric will be 11th level, meaning he will have access to the 8th level domain powers of whatever second domain is chosen.
I've ruled out some of the more popular, power domains (Travel, Trickery, Animal, Nobility, Charm) as I felt they wouldn't make sense for Nethys. This has left me largely looking at a few:
Scalykind (Dragon)
Air (fits Draconic type)
Healing (never not useful)
Liberation (possibly Freedom subdomain)
Luck (possibly Fate subdomain)
Anyone have any suggestions, domains I missed, experience playing a similar build?

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Well, what's your race?
Also, you could ask your DM to choose the Dragon Subdomain.
Many deities are being updated over time, to include newer subdomains, as the deities were statted prior to the Subdomain's release.
You could also be from the Dragon Empires, or a child of immigrants from the Dragon Empires.
You are a hero.
You are supposed to be an unique individual.

Renegadeshepherd |
y not just a theologian then? extra spells, extra metaspell feats for free and more. he would be awesome at one thing rather than good at one and weaker in a second. as a bonus u could have two dispel magics from ur domain. Ur 3rd level spell slot is also a dispel so ur cohort would be an anti magic user from hades.

Oserath |
My only qualm with Theologian is that I don't think the Magic domain is that good. I'm mostly taking it for the power from the Arcane subdomain. The spells aren't great, IMO, so getting to prepare them in non-domain slots is a bit of a loss. The way I'm looking at it, I might as well get a second domain out of the whole thing.

Renegadeshepherd |
My only qualm with Theologian is that I don't think the Magic domain is that good. I'm mostly taking it for the power from the Arcane subdomain. The spells aren't great, IMO, so getting to prepare them in non-domain slots is a bit of a loss. The way I'm looking at it, I might as well get a second domain out of the whole thing.
I'm lost. U dont want a cleric focused on magic/arcane because its not that great but that is the one domain u have said u want. U dont any of the other 4 domains of Nethys at all and u effectively said no to all the other staple domains that so many others treasure. I got nothing.

Ravingdork |

Separatist is a trap option that is weaker than a standard cleric in every way. Just play a normal cleric who devotes themselves to an abstract concept and choose whatever domains you want with none of the archetype's drawbacks.

Renegadeshepherd |
Separatist is a trap option that is weaker than a standard cleric in every way. Just play a normal cleric who devotes themselves to an abstract concept and choose whatever domains you want with none of the archetype's drawbacks.
Word. But what domain has not been turned down that combos with arcane?

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Because some home games might require you to take a deity as well. Or you may want to worship a deity to get proficiency with a favored weapon and the option to take guided hand, but you don't like the domain choices. It gives you options. Those options may be sub-optimal in most situations, but that doesn't mean there might not be a good reason to take them sometimes.

Oserath |
OK. I'm pretty sure my DM would be cool with a non-deity devoted cleric, so I could probably skip Separatist. That said, we have a group of 2 melees (dwarf Fighter [axe/shield], aasimar Paladin [usually 2-handing]), 2 archers (halfling Bard, half-elf Ranger) and I'll be coming back in with my Sorcerer (Buffing>Debuffing>Control>Blasting, in that order).
What are people's opinions on a good second domain to benefit this party? I'm pretty sure most things would be reasonable for a Cleric of Arcane Magic, alignments excluded, because neutral.

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Protection is not a terrible choice, if you are just looking for a second domain from those Nethys already grants. Take the money that the character would have spent on a +X cloak of resistance anyway and blow it on shiny hats.
Destruction requires some planning, and a party equipped to take advantage of it's second power (lots of attacks, high threat ranges, only triggered in fights with a single foe with low threat ranges, etc.).
Knowledge probably would be less of an issue in a group with a bard and a ranger to cover Knowledge skills. Rune is not great.

Tangaroa |

If you want to maximize your sorcerers capabilities, do the fate domain, which makes your cleric like a pocket witch.
If you want to maximize party survivability, I would do liberation coupled with Varisian Pilgrim - give up dispelling touch.
The ability to hand out freedom of movement is nice, very nice.