Warpriest build


so, My GM is running a second campaign, (primarily because only two pf the original 8 were still alive). In this game he is allowing the Advanced Playtest guide classes. I choose warpriest. I am human level 4 MT 1. (he's having us go mythic because he wants to be able to put our characters to the limit, and not worry too much about actually killing us.) I have STR 14; DEX 11; CON 14; INT 10; WIS 16; CHA 14. I have the feats I'm proved unarmed strike (because the deity he is following favorite weapon is just fists.) Weapon focus unarmed strike. Skill focus intimidate. Dazzling display. this campaign seems to consist of fair amounts of undead. At least for now. When I built him I wasn't aware of the rest of my group, which is as follows : A paladin, A fighter (crossbowman), and Sword master Tengu rogue, a monk (with too many archetypes), a bloodrager, and a pole arm using fighter. We have enough tanks, so what can I do to support this group as much as possible? Spell wise? Feat wise? My plan was to originally be a terrifying Warpriest, still would like too, but not a must do. The paladin is the leader, but I'm the one who mythiced onto Marshall and Heirophant(feat mythic[dual path].) Any suggestions ate welcome. note, my GM does not give much money, and does not allow retraining. otherwise I would just go cleric. Oh!! my blessings are War and Protection.

The Blessings are rather irrelevant overall, as they mostly don't give enough benefit for the action they cost (although the Major War blessing is pretty decent). If you want to melee it, I'd actually drop your Wisdom score down to 15 or even 14 and buff your Strength. You could buff Charisma too, in order to get more uses of Fervor, but Strength will help more. You get Level 6 spells late enough that you should have been able to up your Wisdom to 16 through either Magic Items or standard ability score increases.

Feat-wise, pickup Power Attack for a damage increase, and then Cornugon Smash, which will allow you to make an Intimidate check as a free action after you damage an opponent with Power Attack. If you're worried about the minus to-hit from Power Attack, pick up Furious Focus to off-set that number for the first attack each round. You should also pick up a couple other Weapon Focuses so you can use your Sacred Weapon abilities with other weapons besides your fists. Toughness might not hurt either, as your hit points are only a d8 die.

Spell-wise, focus on individual and group buffs, with a small nod to things like Lesser Restoration. Divine Favor is your number 1 buff right now, and will be a lot of what you cast, along with Bull's Strength and Bear's Endurance. You can spontaneously cast Cure Spells, so you should never have to prepare those (and wands are more efficient anyway). You will never have a Wisdom score high enough for powerful spell save DCs, so save-or-die and save-or-suck spells like that are of less benefit to you than they would be to a Cleric.

I can tell you that, on the Warpriest of Gorum I'm playing right now, I never touch my blessings (War and Glory). Both give fairly weak benefits at the cost of a standard action, which I could use to charge and Power Attack with my Greatsword. Spend a point of Fervor to Swift Action cast Divine Favor, and I'm the number 2 damage dealer (the Barbarian has me beat, but I'm okay with that. I make taunt the enemies enough to make them want to hit me). It's a fun class to play.

Be a terrifying Warpriest, but also use your spells and abilities to buff your teamates. Bless and later Blessing of Fervor are good starting ground.

For feats, you want Enforcer. It does not work against undead, but youhave already invested in intimidation and enforcer will let you intimidate without interrupting your attacks, which is much better than using dazzling display.

Focus on raising your Str from now on.

A possible build setup

1 WP IUS (bonus), Weapon focus (unarmed strike), Skill Focus: Intimidate
3 WP Dazzling Display, Enforcer (bonus)
5 WP Power Attack
6 WP Improved Initiative (bonus)
7 WP Gory Finish
9 WP Shatter Defenses, Boar Style (bonus)
11 WP Divine Interference
12 WP Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike) (bonus)
13 WP Weapon Focus (Longbow) (so that you can use the sacred weapon option with a ranged weapon)
15 WP Dazing Assault, Intimidating Prowess (bonus)
17 WP Critical Focus
18 WP Staggering Critical (bonus)
19 WP Toughness

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