Replacement Player for Skull & Shackles Games.


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Sovereign Court

Greetings to all would be seadogs.

Having taken over a game of Skull & Shackles for a short while, I have had lost a player to the dangers of the seas known as 'Real Life'. A stormy sea it is.

You'd would have a gentle Squall of a Mediocre GM who is just making ripples in this 'ole recruitment board in hopes of hooking some unfortunate pirate wannabe.

A rough and tumble Pirate Freebooter.
An honest to goodness Pirate
A one eyed singer and comedian.

They be your judges. Not me. Uh huh. Them.

They're looking for a Heal man. Ye know the type who goes heal your wounds type you know.

Creation Rules:

The Rules:
• Races: All standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed. Any other 0HD race will be considered on a case by case basis.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) and Archetypes from Paizo Publishing will be allowed.
• Alignment: Characters can be of any alignment, but must be able to play well with others.
• Abilities: Characters will be based on the High Fantasy (20 point) buy, found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 16. No ability can be raised higher than 18 (prior to racial modifiers). Only one ability may be lowered below 10 and that ability cannot be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat published by Paizo Publishing will be acceptable.
• Traits: Character's will start with two traits, one of which MUST be from the Skulls & Shackles Player's Guide.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level. Thereafter players may either roll for HP's or take the average (whichever is greater).
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with Maximum starting gold for their base class as found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 140, the APG on page 26, UC on page 8, or in the UM on page 8.
Starting at level 2

Gameplay so far is here:
Ze Closing date would be : 9th March

Nightdeath, I'm looking to get into a couple more PbP games and I'd like to make a character for this one.

We play together in Talinthal's WotR game.

I'm thinking possibly a Storm Druid. I'll post some more specifics later today.

dot! Probably won't get back to this until tomorrow.

Hm, I also happen to believe that the pirate life may just be the life for me!

I'm not entirely certain what sort of salty sea-dog I'd be interested in making however a squirrely sea witch sounds interesting initially.

I'll give it some more thought!

Sovereign Court

Like I said I welcome all but the final decision would be made with the players.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Dotting for interest, "Rot Gut" Reeva to follow!

Sovereign Court

Bumping this up.

Here is Nilus Romani, Varisian Hedge Witch and Ships Surgeon

Nilus is a Varisian who is far from home. He traveled to the isle of Mediogalti in search of his fortune and from there on to Port Peril. He was swiftly shanghaied into the service of Captain Harrigan and the Wormwood. His knowledge of hedge magic and healing left him only one place to go, the Surgery. He has been there these past weeks, getting on and hoping that the Harrow that sent him to the Shackles was accurate.

Nilus has always felt the call of the sea. His Patron a being he describes as "Old Man Waves", has always spoken to him in the language of the water elementals.

Nilus will focus on healing and debuffing as a witch with the hedge witch archetype. At level two he has the healing, fortune and evil eye hex, this gives him an opportunity to both heal and help the party survive and conquer encounters. His spell selection will focus on buffing or SoS type spells. He has a range of skills that will assist any party, including Heal, Kn:Arcane and Nature, and he can ham up the Witchy side of things and do some intimidating.


Nilus Romani
Male Human Witch 2
CG medium humanoid
Init +2 Senses Normal Vision Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
hp 14
Fort 1 ,Ref 2 ,Will 4
Speed 30 ft
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 10 DEX 14 CON 13 INT 16 WIS 12 CHA 14
Base Atk 1 Grp10
Feats Extra Hex, Accursed Hex
Skills Craft:Carpentry +8, Heal +7, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +4, Spellcraft +8, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Aquan, Orc, Varisian, Polyglot
Human Traits (Core 27)
• Bonus Feat (Core 27): You gain 1 bonus feat at 1st level*.
• Skilled (Core 27): You gain 1 additional skill rank at each level*.
• Ship’s Surgeon (APSkS 7): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft (carpentry)* and Heal* checks, and Heal is a class skill for you*.
• Hedge Magician (APG 329): Whenever you craft a magic item, you reduce the cost of gp required to make the item by 5%.
Benefits of Familiar
• You gain a +2 bonus on CMB checks to start and maintain a grapple
• Alertness (Ex) (Core 83): The familiar provides you with the Alertness Feat
• Empathic Link (Su) (Core 83): The master can communicate emphatically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link’s limited nature,only general emotions can be shared.
Class Features
• Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple weapons.
• Patron (APG 70): You have selected the following patron: Water
• Familiar (APG 69): You have gained a familiar (Crab, King).
• Hexes (APG 66): You have learned a number of magic tricks (DC: 14):
• Evil Eye (Su) (APG 66): You can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (your choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for 6 rounds.
• Fortune (Su) (APG 66): You can grant a creature within 30 feet a bit of good luck for 1 round. The target can call upon this good luck once per round,allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made. Once a creature has benefited from the fortune hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
• Healing (Su) (APG 66): You can soothe the wounds of those you touch 1d8+2).
• Extra Hex (APG 160): You gain one additional hex.
• Accursed Hex (UM 143): You can make a second attempt at failed hexes even if the hex normally does not allow it.
• Alertness (Core 117): You get a +2 bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive skill checks. Increases to +4 if you have 10 or more ranks.

Well, there goes my initial idea :P Couldn't have done it better myself Niles!

I'll see if any other ideas strike my fancy.

Dotting. Any chance this would be reported for PFS.

Sovereign Court

I'm looking to do so but of course I'll look at my players. I believe there maybe a chance to do so.

No promises though,

nightdeath has noted that we need a "real" healer.

We already have an Alchemist (churigeon). I figured you guys might want to consider that.

We also have a character that at level 2 is multi-classed Oracle (Heavens)/Bard (Sea-singer).

So, there is some healing, but all "nit-noid".

Before nightdeath so graciously took over as a replacement GM for us, we also lost our big grunt that we expected would be our primary damage dealer.

The other two characters? A Ranger (Freebooter & Skirmisher)/Barbarian (Sea-Reaver) (Doesn't seem TOO big a hole in the active combatant world, does it?) and my little Rogue (Pirate) skill-monkey.

The group is more random than I thought it would be, but that kinda fits the whole shanghaied opening, so . . ..

I don't know why he skipped the churigeon when he listed our party members . . ..

I'm not so worried about the mythical party balance, but, like a true pirate, I'm real interested in having somebody else available to soak damage for me!

Just information for you guys to process as you choose what to submit.

Sovereign Court

Yep. What Terry said.

Our Judges
A rough and tumble Pirate Freebooter.
An honest to goodness Pirate
A one eyed singer and comedian.
A Doctor, A Pirate with really nice smelling vials.

Tengus allowable? I was thinking of making a Tengu cleric of Hei Feng (the god of storms and tengus) or barring Hei Feng, then Gozreh.

Or barring that entirely, I got another cleric idea for a human.

hp roll 1d8 ⇒ 3 - I guess I'll take 4 :)

Sovereign Court

I'm fine with a Tengu.
I believe this group has had a goblin before as well.

We may have eaten the poor gobbie for dinner... By accident, of course... I mean, Bellamy the cook swears it was breaded crabs, but he's blind, so...


@Tangaroa - I believe 5 hp would be the average for a d8; most GMs round up. :)

Sovereign Court

lol....He still denies it.

Ok Looks like I'm looking at space for 2 more. PFS Credit to be given.
Closing date still the same.

I have a:
Nilus Romani, Varisian Hedge Witch and Ships Surgeon

Bonuwat human cleric of Shimye-Magalla - I'll get to work on the backstory in the next few days.

Submitting Krissina, will adjust for campaign shortly.
Human Flame Oracle (should fit nicely with the wooden boats around).

Sovereign Court

I have a:
Nilus Romani, Varisian Hedge Witch and Ships Surgeon
Bonuwat human cleric of Shimye-Magalla
Krissina Human Flame Oracle

I would like to play please. I will have you a character today.

Submitting Olotor, Elven Rouge (Cook)

I'd like to point out that Nilus, while not being a martial powerhouse himself, will be able to pretty much double someone elses damage through the useage of hexes and magic. So, pair him with a fighter or barbarian and watch the enemies fall.

nightdeath wrote:
Ok Looks like I'm looking at space for 2 more.

Ah, just to ask on behalf of other applicants (since I've already started a submission) - you are looking for one "healer" and one "something" - and there are no specific desires as to what the "something" is? Am I interpreting this correctly?

Hm, well this has opened up more than a few interesting options. I'll be sticking around to offer up someone interesting!

I''m thinking an undine of some sort. Maybe Watersinger or Undine Adept. Or a cleric with the Oceans domain.

Sovereign Court

@Tangaroa. Yes The something is not specific though my players above have chimed in to see what they would like though achieving party balance is not important. What's important is that the party is comfortable with you.

And yes PFS Credit given.

Ok, so the undine is definitely something that interests me, and I believe that the undine might do well as a monk (flowing monk archetype).

I am worried that the lawful aspect would be problematic. I can see him believing in some kind of pirate code, but I don't know if that's too much of a stretch. I am very curious as to whether you would allow any reflavoring of traits, just so that the alignment thing wouldn't be a problem (such as the Enlightened Warrior that allows a monk to be neutral or neutral good, but is only available to aasimars)?

Krissina's backstory is re-written, and levelled up to 2.
You've given more money than the original version, so I need to redo gear, but that should be it. May expand on history somewhat, if I get chance.

Sovereign Court

@ShadowyFox. Sorry no reflavoring of traits that is race specific.

No worries. I've definitely got things in mind now that should make it all make sense for my character. I'll have my undine written up soon enough. Definitely the route of flowing monk.

I see 3 submissions so far:

Krissina - Female Human Oracle (Flame)
Nolwazi Nkozi- Female Human Cleric (Shimye-Magalla)
Nilus Romani - Male Human Witch (Water)

I see one that I think meant to be a submission, but doesn't provide enough information to evaluate at all:

Olotor - ? Elven Rogue - Name/race/class identified, but no link or sheet provided?

And, finally, I see these "dot"s:

GM Tektite
Scott Williams 16

Terry of Quent wrote:

I see 3 submissions so far:

Krissina - Female Human Oracle (Flame)
Nolwazi Nkozi- Female Human Cleric (Shimye-Magalla)
Nilus Romani - Male Human Witch (Water)

I see one that I think meant to be a submission, but doesn't provide enough information to evaluate at all:

Olotor - ? Elven Rogue - Name/race/class identified, but no link or sheet provided?

And, finally, I see these "dot"s:

GM Tektite
Scott Williams 16

Olotor is his name and im not sure what form you would like his sheet in.

Toxic911 wrote:
Olotor is his name and im not sure what form you would like his sheet in.

I have posted characters directly in threads like this (inside spoilers so the post was only long when people wanted to see the character).

When I have a profile built (as with Terry, here), posting with the profile provides a link to the character sheet inside the profile.

Others post character sheets out on the web somewhere else, and provide links to them.

The method and presentation isn't as important TO ME (as long as I can read it), as the chance to see it at all. Other people get real particular about the presentation.

What Terry said. To add my 2 cents, a creative back story would garner my vote most of all. Putting it in your Profile is fine imo, and if you have secrets for GM eyes only, maybe just pm them to nightdeath (I'll trust his non-revealing-to-players' judgment).

Are we allowed to draw from the advanced class guide playtest?

Sovereign Court

I'll allow advaned class guide

nightdeath wrote:
I'll allow advaned class guide

In that case, I may change my mind on a character. I will let you know soon.

Sovereign Court

5 more days to the closing date.


HP For Level 2: 1d8 ⇒ 3

Here is Olotor

The dark, rough streets of lower Magnimar can be a tough place for a kid, but Olotor seem to thrive in them. Abandoned here at a young age, Olotor grew up not really knowing his mother and father. The only parental figures he know were the gangs of Magnimar. This is where he learned his trade and became very good at it. He really love to work down at Magnimars docks where he capitalized on the unsuspecting sailors that came on ships from all over the known world.
This is where he decided to get a job on one of the ships so he could travel and see the world. He traveled for a few years and one day found himself in Port Pearl. One of Olotor’s favorite things is shore leave, so he ended up at a local tavern when someone slipped something in his drink.
Male Elven Rogue (Swashbuckler) 1
CN medium humanoid
Init +4 Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +7
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
CMB +2
CMD 16
Armor Hide Shirt +3
hp 15
Fort 2 ,Ref 7 ,Will 0
Speed 30 ft
Weapon Rapier +5, Light Crossbow +3
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 12 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 15 WIS 10 CHA 10
Base Atk 1
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light), Elven Weapon Proficiencies, Rouge Weapon Proficiencies, Simple Weapon Proficiencies-All, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise +8, Bluff +5, Climb +3, Disable Device +6, Knowledge (Local) +7, Perception +5, Profession (Cook) +5, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Traits Eye for Plunder, Forlom
Languages Common, Elven, Gnoll, Orc

Having trouble settling on a preferred character. I think I'm going to bow out of this one friends.

Good luck to the rest of you salty devils!

Sovereign Court

Sorry to hear that Otm-shank.

Lantern Lodge

Dotting for interest, will try to have a character up tonight or in the morning.

Submitted for consideration
More info under Alias as time permits but I wanted to get the bones out there for you to pick

Alt Racial trait: Dual Talent

World walker Druid
Campaign trait: Ancient Explorer, KN.History
Other Trait Race: Blood Of Dragons (ult.Campaign) gain low-light vision
1st level feat: Spell focus conjuration. (*&%$#@*%$ Augment summoning feat tax)

My thoughts
Been hankering to try a druid but not too crazy about companion animals so going the domain route, Weather seems proper for this AP.

Gaius would have to memorize cure spells if you want that kind of healing but he does have the full cure line available for Wand usage. A far more effective form of quick healing in any case.

The Storm druid is a bit of a jack of all trades, Decent skills and combat combined with a spell list that complements the witch. Witches often have issues with mindless/mind effect immune baddies and battlefield control. Driuds are excellent at flexible battlefield control and have some rather nice non-mind targeting spells.

Hmm. I might throw something together. Out of curiosity, how would ya be introducing the new guy? As someone already pressed ganged into the ship? It might be entertaining if the PCs were made to press gang the new player. Bit o irony.

I'm surprised you guys don't think you've enough healing. In my experience, an Alchemist alone is a heal dispenser with brew potions, let alone with a bard/oracle too.

Oh. Drawbacks available? Or no?

What is better than a Pirate!?

Not a ninja to be sure.

But rather, a drunken-foaming-at-the-mouth-dwarven-cursing-volatile-armored-viking!

Meet Valgarm Sunlocks, a ferocity upon the world. Limb-chopping Axe in one hand, face-bruiser Shield in the other. A young man with his father's reputation to live up to, the man revels in both battle and the rewards of it, and seeks to make a fortune for himself upon the open seas. How he's going to do it? Well...Plans are overrated. He figures if you shout at something and beat it enough times, everything will work out.


This character is not a healer, but but does fit the "Damage Soaker" desired. This guy wants to get into melee. He wants to be in the thick of things, and if you're lucky, he'll even lend you his shield if ya happening to be nearby. He's incredibly self-interested and likely to be the one shouting loudest in an argument, and likely the first to start a brawl. But if you need a man for spilling blood, Valgarm will fit your needs.

Shield fighter build, has multiple ways of granting AC to his allies while remaining durable himself. Great as a flanking partner. And then he gets rage at 4th level. He. Will. Tear. Them. Apart. All of them. :3 Understand that healers will probably get more consideration, and fine with it. Just had inspiration, wanted to put it into reality. Oh. And I used a drawback, since Reijo's character had one.

Sovereign Court

@mekura: Drawbacks are available


Gaius Gracci wrote:

The StormWorld Walker druid is a bit of a jack of all trades, Decent skills and combat combined with a spell list that complements the witch. Witches often have issues with mindless/mind effect immune baddies and battlefield control. Driuds are excellent at flexible battlefield control and have some rather nice non-mind targeting spells.

Actual background and crunch asap.

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