(The Princess) Choosing mechanics to fit a concept.


I'm working on statting out a concept I have in mind just in case a game pops up that looks interesting to me, but I am having trouble choosing a class and fighting style, much less archetype, feats, and equipment.

The concept is that of a princess who grew up with the utmost wealth, beauty, and privilege, and, as the only child of an aging King, knew full well she would be Queen one day. It very much went to her head, and she grew up to become what is best described as an entitled b~$#*. As a pupil she proved quite good at (fighting/magic) and excelled at academic subjects, which only intensified her arrogance. Now in her late teens, she is quite literally a royal pain in the ass, looking down on those beneath her station, greatly exaggerating every small accomplishment she made and every minor slight against her, blowing through the royal treasury at a surprising rate, sleeping with the worst the guard has to offer solely because it upsets her father, and totally ignoring any duties to her subjects. As the King lay on his deathbed (old age), he decided his daughter should not be Queen, for her behavior is not anywhere close to befitting one. So she was stripped of her status as heir, the throne passing to one of the King's advisers. Needless to say, she was pissed, and tried to take the throne in a really poorly thought out coup attempt that didn't come close to success. Out of respect to her father she was allowed to live, but she is now forever banished from the realm, the Royal Guard taking her blindfolded to a town several hundred miles from the border with some basic supplies and a meager amount of gold.

I'm debating whether to stat her out as an armored noble mounted Fighter or Cavalier or as a sophisticated Wizard type, but I'm also wondering which stats to emphasize (I am thinking of low Cha, since she's suchan unpleasant person to be around) and what archetypes, feats, and spells are good for either character build. I'd also like some feedback on whether my character concept is as cool as I think it is.

Weird thing is that I'd regard the character as high Cha with no ranks in Social skills save possibly Intimidate. She certainly leaves a strong impression, it's just usually a negative one.

That said, this is likely a bad idea. PF being a cooperative game, making a character with the intention of being a jerk to the other PCs is almost inevitably going to come off as being a jerk to the other players unless it's in a group of close friends. You indicated that this is a concept looking for a game, which means that you'll most likely be playing with strangers or acquaintances.

All in all, I'd save it for a group of people you know exceptionally well, and even then have a very long talk about it before the first session with everyone who will be involved.

Could be cool...but watch out she doesn't become a "Jerk Sue." Yes, there's a TV Tropes entry for it, but I'm on my phone and too lazy to link it.

Grand Lodge

Actually, a reflavored Dawnflower Dervish sounds perfect.

Agility, Social Skills, Fighting Skills, and Arcane Power.

Liberty's Edge

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Order of the Cockatrice Cavalier, with (as others have said) decent Charisma (say, 12-14) but only Intimidate trained, and an abysmal Wisdom (her life choices demonstrate a distinct lack of this) seems like it'd be perfect for this. If Drawbacks are being used Pride seems extremely appropriate.

And I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea, but I'd definitely make sure the other PCs are on board before playing it.

Grand Lodge

I really wouldn't go to an extreme, in either direction.

Dawnflower Dervish will give you a nice mid road, that suites your flavor.

Magus is another option. Kensai seems most fitting, but others can do well.

The point of her being a disruption with other players is valid. I'd have to play that carefully. Perhaps keep her mouth solidly aimed at NPCs to avoid party drama if the players don't want her slights flying around?

I think I'll toy with a few preliminary builds after class tommorow. Not sure on a Dervish, but definately a Cockatrice Cavalier. How Zorroish is the Dervish? A flamboyant rapier build could work well.

Grand Lodge

Well, the Dervish Dance feat works with a Scimitar.

I was thinking more desert Princess, but you did not specify.

I'm thinking more along the lines of psuedomedieval France or Spain.

Scarab Sages

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I guess my question would be on her attitude If she is rude/mean/spoiled princess to everyone? I would imagine a certain amount of humility might fall her way after the extended vacation/removal from her kingdom she went through. Maybe. Possible. I would know i wouldnt mind playing with the spoiled princess if only to be able to sass a former noble on the occasion.

Grand Lodge


The Arcane Duelist may be more fitting then.

Once you get your Arcane Bonded weapon, I would make it an Agile weapon, as soon as possible.

You can even choose a Rapier, if you want.

The dex focus, seems most fitting.

Oh, she'll grow up. Eventually.

Arcane Duelist does sound interesting.

Grand Lodge

The extra skill points, and combined martial, with spellcasting skills, sound just right.

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Depending on how self-aware she is, and how much time elapsed between being exiled and meeting the group, she might not actually direct any of her attitude at the group itself.

Presumably she will know that she needs something from them, else she wouldn't be traveling/working with them. Simple trial and error would certainly clue her in to the fact that life outside the palace operates on different assumptions than she's used to making. She probably figured out quickly that she's not actually in a position to give orders anymore, even if she still truly believes that she's the smartest, best bred, and most qualified person in the room.

She may eventually make the mental progression from pretending that the group are her equals for her own benefit, to actually believing that such a thing is even possible, and eventually respecting them as equals and maybe seeing "the little people" as actual people rather than objects.

Since she's used to being treated like a member of the elite, being part of a competent group may give her back a taste of that. Depends on how you all play it out of course.

One thing to consider...if the group has any sense, they probably won't want her to be their spokesperson. If your group dynamics tend towards having one player that tends to handle NPC interactions more often than others, it probably won't be you (as a player) if your character is hell on NPC's and that causes problems for the other characters.

If that NPC interaction is a big part of the fun you have while gaming, it's worth asking yourself if this character will still be fun to play if she/you are kept out of that leadership role for the sake of the party.

Final thought, all those NPC's are players too. By which I mean the DM. Make sure he/she can handle being the continual focus for all that NPC-directed princess-rage.

Scarab Sages

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I can see so many different awesome ways that could turn out actually, though I think i am in agreeance with senor BBT. Arcane Duelist seems to fit nicely, especially if she had a classical schooling in both the art of magic and well the art of swordplay.

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That's a really good analysis. I do like the idea of her treating the other PCs in a polite manner even if she doesn't want to, out of sheer necessity.

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It sounds like a character that would be a blast to write about, but mentally demanding to play in a group.

I think she'll really start to be interesting to play once she realizes that she can get the respect she needs based on what she does, rather than what she is. Role playing a shoulder-chip of epic proportions up to that point is going to be tricky though. Good luck with her.

Last thought...dealing with the group she might fall back on formality and courtly manners, rather than politeness per se. Which could be pretty amusing to play when you're splattered in adventuring mud, thee-ing and thou-ing a gnome rogue in a roadside tavern. :)

Scarab Sages

Any chance you have someone in that game who wants to play her like old nanny or butler, or even the old man who trained her. Cause that would be a blast.

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The base cavalier can definitely fit the nobilty angle - their tactician ability can be interpreted as telling everyone else what to do, or at least how to do it.

The Diva or Celebrity Bard archetypes would be fitting, though both are really weak

Dark Archive

I also would recommend arcane duelist. It seems to have everything you need as it possesses a blend of magical skill and melee, and also has the skills to take stuff like knowledge skills and other things that show her formal schooling as a noble. In addition to having less skills then the Arcane Duelist and no magic Cavilers(save for a few archetypes) are based almost entirely around the idea of mounted combat. Mounted combat can be great, mind you, but from the sounds of your backstory she was not dumped in the village with a horse nor was ever trained in horsemanship. Thus, to make a Cavalier work here you would have to change her backstory a bit. First, you'd need to add horsemanship training to the list of things she learned as a noble. Secondly, you would either have to make it so they dumped her in the village with a horse(which would make little sense since she could just ride back to the kingdom that way.) or somehow have obtained a horse after being dumped there.(either by stealing one, coming into one by chance/luck/divine providence/whatever or being forced to take a commoner's job to survive and saving up the money from that to obtain a horse.).

Even if you take one of the archtypes that give up the mount(which I have heard are quite lousy), the Cavalier has another fluff conflict in the fact that Cavaliers must serve Knightly orders. While she may have easily been able to serve such an order while being a noble, she's lost her station. Whatever orders she may have been a part of as a noble she has most likely lost membership in. Thus, for a Cavalier to work she'd have to have joined a new knightly order since falling from her station and the way she is I'm not sure she'd have an easy time doing that. Thus, the whole idea of a Cavalier's "Order" creates even more fluff conflict and would require further backstory revision.

Thus, if you don't want to change all those backstory details you have several options for classes. First, as mentioned, Arcane Duelist works fine for your story as-is. Nothing needs to change for her to take up this class. However, if you don't want her being a caster and have the advance class playtest that I urge you to take a look at the swashbuckler. It's perfect for a rapier-wielding noble and doesn't dump charisma.

If you want the best of magic and melee you could go with a magus. They often tank cha though.

I'm throwing magus out there just because you mentioned she excelled in both magic and weaponry.

Dark Archive

Magus may work well for "magic + melee", but I think the OP may also want at least a semi-decent Cha. The Magus has NO use for charisma, and thus I'd recommend the Arcane Duelist bard before I recommend the magus. The Arcane Duelist also has the advantage of greater skill selection, which would help the OP better reflect her formal schooling.

True, but from a "she was taught magic" the bard doesn't fit that concept to me. Que será será.

Scarab Sages

Actually, I think magus fits well because the CHA would be low. With as abrasive as the character is, I don't see CHA being high. CHA is a measure of personality, not looks, and this princesses personality is terrible. As a Magus he INT would be high, Cha and Wis low, which seems to match her flaws well. Bruising intellect trait would allow Intimidate to remain high by making it Int-based.

Skirnir, Hexcrafter, Kensai, Bladebound, and vanilla Magus would all be appropriate.

Dark Archive

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I suppose you're right. However, if she's good at using others and getting them in bed the OP may want to at least consider taking the student of philosophy trait to get bluff and diplomacy to work off of int for the social uses of the skill. This way she can maintain the low cha of an abrasive brat yet at the same time still be good at manipulating others.

I'm pretty sure if a princess goes "You bed now!" The guard hopes in bed regardless of if he wanted to or not :)

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

I'm working on [. . .] a concept [. . .] but I am having trouble choosing a class and fighting style, much less archetype, feats, and equipment.

The concept is that of a princess who grew up with the utmost wealth, beauty, and privilege [. . .] [who] is best described as an entitled [female dog synonym]. [. . . s]he proved quite good at (fighting/magic) and excelled at academic subjects, which only intensified her arrogance. [. . .] in her late teens, she is [. . . condescending, entitled, egregious with her spending, exaggerates her own accomplishments, is lecherous to an extreme, and doesn't care about anyone's opinions. The king stripped her of her status, passed the rulership to an adviser (A steward) and exiled his only daughter after she tried to take the throne.] Out of respect to her father she was allowed to live [. . .] banished from the realm [. . .] with some basic supplies and a meager amount of gold.

Lets tick off the traits: Entitled, good at melee and magic, academic, arrogant, lecherous, free spirited.

This almost sings magus, but also could be an EK.
I am guessing she is a human or a half-elf, either way she probably is neither wise, strong, nor sturdy. So her 10s in statistics would probably be on Str, Con, and Wis.
Mechanically Dex and Int are probably high skills, with Cha coming in as a second high.
Using the NPC statistics (15 point-buy) we might end up with
STR 11
DEX 15
CON 10
INT 15
CHA 12

If she is human apply the +2 to either dex or int, depending on if you want her to focus on casting or martial.

Class possibilities: Magus is a good option. Kensai helps to take advantage of her attribues, and you can still wear light armor, albeit at the penalty to attacks or with a feat tax.

You could also go EK and have her focus on charm spells.

Alignment wise she is obviously chaotic. Probably not evil, but nowhere near good. Chaotic Neutral. Perhaps she worships Calistra, and likes tying down and whipping all the boys.

She obviously is not very wise or she would have waited, biding her time, and then retook the throne.

Don't waste your time with dervish dance as you can just make a finesse weapon agile to get the same effect as wasting two feats.

She might use a scorpion whip so she can take advantage of her intelligence with weapon expertise and the connected feat tree. Even the whip tree.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I'll suggest the Witch class, with the Princess trait to pick up some social skills as class to have that royal presence.

Shadow Lodge

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Imbicatus wrote:

Actually, I think magus fits well because the CHA would be low. With as abrasive as the character is, I don't see CHA being high. CHA is a measure of personality, not looks, and this princesses personality is terrible. As a Magus he INT would be high, Cha and Wis low, which seems to match her flaws well. Bruising intellect trait would allow Intimidate to remain high by making it Int-based.

Skirnir, Hexcrafter, Kensai, Bladebound, and vanilla Magus would all be appropriate.

Charisma is a representation of how STRONG an impression you make on others, not whether or not that impression is positive. A pretty wallflower who complements you timidly likely has much less charisma than an abyssal sorcerer tyrant who terrifies his subjects.

This princess is making incredibly strong impressions everywhere, even if almost all of them are negative.

Seconding both the vote for the Pride drawback if applicable, and the Arcane Duelist class.

Incidentally we have a commoner-made-noble in our party who plays Arcane Duelist and it fits quite nicely.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
...As a pupil she proved quite good at (fighting/magic) and excelled at academic subjects, which only intensified her arrogance. Now in her late teens...the Royal Guard taking her blindfolded to a town several hundred miles from the border with some basic supplies and a meager amount of gold.

Building off your backstory...with the caveat that I "optimize" to fit a concept, not to have big numbers in slots.

This feels like it could be a spontaneous caster, (I see an earlier suggestion of Witch, but I haven't played one of those, so I'm thinking of her as a Sorcerer.)

She's still very young, so if she has excelled at magic and combat, spontaneous casting makes some thematic sense (to me), since she would simply be innately good at magic, and still have plenty of time left over to focus on academics and combat training. This would also remove the potential contradiction of being banished with next to nothing after a coup, and yet still being allowed to keep her spell book.

I'd echo the previous posts about CHA not necessarily being a low stat for her simply because she's unpleasant.

A lot of your mechanical choices will be dictated by what level you intend to build to, of course.

If you're building level one and really want her to be a competent combatant, maybe consider a pure fighter with magical flavor thrown in through traits and feats. Maybe a human fighter, with the Magical Knack trait for whatever casting class you intend to pursue. For more magical flavor, perhaps Eldritch Heritage (arcane bloodline) so she starts with a familiar. That would require skill focus in a knowledge skill, which could reflect her academic excellence. It would mean using CHA as a high stat (13 minimum), but again, that could fit the concept, and would be a boon if you build up as a spontaneous caster later.

If I was dumping a traitor to the crown on the side of the road I wouldn't leave her with much, but a familiar is a pretty hard thing to take away, especially if it can fly.

Dark Archive

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If you do want to go the spontaneous route, I'd go Arcane Duelist over sorc or fighter with magic-y feats and sorc levels + Edritch knight. Since she learned both combat and magic, she'll naturally have to possess spellcasting ability at level 1. Thus, Arcane Duelist, if you want her to be charismatic, is ideal for this. If you see her as low charisma, then Magus would be best. It all depends on how -charismatic- you see her being and how you view charisma as a stat. I personally view charisma as a spectrum rather then a hard scale of impression strength or type which most of the posters here have been echoing. To me, charisma is not JUST the strength of the impression make not is it JUST the kind of impression you leave but rather a mixture of both.

To me cha is a spectrum of personality types, not a sliding scale. Your princess, to me, could either be low charisma or high charisma depending on how you play her. Charisma is all about how well a character is able to force their will on others, not how big an impression they leave or how nasty they are. To me both the abrasive, nasty dislikeable brat and quite, kind-hearted but shy, quite wallflower who lacks confidence are neither in of themselves archetypes which have a charisma score attached to them. Rather, they can fall anywhere on the spectrum depending on how they are played. The quite wallflower, if played as a low cha character will be unnoticed and disliked by others because of her social awkwardness. People will forget about her, ignore her and possibly scorn her her because of her shyness, lack of confidence and social graces.

If she is played as high cha, then she can still be shy, not all that personable and lack confidence but people will instead be drawn to her. Maybe despite her shyness, lack of confidence and social graces she has a kindness and genuineness that makes her well-liked. She may not be able to say the right things and may even lack the confidence to say much of anything but she gets people to like and respect her because she has those admirable traits and a genuineness that many egocentric extroverts lack. She has a forcefulness about her despite her demure nature.

Likewise, with your princess, the same kind of idea can apply. She can have as high or as low a charisma as you like, it just depends on how she's played. If she is low charisma, then she'll have all those negative traits, be absolutly unable to cover up/hide them, and more importantly they will make her leave LESS able to force her personality on others then somebody else would. The negative traits would make people want to distance themselves from her but also ignore her. People would find her personality so repulsive that she would have trouble influencing them at all.People would dislike her, but also write her off and ignore her because of it. She would be so nasty people would just want to forget about her rather then spend any extended peirod even thinking about her. They would see her as not worth their thought and effort and even when she tried to use intimidation people would see her as a just a spoiled little rich girl that they hardly had a reason to fear. She can even be a forceful person and have low cha, it's just that she's forceful in all the wrong ways. If this is the case when she tries to force herself on others she only ends up making things worse. Instead of being forceful in a way that people respect and/or fear her, that forcefulness instead makes her come off as annoying, overbearing and petulant. By being "forceful" she makes herself even less able to force her will on others, turning them away with her and making them write her off even more rather then drawing them in and making them listen. Instead of her negative traits being a thing that would command attention, respect and/or fear they would make her disregarded by others and written off as a nasty, spoiled little brat not worth the time and thought.

Now, if she was played as a high cha character with these traits, she would be the troupe known as the "magnificant bastard." If she is high cha she may be a detestable, heinous person but yet despite these qualities she is memorable and has a magnatisim about her that draws people to her despite. While she may be a spoiled, abrasive brat, she is one that leaves an impression and more importantly can force her will onto others. Instead of people forgetting and writing her off as a nasty brat not worth the thought people get interested her and, more importantly, do as she says. When she tries to be forceful, people don't find it annoying or petulant, they find it intimidating or worthy of respect. She may be cruel and dis likeable, but she has a way with getting other people to do what she wants and can command attention. People may revile her, yet at the same time they are drawn to her. Just like people in real life are drawn to the villains in various media people would be drawn to your princess because of how she is able to impress her will on others despite her negative qualities."

So in the end don't think that this character MUST have high charisma or MUST have low charisma. She can have either or, it just depends on how you want to portray her and how you see her putting her personality onto others.

Takhisis wrote:
...Since she learned both combat and magic, she'll naturally have to possess spellcasting ability at level 1. ...

This bit I would disagree with, simply going from the concept as it was laid out. "Excelling in magic" could mean a variety of things, really. That excellence could be reflected in traits, feats, or skills, rather than the actual ability to cast a spell at level one.

If the intent is to actually have a caster with more than one spell at level one then you're absolutely right, the fighter with magic traits/feats is the wrong way to go.

Liberty's Edge

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Uh, guys, I think that "excelled at (fighting/magic)" means, in context "fighting and/or magic". Which wasn't specified since the OP hadn't decided on a class, but it doesn't have to be both, I don't think.

Arcane Duelist certainly works mechanically, though personally, I think really high Charisma is inappropriate. Charisma 16+ and people may not like you, but they're impressed with you (if only scared s+&$less or grudgingly admiring). Nobody seems impressed with the princess in the least, they just hate her guts. That says Chr 12-14 to me...and I don't feel that's enough for any sort of Bard.

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I decided on below average Cha, because she doesn't command respect at all. People used to listen to her solely because of rank, and now that she lacks that they don't listen to her. She may be pretty, but she is abrasive and annoying and comes off that way very quickly, without having any aura of authority or personal magnetism that might encourage people to listen to her anyway. People will either tell her to shove her attitude or ignore her.

Grand Lodge

Then Magus is a better fit.

Kensai seems fitting.

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I have a preliminary character build, but I have yet to apply equipment or traits/drawbacks and her archetype. I'm just posting design decisions, because I have to get to work soon. I'll post the rest of the mechanics when I get off shift. She is going to take Free Hand Fighter, and arm herself with a rapier and throwing knives. I have decided not to be a spellcaster at all, and focus on her being really skilled and flamboyant with a sword. I'm taking her combat style from Three Musketeers and Zorro.

Female Human Fighter 5 | [True Neutral]

15 (+2)
20 (+5)
15 (+2)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
7 (-2)

HP 47

Combat Reflexes
Weapon Finesse
Combat Patrol
Nimble Moves
Acrobatic Step

Acrobatics 5
Climb 5
Know Nobility 5
Know (Nature, History, Geography, Engineering, Religion) 1

+2 Dex bonus
Favored class Fighter (+1 HP/level)

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, with low Charisma, Magus seems solid. Fighter or Wizard also works, of course, as does Urban Ranger or Urban Barbarian.

Cavalier still works thematically, but Order of the Cockatrice needs a bit of Charisma to do its best work, and none of the other Orders seem thematically fitting.

EDIT: Looking at stats...rolled or point-buy? It looks like you sold down Wis and Cha, but I can't get the point-buy to make sense.

Mechanical Advice: Assuming we are talking point-buy, you'll eventually want an Agile weapon, so dropping Strength to, say, 13 (and buying up some combination of Dex, Con, and Int) isn't a bad call, and, for effectiveness, Power Attack is highly recommended. As are Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization. 1d6+3 or 4 damage is just not gonna do it at 5th level.

Grand Lodge

I really suggest Magus, instead of Fighter.

As a bit of kit to ponder for for later levels, I've got a rapier-wielder using a variant of the Ten-Ring Sword.

Ringed Rapier:

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 14,315 gp

This finely crafted +2 rapier has small locking hoop at the base of the hilt that appears to be the appropriate size to fasten a ring to the weapon. The wielder of a Ringed Rapier can use a full-round action to place a magic ring into this empty hoop, where the ring then rests until removed (another full-round action). Once a ring is fitted to the hoop the sword's wielder can employ that ring as if he were wearing it, even if he is currently wearing two magic rings. Alternatively, the rapier's wielder can fit a ring made of a specific metal like adamantine or cold iron into the tenth slot. Doing so allows the rapier to penetrate damage reduction as if it were made of the same metal as the ring. Using this property does not grant the weapon any additional properties of that metal (such as bypassing hardness, etc.). Typically, such metal rings cost one-tenth the cost of a standard rapier made from that material. In the event that a magic ring made from a specific metal, like silver, is affixed to the sword's hoop, the sword's wielder decides which of the weapon's two properties will be in effect when the ring is placed. However, the sword's wielder can use a move action to switch between properties.


Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mage hand, versatile weapon; Cost 7,157 gp

I don't know if I can see the logic in taking dodge, mobility, nimble moves, acrobatics steps, which are all movement based, and then taking combat patrol, which basically locks you down in one place for an entire turn. You can always just quaff a potion of feather step if terrain is an issue.

Here is my take: if you're going to build a free hand fighter, you should probably take advantage of their best class features: their bonus to disarm and feint. In particular, disarm is quite nice as Deceptive Strike and Singleton both add to it.

Here is a sample rebuid:

To capitalize on feint, I gave her both a trait and a racial trait that gives skill focus.
HP: Average + 1 per level
20 pt. build
Favored Class to HP
Focused study (human racial trait replaces bonus feat with extra Skill Focus at 1st, 8th and 16th levels)

Free-Hand Fighter Take 2:

Female Human (free hand fighter) fighter 5
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4, Senses Perception +1
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +4 Dex, +2 dodge), Combat Expertise
hp 44 ((5d10)+10)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 rapier +11 (1d6+4/18-20) (tied to weapon cord)
Ranged acid +9 (1d6)
Ranged alchemist's fire +9 (1d6)
Melee dagger +9 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged dagger +9 (1d4+2/19-20)

During Combat During combat Esme will feint her foes first, and then proceed to disarm them or strike them with power attack.

Str 14, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8,
Base Atk +5; CMB +7 (+14 disarm); CMD 22 (25 vs disarm)
Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Bluff), Weapon Finesse
Acrobatics +12 (+13 to jump) (5 ranks)
Bluff +11 (+12 to create diversion to hide or feint; with mask of stony demeanor: +17 feint, +21 lie, +6 pass hidden message) (5 ranks)
Climb +9 (4 ranks)
Handle Animal +3 (1 rank)
Knowledge (Geography) +3 (1 rank)
Knowledge (History) +3 (1 rank)
Knowledge (Nature) +3 (1 rank)
Knowledge (Nobility) +5 (3 ranks)
Knowledge (Religion) +3 (1 rank)
Perception +1 (1 rank)
Ride +7 (1 rank)
Swim +5 (1 rank)
ACP -1, except to jump and climb
Traits Reckless, Unpredictable
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
SQ bonus feats, deceptive strike, elusive, focused study, singleton, skilled, weapon and armor proficiency
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds (2), potion of protection from evil, potion of remove fear, potion of barkskin +2, potion of feather step, potion of invisibility, potion of jump, acid (flask) (2), alchemist's fire (flask) (2)
Other Gear +1 mithral agile breastplate, mask of stony demeanor, rapier +1, cloak of resistance +1, uniform (soldier's), backpack, common, bedroll, canteen, flint and steel, mess kit, ioun torch, weapon cord, belt pouch, dagger (4), rations (trail/per day) (5), 228.1 gp
Bonus Feats At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats, sometimes also called "fighter bonus feats." Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.

Deceptive Strike (Ex) At 2nd level, a free hand fighter gains a +1 bonus to CMB and CMD on disarm checks and on Bluff checks to feint or create a diversion to hide. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 2nd. This ability replaces bravery.

Elusive (Ex) At 3rd level, a free hand fighter gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 2nd. This bonus does not apply when wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavier load. This ability replaces armor training 4.

Fast-Talker You had a knack at getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age.

Focused Study (Ex) At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, gain skill focus in a skill of your choice.

Reckless You have a tendency for rash behavior, often disregarding your own safety as you move across the battlefield. You gain a +1 bonus on Acrobatics checks, and Acrobatics is always a class skill for you.

Singleton (Ex) At 5th level, a free hand fighter gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when wielding a melee weapon in one hand and leaving his other hand free. This ability replaces weapon training 1 and 4. This bonus increases by +1 per six levels after 5th.

Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Unpredictable Your actions often seem random and chaotic to others, but there is a method to your madness. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).

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